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northanger abbey(诺桑觉奇)-第66节

小说: northanger abbey(诺桑觉奇) 字数: 每页4000字

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marriage; permitted his   son  to  return   to  Northanger;   and   thence 

made him the bearer of his consent; very courteously worded in a 

page full of empty professions to Mr。 Morland。 The event which it 

authorized soon followed: Henry and Catherine were married; the 

bells rang; and everybody smiled; and; as this took place within a 

twelvemonth from the first day of their meeting; it will not appear; 

after  all   the   dreadful   delays   occasioned   by   the   General’s   cruelty; 

that they were essentially hurt by it。 To begin perfect happiness at 

the respective ages of twenty…six and eighteen is to do pretty well; 

and     professing     myself    moreover      convinced      that   the   General’s 

unjust     interference;     so  far   from   being    really   injurious    to   their 

felicity;   was   perhaps   rather   conducive   to   it;   by   improving   their 

knowledge of each other; and adding strength to their attachment; 

I leave it to be settled; by whomsoever it may concern; whether the 

Classics in Literature: Jane Austen                                            ElecBook 

… Page 276…

                        Jane Austen: Northanger Abbey                           276 

tendency      of   this  work    be   altogether     to  recommend        parental 

tyranny; or reward filial disobedience。 


Classics in Literature: Jane Austen                                         ElecBook 

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