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malbone- an oldport romance[1].(瀧櫛下寓)-及26准

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nothing to carry。      You must see that I am not in the least tired察only a little 

dazzled   by  the sun。      Here察 Charley察 give   me   your   hat察 and   then   row   on 

with Mr。 Harry。;        She put on the boy's torn straw hat察and they yielded to 

her    wish。   People      almost   always     yielded   to  Hope's    wishes    when     she 


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                           MALBONE此     AN   OLDPORT ROMANCE。 

expressed themit was so very seldom。 

     Somehow   the   remaining   distance   seemed   very   great察  as   Hope   saw 

them glide away察leaving her in the water alone察her feet unsupported by 

any firm element察the bright and pitiless sky arching far above her察and her 

head burning with more heat than she had liked to own。 She was conscious 

of   her   full   strength察  and   swam   more   vigorously   than   ever察  but   her   head 

was   hot   and   her ears   rang察  and she   felt   chilly  vibrations   passing   up   and 

down her sides察that were like察she fancied察the innumerable fringing oars 

of   the   little   jelly´fishes   she   had   so   often   watched。   Her   body   felt   almost 

unnaturally strong察and she took powerful strokes察but it seemed as if her 

heart went out into them and left a vacant cavity within。               More and more 

her life seemed boiling up into her head察queer fancies came to her察as察for 

instance察   that   she  was    an  inverted    thermometer      with   the   mercury    all 

ascending into a bulb at the top。 She shook her head and the fancy cleared 

away察and then others came。 

     She began to grow seriously anxious察but the distance was diminishing察

Harry was almost at the steps with the child察and the boy had rowed his 

skiff round the breakwater out of sight察a young fisherman leaned over the 

railing with his back to her察watching the lobster´catchers on the other side。 

She was almost in察it was only a slight dizziness察yet she could not see the 

light´house。 Concentrating all her efforts察she shut her eyes and swam on察

her arms still unaccountably vigorous察though the rest of her body seemed 

losing itself in languor。 The sound in   her ear  had grown   to a  roar察as of 

many mill´wheels。 It seemed a long distance that she thus swam with her 

eyes closed。 Then she half opened her eyes察and the breakwater seemed all 

in motion察with tier above tier of eager faces looking down on her。 In an 

instant   there   was   a   sharp   splash   close   beside   her察  and   she   felt   herself 

grasped and drawn downwards察with a whirl of something just above her察

and then all consciousness went out as suddenly as when ether brings at 

last to a patient察after the roaring and the tumult in his brain察its blessed 

foretaste of the deliciousness of death。 

     When      Hope      came    again     to  consciousness察      she    found    herself 

approaching her own pier in a sail´boat察with several very wet gentlemen 


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                           MALBONE此      AN   OLDPORT ROMANCE。 

around her察and little Jenny nestled close to her察crying as profusely as if 

her   pretty   scarlet   bathing´dress   were   being   wrung   out   through   her   eyes。 

Hope asked no questions察and hardly felt the impulse to inquire what had 

happened。       The   truth   was察  that   in   the   temporary   dizziness   produced   by 

her prolonged swim察she had found herself in the track of a steamboat that 

was   passing   the   pier察  unobserved   by   her   brother。 A  young   man察  leaping 

from the dock察had caught her in his arms察and had dived with her below 

the   paddle´wheels察  just   as   they   came   upon   her。   It   was   a   daring   act察  but 

nothing else could have saved her。             When they came to the surface察they 

had   been   picked   up   by   Aunt   Jane's   Robinson   Crusoe察  who   had   at   last 

unmoored   his   pilot´boat   and   was   rounding   the   light´house   for   the   outer 


     She and the child were soon landed察and given over to the ladies。 Due 

attention was paid to her young rescuer察whose dripping garments seemed 

for the moment as glorious as a blood´stained flag。 He seemed a simple察

frank   young   fellow   of   French   or   German   origin察  but   speaking   English 

remarkably well察he was not high´bred察by any means察but had apparently 

the culture of an average German of the middle class。 Harry fancied that 

he   had   seen   him   before察  and   at   last   traced   back   the   impression   of   his 

features to the ball for the French officers。 It turned out察on inquiry察that he 

had a brother in the service察and on board the corvette察but he himself was 

a commercial agent察now in America with a view to business察though he 

had   made   several   voyages   as   mate   of   a   vessel察  and   would   not   object   to 

some such berth as that。 He promised to return and receive the thanks of 

the family察read with interest the name on Harry's card察seemed about to 

ask a question察but forbore察and took his leave amid the general confusion察

without even giving his address。           When sought next day察he was not to be 

found察  and   to   the   children   he   at  once   became   as     much   a   creature   of 

romance as the sea´serpent or the Flying Dutchman。 

     Even Hope's strong constitution felt the shock of this adventure。 She 

was confined to her room for a week or two察but begged that there might 

be no postponement of the wedding察which察therefore察took place without 

her。 Her illness gave excuse for a privacy that was welcome to all but the 


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                              MALBONE此       AN    OLDPORT ROMANCE。 

bridesmaids察and suited Malbone best of all。 


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                          MALBONE此     AN   OLDPORT ROMANCE。 

                              CHAPTER XVI。 

                                ON THE STAIRS。 

     AUGUST         drew   toward     its  close察 and    guests   departed    from    the 


     ;What     a  short  little  thing  summer     is察─ meditated    Aunt    Jane察  and 

butterflies are caterpillars most of the time after all。 How quiet it seems。 

The wrens whisper in their box above the window察and there has not been 

a blast   from the   peacock   for a   week。 He   seems   ashamed of   the   summer 

shortness of his tail。 He keeps glancing at it over his shoulder to see if it is 

not looking better than yesterday察while the staring eyes of the old tail are 

in the bushes all about。; 

     ;Poor察dear little thing ─said coaxing Katie。          ;Is she tired of autumn察

before it is begun拭─

     ;I am never tired of anything察─said Aunt Jane察 except my maid Ruth察

and I should not be tired of her察if it had pleased Heaven to endow her with 

sufficient   strength   of   mind   to   sew   on   a   button。   Life   is   very   rich   to   me。 

There is always something new in every season察though to be sure I cannot 

think   what   novelty  there   is   just   now察  except   a   choice   variety  of   spiders。 

There is a theory that spiders kill flies。        But I never miss a fly察and there 

does not seem to be any natural scourge divinely appointed to kill spiders察

except Ruth。      Even she does it so feebly察that I see them come back and 

hang on their webs and make faces at her。 I suppose they are faces察I do 

not understand their anatomy察but it must be a very unpleasant one。; 

     ;You are not quite satisfied with life察today察dear察─said Kate察 I fear 

your book did not end to your satisfaction。; 

     ;It   did   end察  though察─  said   the   lady察   and   that   is   something。   What   is 

there in life so difficult as to stop a book拭─If I wrote one察it would be as 

long    as  ten  'Sir  Charles   Grandisons'     and   then  I  never   should    end  it察

because I should die。 And there would be nobody left to read it察because 

each reader would have been dead long before。; 

     ;But the book amused you ─interrupted Kate。              ;I know it did。; 


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                           MALBONE此     AN   OLDPORT ROMANCE。 

     ;It was so absurd that I laughed till I cried察and it makes no difference 

whether   you   cry   laughing   or   cry   crying察  it   is   equally   bad   when   your 

glasses come off。       Never mind。 Whom did you see on the Avenue拭─

     ;O察we saw Philip on horseback。             He rides so beautifully察he seems 

one with his horse。; 

     ;I   am   glad   of   it察─  interposed   his   aunt。 ;The   riders   are   generally   so 

inferior to them。; 

     ;We saw Mr。 and Mrs。 Lambe

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