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malbone- an oldport romance[1].(瀧櫛下寓)-及2准

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an end of her。; 

     Polar ice would have been thawed by this reopening of communication。 

Philip soon had the little maid on his shoulderthe natural throne of all 

childrenand they went in together to greet Aunt Jane。 

     Aunt Jane was the head of the housea lady who had spent more than 

fifty years in educating her brains and battling with her ailments。 She had 

received from her parents a considerable inheritance in the way of whims察

and   had   nursed   it   up   into   a   handsome   fortune。   Being   one   of   the   most 

impulsive of human beings察she was naturally one of the most entertaining察

and behind all her eccentricities there was a fund of the soundest sense and 

the tenderest   affection。  She had seen   much   and varied   society察 had   been 

greatly    admired     in   her  youth察   but   had   chosen    to   remain    unmarried。 

Obliged by her physical condition to make herself the first object察she was 

saved from utter selfishness by sympathies as democratic as her personal 

habits were exclusive。        Unexpected and commonly fantastic in her doings察

often    dismayed      by   small    difficulties察  but   never    by   large   ones察  she 

sagaciously administered the affairs of all those around herplanned their 

dinners and their marriages察fought out their bargains and their feuds。 

     She hated   everything irresolute or   vague察people   might play  at   cat's´ 

cradle or study Spinoza察just as they pleased察but察whatever they did察they 

must give their minds to it。 She kept house from an easy´chair察and ruled 

her dependants   with severity  tempered   by  wit察  and   by  the   very  sweetest 

voice in which reproof was ever uttered。              She never praised them察but if 

they did anything particularly well察rebuked them retrospectively察asking 

why     they    had   never    done    it  well    before拭    But    she    treated   them 

munificently察  made   all   manner   of   plans   for   their   comfort察  and   they   all 

thought her the wisest and wittiest of the human race。 So did the youths 

and    maidens     of   her  large   circle察  they   all  came    to  see   her察 and   she 

counselled察  admired察  scolded察  and   petted   them   all。   She   had   the   gayest 


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                           MALBONE此     AN   OLDPORT ROMANCE。 

spirits察and an unerring eye for the ludicrous察and she spoke her mind with 

absolute   plainness   to    all   comers。   Her   intuitions   were   instantaneous     as 

lightning察and察like that察struck very often in the wrong place。                She was 

thus extremely unreasonable and altogether charming。 

     Such was the lady whom Emilia and Malbone went up to greetthe 

one shyly察the other with an easy assurance察such as she always disliked。 

Emilia submitted to another kiss察while Philip pressed Aunt Jane's hand察as 

he pressed all women's察and they sat down。 

     ;Now begin to tell your adventures察─said Kate。               ;People always tell 

their adventures till tea is ready。; 

     ;Who can have any adventures left察─said Philip察 after such letters as I 

wrote you all拭─

     ;Of which we got precisely one ─said Kate。               ;That made it such an 

event察  after   we   had   wondered   in   what   part   of   the   globe   you   might   be 

looking   for   the   post´office   It   was   like   finding   a   letter   in   a   bottle察  or 

disentangling a person from the Dark Ages。; 

     ;I   was   at   Neuchatel   two   months察  but   I   had   no   adventures。   I   lodged 

with a good Pasteur察who taught me geology and German。; 

     ;That is suspicious察─said Kate。         ;Had he a daughter passing fair拭─

     ;Indeed he had。; 

     ;And   you   taught   her   English拭    That   is   what   these   beguiling   youths 

always do in novels。; 


     ;What was her name拭─


     ;What a pretty name         How old was she拭─

     ;She was six。; 

     ;O Philip ─cried Kate察 but I might have known it。 Did she love you 

very much拭─

     Hope   looked   up察  her   eyes   full   of   mild   reproach   at   the   possibility   of 

doubting any child's love for Philip。          He had been her betrothed for more 

than a year察during which time she had habitually seen him wooing every 

child he had met as if it were a womanwhich察for Philip察was saying a 


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                           MALBONE此      AN   OLDPORT ROMANCE。 

great deal。 Happily they had in common the one trait of perfect amiability察

and she knew no more how to be jealous than he to be constant。 

     ;Lili was easily won察─he said。           ;Other things being equal察people of 

six prefer that man who is tallest。; 

     ;Philip    is   not   so   very   tall察─  said   the   eldest   of   the   boys察  who  was 

listening eagerly察and growing rapidly。 

     ;No察─said Philip察meekly。           ;But then the Pasteur was short察and his 

brother was a dwarf。; 

     ;When Lili found that she could reach the ceiling from Mr。 Malbone's 

shoulder察─said Emilia察 she asked no more。; 

     ;Then you   knew the   pastor's family  also察my  child察─said Aunt Jane察

looking at her kindly and a little keenly。 

     ;I was allowed to go there sometimes察─she began察timidly。 

     ;To    meet    her  American      Cousin察─    interrupted    Philip。    ;I   got  some 

relaxation in   the   rules   of   the   school。   But察Aunt   Jane察  you   have   told   us 

nothing about your health。; 

     ;There   is   nothing   to   tell察─  she   answered。   ;I   should   like察  if   it   were 

convenient察to be a little better。        But in this life察if one can walk across the 

floor察and not be an idiot察it is something。 That is all I aim at。; 

     ;Isn't   it   rather   tiresome拭─  said   Emilia察  as   the   elder   lady  happened   to 

look at her。 

     ;Not at all察─said Aunt Jane察composedly。               ;I naturally fall back into 

happiness察when left to myself。; 

     ;So you have returned to the house of your fathers察─said Philip。                      ;I 

hope you like it。; 

     ;It   is  commonplace         in  one   respect察─   said   Aunt     Jane。    ;General 

Washington once slept here。; 

     ;Oh ─said Philip。       ;It is one of that class of houses拭─

     ;Yes察─said she。       ;There is not a village in America that has not half a 

dozen   of   them察  not   counting   those   where   he   only   breakfasted。   Did   ever 

man   sleep   like   that   man拭    What   else   could   he   ever   have   done拭  Who 

governed察I wonder察while he was asleep拭                How he must have travelled 

The   swiftest   horse   could   scarcely   have   carried   him   from   one   of   these 


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                           MALBONE此      AN   OLDPORT ROMANCE。 

houses to another。; 

     ;I never was attached to the memory of Washington察─meditated Philip察

;but I always thought it was the pear´tree。 It must have been that he was 

such a very unsettled person。; 

     ;He certainly was not what is called a domestic character察─said Aunt 


     ;I   suppose   you   are察  Miss   Maxwell察─  said   Philip。    ;Do   you   often   go 


     ;Sometimes察to drive察─  said Aunt Jane。            ;Yesterday  I went   shopping 

with Kate察and sat in the carriage while she bought under´sleeves enough 

for   a   centipede。   It   is   always   so   with   that   child。   People   talk   about   the 

trouble   of   getting   a   daughter   ready   to   be   married察  but   it   is   like   being 

married once a month to live with her。; 

     ;I   wonder   that   you   take   her   to   drive   with   you察─  suggested   Philip察


     ;It is a great deal worse to drive without her察─said the impetuous lady。 

;She is the only person who lets me enjoy things察and now I cannot enjoy 

them in her absence。         Yesterday I drove alone over the three beaches察and 

left her at home with a dress´maker。 Never did I see so many lines of surf察

but   they   only   seemed   to   me   like   some   of   Kate's   ball´dresses察  with   the 

prevailing flounces察six deep。          I was so enraged that she was not there察I 

wished to cover my face with my handkerchief。 By the third beach I was 

ready for the madhouse。; 

     ;Is Oldport a pleasant place to live in拭─asked Emilia察eagerly。 

     ;It is amusing in the summer察─said Aunt Jane察 though the society is 

nothing   but   a   pack   of   visiting´cards。   In   winter   it   is   too   dull   for   young 

people察and only suits quiet old women like me察who merely live here to 

keep the Ten Commandments and darn their stockings。; 

     Meantime the   children   were   ai

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