malbone- an oldport romance[1].(瀧櫛下寓)-及17准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
of ocean察 belongs to it察 is a part of it察 yet is察 after all察 but a bequest of
tempests察and covers only a dark abyss of crossing currents and desolate
tangles of rootless kelp。 Everybody was drawn to her察yet not a soul took
any comfort in her。 Her very voice had in it a despairing sweetness察that
seemed far in advance of her actual history察it was an anticipated miserere察
a perpetual dirge察where nothing had yet gone down。 So Aunt Jane察who
was wont to be perfectly decisive in her treatment of every human being察
was fluctuating and inconsistent with Emilia。 She could not help being
fascinated by the motherless child察 and yet scorned herself for even the
doubting love she gave。
;Only think察auntie察─said Kate察 how you kissed Emilia察yesterday ─
;Of course I did察─she remorsefully owned。 ;I have kissed her a great
many times too often。 I never will kiss her again。 There is nothing but
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sorrow to be found in loving her察and her heart is no larger than her feet。
Today she was not even pretty If it were not for her voice察I think I should
never wish to see her again。;
But when that soft察pleading voice came once more察and Emilia asked
perhaps for luncheon察in tones fit for Ophelia察Aunt Jane instantly yielded。
One might as well have tried to enforce indignation against the Babes in
the Wood。
This perpetual mute appeal was further strengthened by a peculiar
physical habit in Emilia察 which first alarmed the household察 but soon
ceased to inspire terror。 She fainted very easily察and had attacks at long
intervals akin to faintness察 and lasting for several hours。 The physicians
pronounced them cataleptic in their nature察 saying that they brought no
danger察and that she would certainly outgrow them。 They were sometimes
produced by fatigue察 sometimes by excitement察 but they brought no
agitation with them察 nor any development of abnormal powers。 They
simply wrapped her in a profound repose察 from which no effort could
rouse her察till the trance passed by。 Her eyes gradually closed察her voice
died away察 and all movement ceased察 save that her eyelids sometimes
trembled without opening察and sweet evanescent expressions chased each
other across her facethe shadows of thoughts unseen。 For a time she
seemed to distinguish the touch of different persons by preference or pain察
but soon even this sign of recognition vanished察and the household could
only wait and watch察while she sank into deeper and yet deeper repose。
There was something inexpressibly sweet察appealing察and touching in
this impenetrable slumber察when it was at its deepest。 She looked so young察
so delicate察so lovely察it was as if she had entered into a shrine察and some
sacred curtain had been dropped to shield her from all the cares and
perplexities of life。 She lived察she breathed察and yet all the storms of life
could but beat against her powerless察as the waves beat on the shore。 Safe
in this beautiful semblance of deathher pulse a little accelerated察her rich
color only softened察her eyelids drooping察her exquisite mouth curved into
the sweetness it had lacked in wakingshe lay unconscious and supreme察
the temporary monarch of the household察 entranced upon her throne。 A
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few hours having passed察 she suddenly waked察 and was a self´willed察
passionate girl once more。 When she spoke察it was with a voice wholly
natural察she had no recollection of what had happened察and no curiosity to
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IT had been a lovely summer day察with a tinge of autumnal coolness
toward nightfall察ending in what Aunt Jane called a ;quince´jelly sunset。;
Kate and Emilia sat upon the Blue Rocks察earnestly talking。
;Promise察Emilia ─said Kate。
Emilia said nothing。
;Remember察─ continued Kate察 he is Hope's betrothed。 Promise察
promise察promise ─
Emilia looked into Kate's face and saw it flushed with a generous
eagerness察that called forth an answering look in her。 She tried to speak察
and the words died into silence。 There was a pause察while each watched
the other。
When one soul is grappling with another for life察such silence may last
an instant too long察and Kate soon felt her grasp slipping。 Momentarily the
spell relaxed。 Other thoughts swelled up察 and Emilia's eyes began to
wander察delicious memories stole in察of walks through blossoming paths
with Malboneof lingering steps察 half´stifled words and sentences left
unfinishedthen察 alas of passionate caressesother blossoming paths
that only showed the way to sin察 but had never quite led her there察 she
fancied。 There was so much to tell察more than could ever be explained or
justified。 Moment by moment察farther and farther strayed the wandering
thoughts察 and when the poor child looked in Kate's face again察 the mist
between them seemed to have grown wide and dense察 as if neither eyes
nor words nor hands could ever meet again。 When she spoke it was to say
something evasive and unimportant察 and her voice was as one from the
In truth察Philip had given Emilia his heart to play with at Neuchatel察
that he might beguile her from an attachment they had all regretted。 The
device succeeded。 The toy once in her hand察the passionate girl had kept
it察had clung to him with all her might察he could not shake her off。 Nor was
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this the worst察for to his dismay he found himself responding to her love
with a self´abandonment of ardor for which all former loves had been but
a cool preparation。 He had not intended this察it seemed hardly his fault此
his intentions had been good察 or at least not bad。 This piquant and
wonderful fruit of nature察this girlish soul察he had merely touched it and it
was his。 Its mere fragrance was intoxicating。 Good God what should he
do with it拭
No clear answer coming察he had drifted on with that terrible facility for
which years of self´indulged emotion had prepared him。 Each step察while
it was intended to be the last察only made some other last step needful。
He had begun wrong察for he had concealed his engagement察fancying
that he could secure a stronger influence over this young girl without the
knowledge。 He had come to her simply as a friend of her Transatlantic
kindred察 and she察 who was always rather indifferent to them察 asked no
questions察 nor made the discovery till too late。 Then察 indeed察 she had
burst upon him with an impetuous despair that had alarmed him。 He feared察
not that she would do herself any violence察for she had a childish dread of
death察but that she would show some desperate animosity toward Hope察
whenever they should meet。 After a long struggle察he had touched察not her
sense of justice察for she had none察but her love for him察he had aroused her
tenderness and her pride。
Without his actual assurance察 she yet believed that he would release
himself in some way from his betrothal察and love only her。
Malbone had fortunately great control over Emilia when near her察and
could thus keep the sight of this stormy passion from the pure and
unconscious Hope。 But a new distress opened before him察from the time
when he again touched Hope's hand。 The close intercourse of the voyage
had given him for the time almost a surfeit of the hot´house atmosphere of
Emilia's love。 The first contact of Hope's cool察smooth fingers察the soft
light of her clear eyes察the breezy grace of her motions察the rose´odors that
clung around her察 brought back all his early passion。 Apart from this
voluptuousness of the heart into