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a sappho of green springs-第29节

小说: a sappho of green springs 字数: 每页4000字

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real value of capital is to know how and when to apply it to

certain conditions。〃

〃And this Mr。Mr。 Bentdo you thinkhe will go on and find the

water; papa?〃 said Rose; hesitatingly。

〃Ah! BentTom Bentoh; yes;〃 said Mallory; with great heartiness。

〃Capital fellow; Bent! and mighty ingenious!  Glad you met him!

Well;〃 thoughtfully but still heartily; 〃he may not find it exactly

where he expected; but he'll find it or something better。  We can't

part with him; and he has promised Dawson to stay。  We'll utilize

HIM; you may be sure。〃

It would seem that they did; and from certain interviews and

conversations that took place between Mr。 Bent and Miss Mallory on

a later visit; it would also appear that her father had exercised a

discreet reticence in regard to a certain experiment of the young

inventor; of which he had been an accidental witness。



As Mr。 Robert Rushbrook; known to an imaginative press as the

〃Maecenas of the Pacific Slope;〃 drove up to his country seat;

equally referred to as a 〃palatial villa;〃 he cast a quick but

practical look at the pillared pretensions of that enormous shell

of wood and paint and plaster。  The statement; also a reportorial

one; that its site; the Canyon of Los Osos; 〃some three years ago

was disturbed only by the passing tread of bear and wild…cat;〃 had

lost some of its freshness as a picturesque apology; and already

successive improvements on the original building seemingly cast the

older part of the structure back to a hoary antiquity。  To many it

stood as a symbol of everything Robert Rushbrook did or had done

an improvement of all previous performances; it was like his own

lifean exciting though irritating state of transition to

something better。  Yet the visible architectural result; as here

shown; was scarcely harmonious; indeed; some of his friendsand

Maecenas had manyprofessed to classify the various improvements

by the successive fortunate ventures in their owner's financial

career; which had led to new additions; under the names; of 〃The

Comstock Lode Period;〃 〃The Union Pacific Renaissance;〃 〃The Great

Wheat Corner;〃 and 〃Water Front Gable Style;〃 a humorous trifling

that did not; however; prevent a few who were artists from

accepting Maecenas's liberal compensation for their services in

giving shape to those ideas。

Relinquishing to a groom his fast…trotting team; the second relay

in his two hours' drive from San Francisco; he leaped to the ground

to meet the architect; already awaiting his orders in the

courtyard。  With his eyes still fixed upon the irregular building

before him; he mingled his greeting and his directions。

〃Look here; Barker; we'll have a wing thrown out here; and a

hundred…foot ballroom。  Something to hold a crowd; something that

can be used for musicsabe?a concert; or a show。〃

〃Have you thought of any style; Mr。 Rushbrook?〃 suggested the


〃No;〃 said Rushbrook; 〃I've been thinking of the timethirty days;

and everything to be in。  You'll stop to dinner。  I'll have you sit

near Jack Somers。  You can talk style to him。  Say I told you。〃

〃You wish it completed in thirty days?〃 repeated the architect;


〃Well; I shouldn't mind if it were less。  You can begin at once。

There's a telegraph in the house。  Patrick will take any message;

and you can send up to San Francisco and fix things before dinner。〃

Before the man could reply; Rushbrook was already giving a hurried

interview to the gardener and others on his way to the front porch。

In another moment he had entered his own hall;a wonderful temple

of white and silver plaster; formal; yet friable like the sugared

erection of a wedding cake;where his major…domo awaited him。

〃Well; who's here?〃 asked Rushbrook; still advancing towards his


〃Dinner is set for thirty; sir;〃 said the functionary; keeping step

demurely with his master; 〃but Mr。 Appleby takes ten over to San

Mateo; and some may sleep there。  The char…a…banc is still out and

five saddle…horses; to a picnic in Green Canyon; and I can't

positively say; but I should think you might count on seeing about

forty…five guests before you go to town to…morrow。  The opera

troupe seem to have not exactly understood the invitation; sir。〃

〃How?  I gave it myself。〃

〃The chorus and supernumeraries thought themselves invited too;

sir; and have come; I believe; sir。  At least Signora Pegrelli and

Madame Denise said so; and that they would speak to you about it;

but that meantime I could put them up anywhere。〃

〃And you made no distinction; of course?〃

〃No; sir; I put them in the corresponding rooms opposite; sir。

I don't think the prima donnas like it。〃


〃Yes; sir。〃

Whatever was in their minds; the two men never changed their

steady; practical gravity of manner。  The major…domo's appeared to

be a subdued imitation of his master's; worn; as he might have worn

his master's clothes; had he accepted; or Mr。 Rushbrook permitted;

such a degradation。  By this time they had reached the door of Mr。

Rushbrook's room; and the man paused。  〃I didn't include some

guests of Mr。 Leyton's; sir; that he brought over here to show

around the place; but he told me to tell you he would take them

away again; or leave them; as you liked。  They're some Eastern

strangers stopping with him。〃

〃All right;〃 said Rushbrook; quietly; as he entered his own

apartment。  It was decorated as garishly as the hall; as staring

and vivid in color; but wholesomely new and clean for all its

paint; veneering; and plaster。  It was filled with heterogeneous

splendorall new and well kept; yet with so much of the attitude

of the show…room still lingering about it that one almost expected

to see the various articles of furniture ticketed with their

prices。  A luxurious bed; with satin hangings and Indian carved

posts; standing ostentatiously in a corner; kept up this

resemblance; for in a curtained recess stood a worn camp bedstead;

Rushbrook's real couch; Spartan in its simplicity。

Mr。 Rushbrook drew his watch from his pocket; and deliberately

divested himself of his boots; coat; waistcoat; and cravat。  Then

rolling himself in a fleecy; blanket…like rug with something of the

habitual dexterity of a frontiersman; he threw himself on his

couch; closed his eyes; and went instantly to sleep。  Lying there;

he appeared to be a man comfortably middle…aged; with thick iron…

gray hair that might have curled had he encouraged such

inclination; a skin roughened and darkened by external hardships

and exposure; but free from taint of inner vice or excess; and

indistinctive features redeemed by a singularly handsome mouth。  As

the lower part of the face was partly hidden by a dense but

closely…cropped beard; it is probable that the delicate outlines of

his lips had gained something from their framing。

He slept; through what seemed to be the unnatural stillness of the

large house;a quiet that might have come from the lingering

influence of the still virgin solitude around it; as if Nature had

forgotten the intrusion; or were stealthily retaking her own; and

later; through the rattle of returning wheels or the sound of

voices; which were; however; promptly absorbed in that deep and

masterful silence which was the unabdicating genius of the canyon。

For it was remarkable that even the various artists; musicians;

orators; and poets whom Maecenas had gathered in his cool business

fashion under that roof; all seemed to become; by contrast with

surrounding Nature; as new and artificial as the house; and as

powerless to assert themselves against its influence。

He was still sleeping when James re…entered the room; but awoke

promptly at the sound of his voice。  In a few moments he had

rearranged his scarcely disordered toilette; and stepped out

refreshed and observant into the hall。  The guests were still

absent from that part of the building; and he walked leisurely past

the carelessly opened doors of the rooms they had left。  Everywhere

he met the same glaring ornamentation and color; the same

garishness of treatment; the same inharmonious extravagance of

furniture; and everywhere the same troubled acceptance of it by the

inmates; or the same sense of temporary and restricted tenancy。

Dresses were hung over cheval glasses; clothes piled up on chairs

to avoid the use of doubtful and over ornamented wardrobes; and in

some cases more practical guests had apparently encamped in a

corner of their apartment。  A gentleman from Siskyousole

proprietor of a mill patent now being considered by Maecenashad

confined himself to a rocking…chair and clothes…horse as being

trustworthy and familiar; a bolder spirit from Yrekain treaty for

capital to start an independent journal devoted to Maecenas's

interestshad got a good deal out of; and indeed all he had INT

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