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malbone- an oldport romance[1].(瀧櫛下寓)-及31准

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excitement of slight risks察but this was far too intense察the vibrations too 

extreme。      She察on the other hand察rode triumphant over waves of passion 

which cowed him。          He   dared not   exclude   her察he dared   not   continue to 

admit her察he dared not free himself察he could not be happy。                 The privacy 

of the concealed stairway saved them from outward dangers察but not from 

inward fears。 Their interviews were first blissful察then anxious察then sad察

then stormy。 It was at the end of such a storm that Emilia had passed into 

one of those deathly calms which belonged to her physical temperament察

and it was under these circumstances that Hope had followed Philip to the 



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                          MALBONE此     AN   OLDPORT ROMANCE。 

                               CHAPTER XX。 

                          AUNT JANE TO THE RESCUE。 

     THE thing that saves us from insanity during great grief is that there is 

usually something to do察and the mind composes itself to the mechanical 

task of adjusting the details。 Hope dared not look forward an inch into the 

future察that way madness lay。          Fortunately察it was plain what must come 

firstto   keep   the   whole   thing   within   their   own   walls察  and   therefore   to 

make   some   explanation   to   Mrs。   Meredith察 whose   servants had   doubtless 

been   kept   up   all   night   awaiting   Emilia。  Profoundly   perplexed   what   to 

say or not to say to her察Hope longed with her whole soul for an adviser。 

Harry and Kate were both away察and besides察she shrank from darkening 

their young lives as hers had been darkened。 She resolved to seek counsel 

in the one person who most thoroughly distrusted EmiliaAunt Jane。 

     This lady was in a particularly happy mood that day。              Emilia察who did 

all kinds of   fine   needle´work   exquisitely察 had   just   embroidered   for Aunt 

Jane some pillow´cases。 The original suggestion came from Hope察but it 

never cost Emilia anything to keep a secret察and she had presented the gift 

very sweetly察as if it were a thought of her own。 Aunt Jane察who with all 

her   penetration   as   to   facts   was   often   very   guileless   as   to   motives察  was 

thoroughly touched by the humility and the embroidery。 

     ;All   last  night察─  she  said察   I  kept  waking    up察  and   thinking   about 

Christian charity and my pillow´cases。; 

     It was察therefore察a very favorable day for Hope's consultation察though 

it was nearly noon before her aunt was visible察perhaps because it took so 

long to make up her bed with the new adornments。 

     Hope   said   frankly   to Aunt   Jane   that   there   were   some   circumstances 

about which she should rather not be questioned察but that Emilia had come 

there   the   previous   night   from   the   ball察  had   been   seized   with   one   of   her 

peculiar attacks察and had stayed all night。 Aunt Jane kept her eyes steadily 

fixed on Hope's sad face察and察when the tale was ended察drew her down 

and kissed her lips。 


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                           MALBONE此     AN   OLDPORT ROMANCE。 

     ;Now tell me察dear察─she said察 what comes first拭─

     ;The first thing is察─said Hope察 to have Emilia's absence explained to 

Mrs。 Meredith in some such way that she will think no more of it察and not 

talk about it。; 

     ;Certainly察─said Aunt Jane。         ;There is but one way to do that。 I will 

call on her myself。; 

     ;You察auntie拭─said Hope。 

     ;Yes察I察─said her aunt。      ;I have owed her a call for five years。 It is the 

only thing that will excite her so much as to put all else out of her head。; 

     ;O auntie ─said Hope察greatly relieved察 if you only would But ought 

you really to go out拭      It is almost raining。; 

     ;I shall go察─said Aunt Jane察decisively察 if it rains little boys ─

     ;But will not Mrs。 Meredith wonder拭─began Hope。 

     ;That is one advantage察─interrupted her aunt察 of being an absurd old 

woman。       Nobody   ever   wonders   at   anything   I   do察  or   else   it   is   that   they 

never stop wondering。; 

     She sent Ruth erelong to order the horses。            Hope collected her various 

wrappers察and Ruth察returning察got her mistress into a state of preparation。 

     ;If I might say one thing more察─Hope whispered。 

     ;Certainly察─  said   her   aunt。   ;Ruth察 go   to   my   chamber察  and   get   me   a 


     ;What kind of a pin察ma'am拭─asked that meek handmaiden察from the 


     ;What     a  question ─    said  her   indignant    mistress。    ;Any     kind。   The 

common pin of North America。              Now察Hope拭─as the door closed。 

     ;I think it better察auntie察─said Hope察 that Philip should not stay here 

longer at present。      You can truly say that the house is full察and; 

     ;I have   just had   a   note from  him察─said Aunt Jane severely。  ;He   has 

gone to lodge at the hotel。        What next拭─

     ;Aunt Jane察─said Hope察looking   her full in the   face察 I have not   the 

slightest idea what to do next。; 

     ─The next   thing   for   me察─  thought   her   aunt察   is   to   have   a  little   plain 

speech with that misguided child upstairs。; 


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                            MALBONE此      AN   OLDPORT ROMANCE。 

     ;I can see no way out察─pursued Hope。 

     ;Darling ─  said Aunt   Jane察  with   a   voice   full   of   womanly   sweetness察

;there is always a way out察or else the world would have stopped long ago。 

Perhaps it would have been better if it had stopped察but you see it has not。 

All we can do is察to live on and try our best。; 

     She   bade   Hope   leave   Emilia   to   her察  and   furthermore   stipulated   that 

Hope should go to her pupils as usual察that afternoon察as it was their last 

lesson。   The   young   girl   shrank   from   the   effort察  but   the   elder   lady   was 

inflexible。   She   had   her   own   purpose   in   it。   Hope   once   out   of   the   way察

Aunt Jane could deal with Emilia。 

     No   human   being察  when   met   face   to   face   with   Aunt   Jane察  had   ever 

failed to yield up to her the whole truth she sought。                  Emilia was on that 

day  no   exception。       She   was   prostrate察  languid察  humble察  denied   nothing察

was ready to concede every point but one。                Never察while she lived察would 

she dwell beneath John Lambert's roof again。                 She had left it impulsively察

she admitted察  scarce   knowing   what   she   did。  But   she   would   never   return 

there to live。      She would go once more and see that all was in order for 

Mr。 Lambert察both in the house and on board the yacht察where they were to 

have taken up their abode for a time。 There were new servants in the house察

a new captain on the yacht察she would trust Mr。 Lambert's comfort to none 

of them察she would do her full duty。 Duty the more utterly she felt herself 

to   be   gliding   away   from   him   forever察  the   more   pains   she   was   ready   to 

lavish   in   doing   these   nothings   well。 About   every   insignificant   article   he 

owned she seemed to feel the most scrupulous and wife´like responsibility察

while she yet knew that all she had was to him nothing察compared with the 

possession   of   herself察  and   it   was   the  thought   of   this   last   ownership   that 

drove her to despair。 

     Sweet     and    plaintive    as  the  child's   face   was察   it  had  a  glimmer      of 

wildness and a hunted look察that baffled Aunt Jane a little察and compelled 

her to temporize。        She consented that Emilia should go to her own house察

on condition that she would not see Philipwhich was readily and even 

eagerly   promisedand   that   Hope   should   spend   the   night   with   Emilia察

which proposal was ardently accepted。 


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                           MALBONE此      AN   OLDPORT ROMANCE。 

     It occurred to Aunt Jane that nothing better could happen than for John 

Lambert察on returning察to find his wife at home察and to secure this result察if 

possible察she telegraphed to him to come at once。 

     Meantime Hope gave her inevitable music´lesson察so absorbed in her 

own   thoughts   that   it   was   all   as   mechanical   as   the   metronome。    As   she 

came out upon the Avenue for the walk home察she saw a group of people 

from   a   gardener's   house察  who   had   collected   beside   a   muddy   crossing察

where   a   team   of   cart´horses   had   refused   to   stir。 Presently   they   sprang 

forward with a great jerk察and a little Irish child was thrown ben

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