malbone- an oldport romance[1].(瀧櫛下寓)-及34准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
came察the boatman had lowered and reefed the sail察and stood for the light´
ship。 They must be on board of her察if anywhere。
;There are safe there拭─asked Philip察eagerly。
;Only place where they would be safe察then察─said the spokesman。
;Unless the light´ship parts察─said an old fellow。
;Parts ─said the other。 ;Sixty fathom of two´inch chain察and old Joe
talks about parting。;
;Foolish察of course察─said Philip察 but it's a dangerous shore。;
;That's so察─was the answer。 ;Never saw so many lines of reef show
;There's an old saying on this shore察─said Joe此
;When Price's Neck goes to Brenton's Reef察 Body
and soul will come to grief。 But when Brenton's Reef comes to
Price's Neck察 Soul and body are both a wreck。;
;What does it mean拭─asked Harry。
;It only means察─ said somebody察 that when you see it white all the
way out from the Neck to the Reef察you can't take the inside passage。;
;But what does the last half mean拭─persisted Harry。
;Don't know as I know察─said the veteran察and relapsed into silence察in
which all joined him察while the wind howled and whistled outside察and the
barred windows shook。
Weary and restless with vain waiting察they looked from the doorway at
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the weather。 The door went back with a slam察 and the gust swooped
down on them with that special blast that always seems to linger just
outside on such nights察ready for the first head that shows itself。 They
closed the door upon the flickering fire and the uncouth shadows within察
and went forth into the night。 At first the solid blackness seemed to lay a
weight on their foreheads。 There was absolutely nothing to be seen but the
two lights of the light´ship察 glaring from the dark sea like a wolf's eyes
from a cavern。 They looked nearer and brighter than in ordinary nights察
and appeared to the excited senses of the young men to dance strangely on
the waves察 and to be always opposite to them察 as they moved along the
shore with the wind almost at their backs。
;What did that old fellow mean拭─said Malbone in Harry's ear察as they
came to a protected place and could hear each other察 by talking of
Brenton's Reef coming to Price's Neck。;
;Some sailor's doggerel察─ said Harry察 indifferently。 ;Here is Price's
Neck before us察and yonder is Brenton's Reef。;
;Where拭─said Philip察looking round bewildered。
The lights had gone察as if the wolf察weary of watching察had suddenly
closed his eyes察and slumbered in his cave。
Harry trembled and shivered。 In Heaven's name察 what could this
disappearance mean拭
Suddenly a sheet of lightning came察 so white and intense察 it sent its
light all the way out to the horizon and exhibited far´off vessels察 that
reeled and tossed and looked as if wandering without a guide。 But this was
not so startling as what it showed in the foreground。
There drifted heavily upon the waves察within full view from the shore察
moving parallel to it察 yet gradually approaching察 an uncouth shape that
seemed a vessel and yet not a vessel察two stunted masts projected above察
and below there could be read察in dark letters that apparently swayed and
trembled in the wan lightning察as the thing moved on察
Philip察 leaning against a rock察 gazed into the darkness where the
apparition had been察even Harry felt a thrill of half´superstitious wonder察
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and listened half mechanically to a rough sailor's voice at his ear此
;God old Joe was right。 There's one wreck that is bound to make
many。 The light´ship has parted。;
;Drifting ashore察─ said Harry察 his accustomed clearness of head
coming back at a flash。 ;Where will she strike拭─
;Price's Neck察─said the sailor。
Harry turned to Philip and spoke to him察 shouting in his ear the
explanation。 Malbone's lips moved mechanically察 but he said nothing。
Passively察he let Harry take him by the arm察and lead him on。
Following the sailor察 they rounded a projecting point察 and found
themselves a little sheltered from the wind。 Not knowing the region察they
stumbled about among the rocks察and scarcely knew when they neared the
surf察except when a wave came swashing round their very feet。 Pausing at
the end of a cove察they stood beside their conductor察and their eyes察now
grown accustomed察could make out vaguely the outlines of the waves。
The throat of the cove was so shoal and narrow察and the mass of the
waves so great察that they reared their heads enormously察just outside察and
spending their strength there察 left a lower level within the cove。 Yet
sometimes a series of great billows would come straight on察 heading
directly for the entrance察and then the surface of the water within was seen
to swell suddenly upward as if by a terrible inward magic of its own察it
rose and rose察as if it would ingulf everything察then as rapidly sank察and
again presented a mere quiet vestibule before the excluded waves。
They saw in glimpses察 as the lightning flashed察 the shingly beach察
covered with a mass of creamy foam察all tremulous and fluctuating in the
wind察and this foam was constantly torn away by the gale in great shreds察
that whirled by them as if the very fragments of the ocean were fleeing
from it in terror察to take refuge in the less frightful element of air。
Still the wild waves reared their heads察 like savage察 crested animals察
now white察now black察looking in from the entrance of the cove。 And now
there silently drifted upon them something higher察 vaster察 darker than
themselvesthe doomed vessel。 It was strange how slowly and steadily
she swept infor her broken chain´cable dragged察as it afterwards proved察
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and kept her stern´on to the shoreand they could sometimes hear amid
the tumult a groan that seemed to come from the very heart of the earth察as
she painfully drew her keel over hidden reefs。 Over five of these as was
afterwards found she had already drifted察and she rose and fell more than
once on the high waves at the very mouth of the cove察 like a wild bird
hovering ere it pounces。
Then there came one of those great confluences of waves described
already察 which察 lifting her bodily upward察 higher and higher and higher察
suddenly rushed with her into the basin察filling it like an opened dry´dock察
crashing and roaring round the vessel and upon the rocks察then sweeping
out again and leaving her lodged察still stately and steady察at the centre of
the cove。
They could hear from the crew a mingled sound察that came as a shout
of excitement from some and a shriek of despair from others。 The vivid
lightning revealed for a moment those on shipboard to those on shore察and
blinding as it was察it lasted long enough to show figures gesticulating and
pointing。 The old sailor察 Mitchell察 tried to build a fire among the rocks
nearest the vessel察but it was impossible察because of the wind。 This was a
disappointment察for the light would have taken away half the danger察and
more than half the terror。 Though the cove was more quiet than the
ocean察 yet it was fearful enough察 even there。 The vessel might hold
together till morning察but who could tell拭It was almost certain that those
on board would try to land察and there was nothing to do but to await the
effort。 The men from the farmhouse had meanwhile come down with
It was simply impossible to judge with any accuracy of the distance of
the ship。 One of these new´comers察 who declared that she was lodged
very near察went to a point of rocks察and shouted to those on board to heave
him a rope。 The tempest suppressed his voice察as it had put out the fire。