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malbone- an oldport romance[1].(瀧櫛下寓)-及18准

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clung   around   her察  brought   back   all   his   early   passion。   Apart   from   this 

voluptuousness   of   the   heart   into   which   he   had   fallen察  Malbone's   was   a 

simple     and   unspoiled     nature察  he   had   no   vices察  and   had   always    won 


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                          MALBONE此     AN   OLDPORT ROMANCE。 

popularity too easily to be obliged to stoop for it察so all that was noblest in 

him   paid   allegiance   to   Hope。    From   the   moment   they   again   met察  his 

wayward   heart   reverted   to   her。    He   had   been   in   a   dream察  he   said   to 

himself察he would conquer it and be only hers察he would go away with her 

into the forests and green fields she loved察or he would share in the life of 

usefulness for which she yearned。 But then察what was he to do with this 

little waif from the heart's tropicsonce tampered with察in an hour of mad 

dalliance察  and   now   adhering     in´separably   to   his  life拭  Supposing      him 

ready to separate from her察could she be detached from him拭

     Kate's anxieties察 when she   at last hinted them  to Malbone察 only  sent 

him further into revery。       ;How is it察─he asked himself察 that when I only 

sought to love and be loved察I have thus entangled myself in the fate of 

others拭How is one's heart to be governed拭            Is there any such governing拭

Mlle。 Clairon complained that察so soon as she became seriously attached 

to any one察she was sure to   meet somebody else whom she liked   better。 

Have human hearts察─he said察 or at least察has my heart察no more stability 

than this拭─

     It did not help the matter when Emilia went to stay awhile with Mrs。 

Meredith。      The event came about in this way。 Hope and Kate had been to 

a dinner´party察and were as usual reciting their experiences to Aunt Jane。 

     ;Was it pleasant拭─said that sympathetic lady。 

     ;It was one of those dreadfully dark dining´rooms察─said Hope察seating 

herself at the open window。 

     ;Why do they make them look so like tombs拭─said Kate。 

     ;Because察─said her aunt察 most Americans pass from them to the tomb察

after   eating    such   indigestible    things。   There    is  a  wish    for  a  gentle 


     ;Aunt Jane察─said Hope察 Mrs。 Meredith asks to have a little visit from 

Emilia。     Do you think she had better go拭─

     ;Mrs。 Meredith拭─asked Aunt Jane。            ;Is that woman alive yet拭─

     ;Why察auntie ─said Kate。         ;We   were talking   about her   only a   week 


     ;Perhaps so察─conceded Aunt Jane察reluctantly。              ;But it seems to me 


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                           MALBONE此     AN   OLDPORT ROMANCE。 

she has great length of days ─

     ;How very improperly you are talking察dear ─said Kate。                  ;She is not 

more than forty察and you are; 

     ;Fifty´four察─interrupted the other。 

     ;Then she has not seen nearly so many days as you。; 

     ;But they are such long days           That is what I must have meant。 One 

of her days is as long as three of mine。          She is so tiresome ─

     ;She does not tire you very often察─said Kate。 

     ;She comes once a year察─said Aunt Jane。               ;And then it is not to see 

me。 She comes out of respect to the memory of my great´aunt察with whom 

Talleyrand   fell   in   love察  when   he   was   in America察  before   Mrs。   Meredith 

was born。 Yes察Emilia may as well go。; 

     So Emilia went。        To provide her with companionship察Mrs。 Meredith 

kindly had Blanche Ingleside to stay there also。 Blanche stayed at different 

houses a good deal。 To do her justice察she was very good company察when 

put upon her best behavior察and beyond the reach of her demure mamma。 

She   was   always   in   spirits察  often   good´natured察  and   kept   everything   in 

lively   motion察  you   may   be   sure。    She   found   it   not   unpleasant察  in   rich 

houses察  to   escape   some   of   those   little   domestic   parsimonies   which   the 

world saw not in her own察and to secure this felicity she could sometimes 

lay   great   restraints   upon   herself察  for   as   much   as   twenty´four   hours。   She 

seemed a little out of place察certainly察amid the precise proprieties of Mrs。 

Meredith's establishment。 But Blanche and her mother still held their place 

in society察and it was nothing to Mrs。 Meredith who came to her doors察but 

only from what other doors they came。 

     She would have liked to see all ;the best houses; connected by secret 

galleries or underground passages察of which she and a few others should 

hold the keys。      A guest properly presented could then go the rounds of all 

unerringly察leaving his card at each察while improper acquaintances in vain 

howled   for   admission   at   the   outer   wall。   For   the   rest察  her   ideal   of   social 

happiness   was   a   series   of   perfectly   ordered   entertainments察  at   each   of 

which there should be precisely the same guests察the same topics察the same 

supper察and the same ennui。 


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MALBONE此                 AN        OLDPORT ROMANCE。 


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                           MALBONE此     AN   OLDPORT ROMANCE。 

                                CHAPTER XI。 

                                 DESCENSUS AVERNI。 

     MALBONE stood one   morning on   the pier   behind the house。 A two 

days'   fog   was   dispersing。     The   southwest   breeze   rippled   the   deep   blue 

water察   sailboats察  blue察  red察 and   green察   were   darting   about    like  white´ 

winged   butterflies察  sloops   passed   and   repassed察  cutting   the   air   with   the 

white   and   slender   points   of   their   gaff´topsails。   The   liberated   sunbeams 

spread   and   penetrated   everywhere察  and   even   came   up   to   play   reflected 

from     the  water    beneath    the   shadowy察    overhanging      counters    of  dark 

vessels。 Beyond察the atmosphere was still busy in rolling away its vapors察

brushing the  last   gray  fringes   from  the  low  hills察 and   leaving over  them 

only the thinnest aerial veil。        Farther down the bay察the pale tower of the 

crumbling fort was now shrouded察now revealed察then hung with floating 

lines of vapor as with banners。 

     Hope   came   down   on   the   pier   to   Malbone察  who   was   looking   at   the 

boats。 He saw with surprise that her calm brow was a little clouded察her 

lips compressed察and her eyes full of tears。 

     ;Philip察─she said察abruptly察 do you love me拭─

     ;Do you doubt it拭─said he察smiling察a little uneasily。 

     Fixing her eyes upon him察she said察more seriously此 There is a more 

important question察Philip。         Tell me truly察do you care about Emilia拭─

     He    started   at  the   words察   and   looked    eagerly    in  her   face   for  an 

explanation。 Her expression only showed the most anxious solicitude。 

     For one moment the wild impulse came up in his mind to put an entire 

trust in this truthful woman察and tell her all。 Then the habit of concealment 

came     back    to  him察  the  dull   hopelessness     of  a   divided   duty察  and   the 

impossibility of explanations。 How could he justify himself to her when he 

did not really know himself拭So he merely said察 Yes。; 

     ;She is   your sister察─he added察 in an   explanatory  tone察after   a pause察

and   despised   himself   for   the   subterfuge。   It   is   amazing   how   long   a   man 

may   be   false   in   action   before   he   ceases   to   shrink   from   being   false   in 


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                          MALBONE此     AN    OLDPORT ROMANCE。 


     ;Philip察─said the unsuspecting Hope察 I knew that you cared about her。 

I have seen you look at her with so much affection察and then again I have 

seen you look cold and almost stern。 She notices it察I am sure she does察

this changeableness。 But this is not why I ask the question。                 I think you 

must have seen something else that I have been observing察and if you care 

about her察even for my sake察it is enough。; 

     Here Philip started察and felt relieved。 

     ;You     must    be  her   friend察─  continued     Hope察   eagerly。     ;She    has 

changed her whole manner and habits very fast。                 Blanche Ingleside and 

that   set  seem    to  have   wholly    controlled    her察 and   there   is  something 

reckless in all her ways。 You are the only person who can help her。; 


     ;I do not know how察─said Hope察almost impatiently。               ;You know how。 

You   have   wonderful

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