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by Xenophon

Translation by H。 G。 Dakyns

Dedicated To

Rev。 B。 Jowett察M。A。

Master of Balliol College

Regius Professor of Greek in the University of Oxford

Xenophon the Athenian was born 431 B。C。 He was a

pupil of Socrates。 He marched with the Spartans

and was exiled from Athens。 Sparta gave him land

and property in Scillus察where he lived for many

years before having to move once more察to settle

in Corinth。 He died in 354 B。C。

The Agesilaus summarises the life of his Spartan

friend and king察whom he met after the events of

the Anabasis。


An Encomium

The date of Agesilaus's death is uncertain360 B。C。 Grote

;H。 G。; ix。 336察358 B。C。 Curt。 iv。 196察Eng。 tr。


To write the praises of Agesilaus in language equalling his virtue and

renown is察I know察no easy task察yet must it be essayed察since it were

but an ill requital of pre´eminence察that察on the ground of his

perfection察a good man should forfeit the tribute even of imperfect


As touching察therefore察the excellency of his birth察what weightier

what nobler testimony can be adduced than this one fact拭To the

commemorative list of famous ancestry is added to´day the name1

Agesilaus as holding this or that numerical descent from Heracles察and

these ancestors no private persons察but kings sprung from the loins of

kings。 Nor is it open to the gainsayer to contend that they were kings

indeed but of some chance city。 Not so察but even as their family holds

highest honour in their fatherland察so too is their city the most

glorious in Hellas察whereby they hold察not primacy over the second

best察but among leaders they have leadership。

1АOr察 even to´day察in the proud bead´roll of his ancestry he stands

    commemorated察in numerical descent from Heracles。;

And herein it is open to us to praise both his fatherland and his

family。 It is notable that never throughout these ages has Lacedaemon

out of envy of the privilege accorded to her kings察tried to dissolve

their rule察nor ever yet throughout these ages have her kings strained

after greater powers than those which limited their heritage of

kingship from the first。 Wherefore察while all other forms of

government察democracies and oligarchies察tyrannies and monarchies

alike have failed to maintain their continuity unbroken察here察as the

sole exception察endures indissolubly their kingship。2

2АSee ;Cyrop。; I。 i。 1。

And next in token of an aptitude for kingship seen in Agesilaus

before even he entered upon office察I note these signs。 On the death

of Agis察king of Lacedaemon察there were rival claimants to the throne。

Leotychides claimed the succession as being the son of Agis察and

Agesilaus as the son of Archidamus。 But the verdict of Lacedaemon

favoured Agesilaus as being in point of family and virtue

unimpeachable撮3Аand so they set him on the throne。 And yet察in this

princeliest of cities so to be selected by the noblest citizens as

worthy of highest privilege察argues察methinks conclusively察an

excellence forerunning exercise of rule。4

3АFor this matter see ;Hell。; III。 iii。 1´6察V。 iv。 13察Plut。

    ;Ages。; iii。 3 Cloigh察iv。 3 foll。察Paus。 iii。 3。

4АSee Aristides ─Rhet。; 776察who quotes the passage for its

    measured cadence。

And so I pass on at once to narrate the chief achievements of his

reign察since by the light of deeds the character of him who wrought

them will察if I mistake not察best shine forth。

Agesilaus was still a youth5Аwhen he obtained the kingdom察and he

was still but a novice in his office when the news came that the king

of Persia was collecting a mighty armament by sea and land for the

invasion of Hellas。 The Lacedaemonians and their allies sat debating

these matters察when Agesilaus undertook to cross over into Asia。 He

only asked for thirty Spartans and two thousand New Citizens撮6

besides a contingent of the allies six thousand strong察with these he

would cross over into Asia and endeavour to effect a peace察or察if the

barbarian preferred war察he would leave him little leisure to invade


5АB。C。 399察according to Plut。 ─Ages。; ad fin。 he was forty´three

    and therefore still ;not old。; See ;Hell。; III。 iv。 1 for the

    startling news察B。C。 396。

6АFor the class of Neodamodes察see Arnold's note to Thuc。 v。 34

    Jowett察 Thuc。; ii。 307察also Thuc。 vii。 58察 Hell。; I。 iii。 15。

The proposal was welcomed with enthusiasm on the part of many。 They

could not but admire the eagerness of their king to retaliate upon the

Persian for his former invasions of Hellas by counter´invasion on his

own soil。 They liked the preference also which he showed for attacking

rather than awaiting his enemy's attack察and his intention to carry on

the war at the expense of Persia rather than that of Hellas察but it

was the perfection of policy察they felt察so to change the arena of

battle察with Asia as the prize of victory instead of Hellas。 If we

pass on to the moment when he had received his army and set sail察I

can conceive no clearer exposition of his generalship than the bare

narration of his exploits。

The scene is Asia察and this his first achievement。 Tissaphernes had

sworn an oath to Agesilaus on this wise此if Agesilaus would grant him

an armistice until the return of certain ambassadors whom he would

send to the king察he Tissaphernes would do his utmost to procure the

independence of the Hellenic cities in Asia。 And Agesilaus took a

counter oath此without fraud or covin to observe the armistice during

the three months7Аnecessary to that transaction。 But the compact was

scarcely made when Tissaphernes gave the lie to the solemn undertaking

he had sworn to。 So far from effecting peace察he begged the King to

send him a large armament in addition to that which he already had。 As

to Agesilaus察though he was well aware of these proceedings察he

adhered loyally to the armistice。

7АSee Grote察 H。 G。; x。 359察 Hell。; III。 iv。 5。

And for myself察I look upon this as the first glorious achievement of

the Spartan。 By displaying the perjury of Tissaphernes he robbed him

of his credit with all the world察by the exhibition of himself in

contrast as a man who ratified his oath and would not gainsay an

article of his agreement察he gave all men察Hellenes and barbarians

alike察encouragement to make covenant with him to the full extent of

his desire。

When Tissaphernes察priding himself on the strength of that army which

had come down to aid him察bade Agesilaus to be gone from Asia or to

prepare for war撮8Аdeep was the vexation depicted on the faces of the

Lacedaemonians there present and their allies察as they realised that

the scanty force of Agesilaus was all too small to cope with the

armaments of Persia。 But the brow of their general was lit with joy as

gaily he bade the ambassadors take back this answer to Tissaphernes

;I hold myself indebted to your master for the perjury whereby he has

obtained to himself the hostility of heaven察and made the gods

themselves allies of Hellas。; And so without further pause he

published a general order to his soldiers to pack their baggage and

prepare for active service察and to the several cities which lay on the

line of march to Caria察the order sped to have their markets in

readiness察while to the men of Ionia and the Aeolid and the Hellespont

he sent despatches bidding them send their contingents to Ephesus to

join in the campaign。

8АLit。 ;When Tissaphernes察priding himself 。 。 。 bade Agesilaus be

    gone 。 。 。 deep was the annoyance felt。;

Tissaphernes meanwhile was influenced by the fact that Agesilaus had

no cavalry察and that Caria was a hilly district unsuited for that arm。

Moreover察as he further bethought him察Agesilaus must needs be wroth

with him for his deceit。 What could be clearer察therefore察than that

he was about to make a dash at the satrap's home in Caria拭Accordingly

he transported the whole of his infantry into Caria and marched his

cavalry round the while into the plain of the Maeander察persuaded that

he would trample the Hellenes under the hoofs of his horses long


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