太子爷小说网 > 英语电子书 > the great hoggarty diamond(大钻石) >


the great hoggarty diamond(大钻石)-第38节

小说: the great hoggarty diamond(大钻石) 字数: 每页4000字

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her savings for fifteen years。          Peace be to her soul! for certainly she left 

me a very pretty property。 

     Though      I  am    no   literary   man    myself;    my    cousin    Michael     (who 

generally; when he is short of coin; comes down and passes a few months 

with us) says that my Memoirs may be of some use to the public (meaning; 

I   suspect;   to   himself);   and   if   so;   I   am   glad   to   serve   him   and   them;   and 

hereby take farewell:         bidding all gents who peruse this; to be cautious of 

their   money;   if   they   have   it;   to   be   still   more   cautious   of   their   friends' 

money; to remember that great profits imply great risks; and that the great 

shrewd capitalists of this country would not be content with four per cent。 

for   their   money;   if   they   could   securely   get   more:    above   all;   I   entreat 

them   never   to   embark   in   any   speculation;   of   which   the   conduct   is   not 

perfectly clear to them; and of which the agents are not perfectly open and 



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