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moments of vision and miscellaneous verses-第11节

小说: moments of vision and miscellaneous verses 字数: 每页4000字

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Of his long journey citywards;
When he; too; scanned the love…birds;
   On entering there that day。

And billed and billed the love…birds;
   As 'twere in fond despair
   At the stress of silence where
Had once been tones in tenor thirds;
And billed and billed the love…birds
   As 'twere in fond despair。

O; his speech that chilled the love…birds;
   And smote like death on me;
   As I learnt what was to be;
And knew my life was broke in sherds!
O; his speech that chilled the love…birds;
   And smote like death on me!


I went by footpath and by stile
   Beyond where bustle ends;
Strayed here a mile and there a mile
   And called upon some friends。

On certain ones I had not seen
   For years past did I call;
And then on others who had been
   The oldest friends of all。

It was the time of midsummer
   When they had used to roam;
But now; though tempting was the air;
   I found them all at home。

I spoke to one and other of them
   By mound and stone and tree
Of things we had done ere days were dim;
   But they spoke not to me。


Warm yellowy…green
In the blue serene;
How they skip and sway
On this autumn day!
They cannot know
What has happened below; …
That their boughs down there
Are already quite bare;
That their own will be
When a week has passed; …
For they jig as in glee
To this very last。

But no; there lies
At times in their tune
A note that cries
What at first I fear
I did not hear:
〃O we remember
At each wind's hollo …
Though life holds yet …
We go hence soon;
For 'tis November;
… But that you follow
You may forget!〃


〃It never looks like summer here
   On Beeny by the sea。〃
But though she saw its look as drear;
   Summer it seemed to me。

It never looks like summer now
   Whatever weather's there;
But ah; it cannot anyhow;
   On Beeny or elsewhere!

March 8; 1913。


〃The house is bleak and cold
   Built so new for me!
All the winds upon the wold
   Search it through for me;
No screening trees abound;
And the curious eyes around
   Keep on view for me。〃

〃My Love; I am planting trees
   As a screen for you
Both from winds; and eyes that tease
   And peer in for you。
Only wait till they have grown;
No such bower will be known
   As I mean for you。〃

〃Then I will bear it; Love;
   And will wait;〃 she said。
… So; with years; there grew a grove。
   〃Skill how great!〃 she said。
〃As you wished; Dear?〃〃Yes; I see!
ButI'm dying; and for me
   'Tis too late;〃 she said。


   There was merry…making
   When the first dart fell
   As a heralding; …
Till grinned the fully bared thing;
   And froze like a spell …
      Like a spell。

   Innocent was she;
   Innocent was I;
   Too simple we!
Before us we did not see;
   Nearing; aught wry …
      Aught wry!

   I can tell it not now;
   It was long ago;
   And such things cow;
But that is why and how
   Two lives were so …
      Were so。

   Yes; the years matured;
   And the blows were three
   That time ensured
On her; which she dumbly endured;
   And one on me …
      One on me。


There was a glorious time
At an epoch of my prime;
Mornings beryl…bespread;
And evenings golden…red;
   Nothing gray:
And in my heart I said;
〃However this chanced to be;
It is too full for me;
Too rare; too rapturous; rash;
Its spell must close with a crash
   Some day!〃

The radiance went on
Anon and yet anon;
And sweetness fell around
Like manna on the ground。
   〃I've no claim;〃
Said I; 〃to be thus crowned:
I am not worthy this:…
Must it not go amiss? …
Well 。 。 。 let the end foreseen
Come duly!I am serene。〃
  And it came。


No use hoping; or feeling vext;
Tugged by a force above or under
Like some fantocine; much I wonder
What I shall find me doing next!

Shall I be rushing where bright eyes be?
Shall I be suffering sorrows seven?
Shall I be watching the stars of heaven;
Thinking one of them looks like thee?

Part is mine of the general Will;
Cannot my share in the sum of sources
Bend a digit the poise of forces;
And a fair desire fulfil?

Nov。 1893。


〃The very last time I ever was here;〃 he said;
〃I saw much less of the quick than I saw of the dead。〃
… He was a man I had met with somewhere before;
But how or when I now could recall no more。

〃The hazy mazy moonlight at one in the morning
Spread out as a sea across the frozen snow;
Glazed to live sparkles like the great breastplate adorning
The priest of the Temple; with Urim and Thummim aglow。

〃The yew…tree arms; glued hard to the stiff stark air;
Hung still in the village sky as theatre…scenes
When I came by the churchyard wall; and halted there
At a shut…in sound of fiddles and tambourines。

〃And as I stood hearkening; dulcimers; haut…boys; and shawms;
And violoncellos; and a three…stringed double…bass;
Joined in; and were intermixed with a singing of psalms;
And I looked over at the dead men's dwelling…place。

〃Through the shine of the slippery snow I now could see;
As it were through a crystal roof; a great company
Of the dead minueting in stately step underground
To the tune of the instruments I had before heard sound。

〃It was 'Eden New;' and dancing they sang in a chore;
'We are out of it all!yea; in Little…Ease cramped no more!'
And their shrouded figures pacing with joy I could see
As you see the stage from the gallery。  And they had no heed of me。

〃And I lifted my head quite dazed from the churchyard wall
And I doubted not that it warned I should soon have my call。
But〃 。 。 。 Then in the ashes he emptied the dregs of his cup;
And onward he went; and the darkness swallowed him up。


I should not have shown in the flesh;
I ought to have gone as a ghost;
It was awkward; unseemly almost;
Standing solidly there as when fresh;
   Pink; tiny; crisp…curled;
   My pinions yet furled
   From the winds of the world。

After waiting so many a year
To wait longer; and go as a sprite
From the tomb at the mid of some night
Was the right; radiant way to appear;
   Not as one wanzing weak
   From life's roar and reek;
   His rest still to seek:

Yea; beglimpsed through the quaint quarried glass
Of green moonlight; by me greener made;
When they'd cry; perhaps; 〃There sits his shade
In his olden hauntjust as he was
   When in Walkingame he
   Conned the grand Rule…of…Three
   With the bent of a bee。〃

But to show in the afternoon sun;
With an aspect of hollow…eyed care;
When none wished to see me come there;
Was a garish thing; better undone。
   Yes; wrong was the way;
   But yet; let me say;
   I may right itsome day。


I thought; my Heart; that you had healed
Of those sore smartings of the past;
And that the summers had oversealed
   All mark of them at last。
But closely scanning in the night
I saw them standing crimson…bright
      Just as she made them:
      Nothing could fade them;
      Yea; I can swear
      That there they were …
      They still were there!

Then the Vision of her who cut them came;
And looking over my shoulder said;
〃I am sure you deal me all the blame
   For those sharp smarts and red;
But meet me; dearest; to…morrow night;
In the churchyard at the moon's half…height;
      And so strange a kiss
      Shall be mine; I wis;
      That you'll cease to know
      If the wounds you show
      Be there or no!〃


At last I entered a long dark gallery;
   Catacomb…lined; and ranged at the side
   Were the bodies of men from far and wide
Who; motion past; were nevertheless not dead。

〃The sense of waiting here strikes strong;
   Everyone's waiting; waiting; it seems to me;
   What are you waiting for so long? …
What is to happen?〃 I said。

〃O we are waiting for one called God;〃 said they;
   〃(Though by some the Will; or Force; or Laws;
   And; vaguely; by some; the Ultimate Cause;)
Waiting for him to see us before we are clay。
Yes; waiting; waiting; for God TO KNOW IT〃 。 。 。

   〃To know what?〃 questioned I。
〃To know how things have been going on earth and below it:
   It is clear he must know some day。〃
   I thereon asked them why。

〃Since he made us humble pioneers
Of himself in consciousness of Life's tears;
It needs no mighty prophecy
To tell that what he could mindlessly show
His creatures; he himself will know。

〃By some still close…cowled mystery
We have reached feeling faster than he;
But he will overtake us anon;
   If the world goes on。〃


In the third…class seat sat the journeying boy;
   And the roof…lamp's oily flame
Played down on his listless form and face;
Bewrapt past knowing to what he was going;
      Or whence he came。

In the band of his hat the journeying boy
   Had a ticket stuck; and a string
Around his neck bore the key of his box;
That twinkled gleams of the lamp's sad beams
      Like a living thing。

What past can be yours; O journeying boy

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