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malbone- an oldport romance[1].(瀧櫛下寓)-及7准

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

     ;What is it拭─asked Kate。 

     ;Somebody's       memoirs察─    said   Aunt    Jane。   ;Was     there  no   man    left 

worth writing about察that they should make a biography about this one拭It 

is like a life of Napoleon with all the battles left out。 They are conceited 

enough to put his age in the upper corner of each page too察as if anybody 

cared how old he was。; 

     ;Such pretty covers ─said Kate。          ;It is too bad。; 

     ;Yes察─  said   Aunt   Jane。   ;I   mean   to   send   them   back   and   have   new 

leaves put in。 These are so wretched察there is not a teakettle in the land so 

insignificant   that   it   would   boil   over   them。  Don't   let   us   talk   any   more 

about it。 Have Philip and Hope gone out upon the water拭─

     ;Yes察dear察─said Kate。       ;Did Ruth tell you拭─

     ;When did that aimless infant ever tell anything拭─

     ;Then how did you know it拭─

     ;If I waited for knowledge till that sweet´tempered parrot chose to tell 

me察─Aunt Jane went on察 I should be even more foolish than I am。; 

     ;Then how did you know拭─

     ;Of course   I heard the boat hauled down察and of   course I   knew  that 


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                          MALBONE此     AN    OLDPORT ROMANCE。 

none but lovers would go out just before a thunder´storm。 Then you and 

Harry came in察and I knew it was the others。; 

     ;Aunt   Jane察─  said   Kate察   you   divine   everything此   what   a   brain   you 

have ─

     ;Brain it is nothing but a collection of shreds察like a little girl's work´ 

basketa scrap of blue silk and a bit of white muslin。; 

     ;Now she is fishing for compliments察─said Kate察 and she shall have 

one。 She was very sweet and good to Philip last night。; 

     ;I know it察─said Aunt Jane察with a groan。            ;I waked in the night and 

thought   about   it。   I   was   awake   a   great   deal   last   night。 I   have   heard 

cocks   crowing   all   my   life察  but   I   never   knew   what   that   creature   could 

accomplish before。 So I lay and thought how good and forgiving I was察it 

was quite distressing。; 

     ;Remorse拭─said Kate。 

     ;Yes察  indeed。    I   hate   to   be   a   saint   all   the   time。 There   ought   to   be 

vacations。     Instead   of   suffering   from   a   bad   conscience察  I   suffer   from   a 

good one。; 

     ;It was no merit of yours察aunt察─put in Harry。            ;Who was ever more 

agreeable and lovable than Malbone last night拭─

     ;Lovable ─     burst  out   Aunt   Jane察  who    never   could   be  managed      or 

manipulated by anybody but Kate察and who often rebelled against Harry's 

blunt assertions。      ;Of course he is lovable察and that is why I dislike him。 

His father was so before him。           That is the worst of it。 I never in my life 

saw any harm done by  a villain察I wish I   could。 All the mischief in this 

world is done by lovable people。 Thank Heaven察nobody ever dared to call 

me lovable ─

     ;I should like to see any one dare call you anything elseyou dear察old察

soft´hearted darling ─interposed Kate。 

     ;But察  aunt察─  persisted   Harry察   if  you   only   knew   what   the   mass   of 

young men are; 

     ;Don't I拭─interrupted the impetuous lady。            ;What is there that is not 

known to any woman who has common sense察and eyes enough to look 

out of a window拭─


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                          MALBONE此      AN   OLDPORT ROMANCE。 

     ;If you only knew察─Harry went on察 how superior Phil Malbone is察in 

his whole tone察to any fellow of my acquaintance。; 

     ;Lord help the rest ─she answered。            ;Philip has a sort of refinement 

instead    of  principles察   and   a  heart  instead   of   a  consciencejust     heart 

enough to keep himself happy and everybody else miserable。; 

     ;Do   you    mean    to  say察─ asked    the  obstinate    Hal察  that  there   is  no 

difference between refinement and coarseness拭─

     ;Yes察there is察─she said。 

     ;Well察which is best拭─

     ;Coarseness is safer by a great deal察─said Aunt Jane察 in the hands of a 

man   like   Philip。    What   harm   can   that   swearing   coachman   do察  I   should 

like to know察in the street yonder拭To be sure it is very unpleasant察and I 

wonder they let people swear so察except察perhaps察in waste places outside 

the town察but that is his way of expressing himself察and he only frightens 

people察after all。; 

     ;Which Philip does not察─said Hal。 

     ;Exactly。     That is the danger。      He frightens nobody察not even himself察

when he ought to wear a label round his neck marked 'Dangerous' such as 

they have at other places where it is slippery and brittle。 When he is here察I 

keep saying to myself察'Too smooth察too smooth'; 

     ;Aunt   Jane察─  said   Harry察  gravely察   I   know   Malbone   very  well察  and   I 

never knew any man whom it was more unjust to call a hypocrite。; 

     ;Did I say he was a hypocrite拭─she cried。 ;He is worse than that察at 

least察more really dangerous。 It is these high´strung sentimentalists who do 

all the mischief察who play on their own lovely emotions察forsooth察till they 

wear out those fine fiddlestrings察and then have nothing left but the flesh 

and the D。 Don't tell me ─

     ;Do    stop察  auntie察─  interposed    Kate察  quite  alarmed察    you    are  really 

worse than a coachman。          You are growing very profane indeed。; 

     ;I   have   a   much   harder   time   than   any   coachman察  Kate察─  retorted   the 

injured lady。     ;Nobody tries to stop him察and you are always hushing me 


     ;Hushing you up察darling拭─said Kate。             ;When we only spoil you by 


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                          MALBONE此     AN   OLDPORT ROMANCE。 

praising and quoting everything you say。; 

     ;Only when it amuses you察─said Aunt Jane。              ;So long as I sit and cry 

my eyes out over a book察you all love me察and when I talk nonsense察you 

are ready to encourage it察but when I begin to utter a little sense察you all 

want to silence me察or else run out of the room            Yesterday I read about a 

newspaper somewhere察called the 'Daily Evening Voice'察I wish you would 

allow me a daily morning voice。; 

     ;Do   not   interfere察  Kate察─  said   Hal。 ;Aunt   Jane   and   I   only   wish   to 

understand each other。; 

     ;I am sure we don't察─said Aunt Jane察 I have no desire to understand 

you察and you never will understand me till you comprehend Philip。; 

     ;Let   us   agree   on   one   thing察─  Harry   said。 ;Surely察  aunt察  you   know 

how he loves Hope拭─

     Aunt Jane approached a degree nearer the equator察and said察gently察 I 

fear I do。; 


     ;Yes察fear。    That is just what troubles me。          I know precisely how he 

loves her。     Il se laisse aimer。     Philip likes to be petted察as much as any 

cat察and察while he will purr察Hope is happy。 Very few men accept idolatry 

with any degree of grace察but he unfortunately does。; 

     ;Unfortunately拭─remonstrated Hal察as far as ever from being satisfied。 

;This is really too bad。      You never will do him any justice。; 

     ;Ah拭─said Aunt Jane察chilling again察 I thought I did。 I observe he is 

very much afraid of me察and there seems to be no other reason。; 

     ;The   real   trouble   is察─  said   Harry察  after   a   pause察   that   you   doubt   his 


     ;What do you call constancy拭─said she。             ;Kissing a woman's picture 

ten years after a man has broken her heart拭           Philip Malbone has that kind 

of constancy察and so had his father before him。; 

     This    was   too  much     for  Harry察  who    was   making     for  the  door   in 

indignation察when little Ruth came in with Aunt Jane's luncheon察and that 

lady was soon absorbed in the hopeless task of keeping her handmaiden's 

pretty blue and white gingham sleeve out of the butter´plate。 


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MALBONE此                 AN        OLDPORT ROMANCE。 


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                           MALBONE此     AN   OLDPORT ROMANCE。 

                                 CHAPTER V。 

                               A MULTIVALVE HEART。 

     PHILIP  MALBONE   had   that   perfectly   sunny   temperament   which   is 

peculiarly   captivating   among Americans察  because   it   is   so   rare。   He   liked 

everybody and everybody liked him察he had a thousand ways of affording 

pleasure察and he received it in the giving。 He had a personal beauty察which察

strange   to   say察  was   recognized   by   both   sexesfor   handsome   men   must 

often consent to

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