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penguin island-第31节

小说: penguin island 字数: 每页4000字

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ubvert the proofs of the accusation because they could not know what they were; and they could not know what they were because there were none。 Pyrot's guilt was indefeasible through its very nullity。 And it was with a legitimate pride that Greatauk; expressing himself as a true artist; said one day to General Panther: 〃This case is a master…piece: it is made out of nothing。〃 The seven hundred Pyrotists despaired of ever clearing up this dark business; when suddenly they discovered; from a stolen letter; that the eighty thousand trusses of hay had never existed; that a most distinguished nobleman; Count de Maubec; had sold them to the State; that he had received the price but had never delivered them。 Indeed seeing that he was descended from the richest landed proprietors of ancient Penguinia; the heir of the Maubecs of Dentdulynx; once the possessors of four duchies; sixty counties; and six hundred and twelve marquisates; baronies; and viscounties; he did not possess as much land as he could cover with his hand; and would not have been able to cut a single day'S mowing of forage off his own domains。 As to his getting a single rush from a land…owner or a merchant; that would have been quite impossible; for everybody except the Ministers of State and the Government officials knew that it would be easier to get blood from a stone than a farthing from a Maubec。

The seven hundred Pyrotists made a minute inquiry concerning the Count Maubec de la Dentdulynx's financial resources; and they proved that that nobleman was chiefly supported by a house in which some generous ladies were ready to furnish all comers with the most lavish hospitality。 They publicly proclaimed that he was guilty of the theft of the eighty thousand trusses of straw for which an innocent man had been condemned and was now imprisoned in the cage。

Maubec belonged to an illustrious family which was allied to the Draconides。 There is nothing that a democracy esteems more highly than noble birth。 Maubec had also served in the Penguin army; and since the Penguins were all soldiers; they loved their army to idolatry。 Maubec; on the field of battle; had received the Cross; which is a sign of honour among the Penguins and which they valued even more highly than the embraces of their wives。 All Penguinia declared for Maubec; and the voice of the people which began to assume a threatening tone; demanded severe punishments for the seven hundred calumniating Pyrotists。

Maubec was a nobleman; he challenged the seven hundred Pyrotists to combat with either sword; sabre; pistols; carabines; or sticks。

〃Vile dogs;〃 he wrote to them in a famous letter; 〃you have crucified my God and you want my life too; I warn you that I will not be such a duffer as He was and that I will cut off your fourteen hundred ears。 Accept my boot on your seven hundred behinds。〃

The Chief of the Government at the time was a peasant called Robin Mielleux; a man pleasant to the rich and powerful; but hard towards the poor; a man of small courage and ignorant of his own interests。 In a public declaration he guaranteed Maubec's innocence and honour; and presented the seven hundred Pyrotists: to the criminal courts where they were condemned; as libellers; to imprisonment; to enormous fines; and to all the damages that were claimed by their innocent victim。

It seemed as if Pyrot was destined to remain for ever shut in the cage on which the ravens perched。 But all the Penguins being anxious to know and prove that this Jew was guilty; all the proofs brought forward were found not to be good; while some of them were also contradictory。 The officers of the Staff showed zeal but lacked prudence。 Whilst Greatauk kept an admirable silence; General Panther made inexhaustible speeches and every morning demonstrated in the newspapers that the condemned man was guilty。 He would have done better; perhaps; if he had said nothing。 The guilt was evident and what is evident cannot be demonstrated。 So much reasoning disturbed people's minds; their faith; though still alive; became less serene。 The more proofs one gives a crowd the more they ask for。

Nevertheless the danger of proving too much would not have been great if there had not been in Penguinia; as there are; indeed; everywhere; minds framed for free inquiry; capable of studying a difficult question; and inclined to philosophic doubt。 They were few; they were not all inclined to speak; and the public was by no means inclined to listen to them。 Still; they did not always meet with deaf ears。 The great Jews; all the Israelite millionaires of Alca; when spoken to of Pyrot; said: 〃We do not know the man〃; but they thought of saving him。 They preserved the prudence to which their wealth inclined them and wished that others would be less timid。 Their wish was to be gratified。


Some weeks after the conviction of the seven hundred Pyrotists; a little; gruff; hairy; short…sighted man left his house one morning with a paste…pot; a ladder; and a bundle of posters and went about the streets pasting placards to the walls on which might be read in large letters: Pyrot is innocent; Maubec is guilty。 He was not a bill…poster; his name was Colomban; and as the author of sixty volumes on Penguin sociology he was numbered among the most laborious and respected writers in Alca。 Having given sufficient thought to the matter and no longer doubting Pyrot's innocence; he proclaimed it in the manner which he thought would be most sensational。 He met with no hindrance while posting his bills in the quiet streets; but when he came to the populous quarters; every time he mounted his ladder; inquisitive people crowded round him and; dumbfounded with surprise and indignation; threw at him threatening looks which he received with the calm that comes from courage and short…sightedness。 Whilst caretakers and tradespeople tore down the bills he had posted; he kept on zealously placarding; carrying his tools and followed by little boys who; with their baskets under their arms or their satchels on their backs; were in no hurry to reach school。 To the mute indignation against him; protests and murmurs were now added。 But Colomban did not condescend to see or hear anything。 As; at the entrance to the Rue St。 Orberosia; he was posting one of his squares of paper bearing the words: Pyrot is innocent; Maubec is guilty; the riotous crowd showed signs of the most violent anger。 They called after him; 〃Traitor; thief; rascal; scoundrel。〃 A woman opened a window and emptied a vase full of filth over his head; a cabby sent his hat flying from one end of the street to the other by a blow of his whip amid the cheers of the crowd who now felt themselves avenged。 A butcher's boy knocked Colomban with his paste…pot; his brush; and his posters; from the top of his ladder into the gutter; and the proud Penguins then felt the greatness of their country。 Colomban stood up;; covered with filth; lame; and with his elbow injured; but tranquil and resolute。

〃Low brutes;〃 he muttered; shrugging his shoulders。

Then he went down on all…fours in the gutter to look for his glasses which he had lost in his fall。 t was then seen that his coat was split from the collar to the tails and that his trousers were in rags。 The rancour of the crowd grew stronger。

On the other side of the street stretched the big St。 Orberosian Stores。 The patriots seized whatever they could lay their hands on from the shop front; and hurled at Colomban oranges; lemons; pots of jam; pieces of chocolate; bottles of liqueurs; boxes of sardines; pots of foie gras; hams; fowls; flasks of oil; and bags of haricots。 Covered with the debris of the food; bruised; tattered; lame; and blind; he took to flight; followed by the shop…boys; bakers; loafers; citizens; and hooligans whose number increased each moment and who kept shouting: 〃Duck him! Death to the traitor! Duck him!〃 This torrent of vulgar humanity swept along the streets and rushed into the Rue St。 Mael。 The police did their duty。 From all the adjacent streets constables proceeded and; holding their scabbards with their left hands; they went at full speed in front of the pursuers。 They were on the point of grabbing Colomban in their huge hands when he suddenly escaped them by falling through an open man…hole to the bottom of a sewer。

He spent the night there in the darkness; sitting close by the dirty water amidst the fat and slimy rats。 He thought of his task; and his swelling heart filled with courage and pity。 And when the dawn threw a pale ray of light into the air…hole he got up and said; speaking to himself:

〃I see that the fight will be a stiff one。〃

Forthwith he composed a memorandum in which he clearly showed that Pyrot could not have stolen from the Ministry of War the eighty thousand trusses of hay which it had never received; for the reason that Maubec had never delivered them; though he had received the money。 Colomban caused this statement to be distributed in the streets of Alca。 The people refused to read it and tore it up in anger。 The shop…keepers shook their fists at the distributers; who made off; chased by angry women armed with brooms。 Feelings grew warm and the ferment lasted the whole day。 In the evening bands of wild and ragged men went

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