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hemingway, ernest - garden of eden-第3节

小说: hemingway, ernest - garden of eden 字数: 每页4000字

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e heavy wind behind them and then on to le Grau du Roi。 They had been there ever since。

It had been wonderful and they had been truly happy and he had not known that you could love anyone so much that you cared about nothing else and other things seemed inexistent。 He had many problems when he married but he had thought of none of them here nor of writing nor of anything but being with this girl whom he loved and was married to and he did not have the sudden deadly clarity that had always come after intercourse。

That was gone。 Now when they had made love they would eat and drink and make love again。 It was a very simple world and he had never been truly happy in any other。 He thought that it must be the same with her and certainly she acted in that way but today there had been this thing about the change and the surprise。 But maybe it would be a happy change and a good surprise。 The brandy and water as he drank it and read the local paper made him look forward to whatever it was。

This was the first time since they had come on the wedding trip that he had taken a drink of brandy or whiskey when they were not together。 But he was not working and his only rules about drinking were never to drink before or while he was working。 It would be good to work again but that would come soon enough as he well knew and he must remember to be unselfish about it and make it as clear as he could that the enforced loneliness was regrettable and that he was not proud of it。 He was sure she would be fine about it and she had her own resources but he hated to think of it; the work; starting when they were as they were now。 It never could start of course without the clarity and he wondered if she knew that and if that was why she drove beyond what they had for something new that nothing could break。 But what could it be? They could not be held tighter together than they were now and there was no bad ness afterwards。 There was only happiness and loving each other and then hunger and replenishing and starting over。

He found that he had drunk the fine a l'eau and that it was getting late in the afternoon。 He ordered another and started to concentrate on the paper。 But the paper did not interest him as it should and he was looking out at the sea with late afternoon sun heavy on it when he heard her come into the cafe and say in her throaty voice; 〃Hello darling。〃

She came quickly to the table and sat down and lifted her chin and looked at him with the laughing eyes and the golden face with the tiny freckles。 Her hair was cropped as short as a boy's。 It was cut with no compromises。 It was brushed back; heavy as always; but the sides were cut short and the ears that grew close to her head were clear and the tawny line of her hair was cropped close to her head and smooth and sweeping back。 She turned her head and lifted her breasts and said; 〃Kiss me please。〃

He kissed her and looked at her face and at her hair and he kissed her again。

〃Do you like it? Feel it how smooth。 Feel it in back;〃 she said。

He felt it in back。

〃Feel on my cheek and feel in front of my ear。 Run your fingers up at the sides。〃

〃You see;〃 she said。 〃That's the surprise。 I'm a girl。 But now I'm a boy too and I can do anything and anything and anything。〃

〃Sit here by me;〃 he said。 〃What do you want; brother。〃

〃Oh thank you;〃 she said。 〃I'll take what you're having。 You see why it's dangerous; don't you?〃

〃Yes。 I see。

〃But wasn't I good to do it?〃


〃Not maybe。 No。 I thought about it。 I've thought all about it。 Why do we have to go by everyone else's rules? We're us。

〃We were having a good time and I didn't feel any rules。〃

〃Would you please just put your hand over it again。〃

He did and he kissed her。

〃Oh you're sweet;〃 she said。 〃And you do like it。 I can feel and I can tell。 You don't have to love it。 Just like it at first。〃

〃I like it;〃 he said。 〃And you have such a beautifully shaped head that it is very beautiful with the lovely bones of your face。〃

〃Don't you like it at the sides?〃 she asked。 〃It isn't faked or phony。 It's a true boy's haircut and not from any beauty shop。〃

〃Who cut it?〃

〃The coiffeur at Aigues Mortes。 The one who cut your hair a week ago。 You told him how you wanted yours cut then and I told him to cut mine just the same as yours。 He was very nice and wasn't at all surprised。 He wasn't worried at all。 He said exactly like yours? And I said exactly。 Doesn't it do anything to you; David?〃

〃Yes;〃 he said。

〃Stupid people will think it is strange。 But we must be proud。 I love to be proud。〃

〃So do I;〃 he said。 〃We'll start being proud now。

They sat there in the cafe and watched the reflection of the setting sun over the water and watched the dusk come to the town and they drank the fine l'eau。 People came by the cafe without being rude to see the girl because they had been the only foreigners in the village and had been there now nearly three weeks and she was a great beauty and they liked her。 Then there had been the big fish today and ordinarily there would have been much talk about that but this other was a big thing in the village too。 No decent girls had ever had their hair cut short like that in this part of the country and even in Paris it was rare and strange and could be beautiful or could be very bad。 It could mean too much or it could only mean showing the beautiful shape of a head that could never be shown as well。

They ate a steak for dinner; rare; with mashed potatoes and flageolets and a salad and the girl asked if they might drink Tavel。 〃It is a great wine for people that are in love;〃 she said。

She had always looked; he thought; exactly her age which was now twenty…one。 He had been very proud of her for that。 But tonight she did not look it。 The lines of her cheekbones showed clear as he had never seen them before and she smiled and her face was heartbreaking。

In the room it was dark with only a little light from outside。 It was cool now with the breeze and the top sheet was gone from the bed。

〃Dave; you don't mind if we've gone to the devil; do you?〃

〃No; girl;〃 he said。

〃Don't call me girl。〃

〃Where I'm holding you you are a girl;〃 he said。 He held her tight around her breasts and he opened and closed his fingers feeling her and the hard erect freshness between his fingers。

〃They're just my dowry;〃 she said。 〃The new is my surprise。 Feel。 No leave them。 They'll be there。 Feel my cheeks and the back of my neck。 Oh it feels so wonderful and good and clean and new。 Please love me David the way I am。 Please under stand and love me。〃

He had shut his eyes and he could feel the long light weight of her on him and her breasts pressing against him and her lips on his。 He lay there and felt something and then her hand holding him and searching lower and he helped with his hands and then lay back in the dark and did not think at all and only felt the weight and the strangeness inside and she said; 〃Now you can't tell who is who can you?〃

〃You are changing;〃 she said。 〃Oh you are。 You are。 Yes you are and you're my girl Catherine。 Will you change and be my girl and let me take you?〃

〃You're Catherine。〃

〃No。 I'm Peter。 You're my wonderful Catherine。 You're my beautiful lovely Catherine。 You were so good to change。 Oh thank you; Catherine; so much。 Please understand。 Please know and understand。 I'm going to make love to you forever。〃

At the end they were both dead and empty but it was not over。 They lay side by side in the dark with their legs touching and her head was on his arm。 The moon had risen and there was a little more light in the room。 She ran her hand exploringly down over his belly without looking and said; 〃You don't think I'm wicked?〃

〃Of course not。 But how long have you thought about that?〃
〃Not all the time。 But quite a lot。 You were so wonderful to let it happen。〃
The young man put his arms around the girl and held her very tight to him and felt her lovely breasts against his chest and kissed her on her dear mouth。 He held her close and hard and inside himself he said goodbye and then goodbye and goodbye。
〃Let's lie very still and quiet and hold each other and not think at all;〃 he said and his heart said goodbye Catherine good bye my lovely girl goodbye and good luck and goodbye。

Chapter Two

HE STOOD UP and looked up and down the beach; corked the bottle of oil and put it in a side pocket of the rucksack and then walked down to the sea feeling the sand grow cool under his feet。 He looked at the girl on her back on the sloping beach; her eyes closed; her arms against her sides; and behind her the slanted square of canvas and the  first tufts of beach grass。 She ought not to stay too long in that position with the sun straight up and down on her; he thought。 Then he walked out and dove flat into the  clear cold water and turned on his back and swam backstroke out to sea watching the  beach beyond the steady beat of his legs and feet。 He turned in the water and swam  down to the bottom and touched the coarse sand and felt the heavy ridges of it and then  came up to the surface and swam steadily in; seeing how slow he could keep the beat  of his crawl。 He walked up to the girl and saw that she was asleep。 He found h

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