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a sappho of green springs-第15节

小说: a sappho of green springs 字数: 每页4000字

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and darted across the hall。

The two old people stared doubtfully at each other。  For even this

powerful ally; whose strength; however; they were by no means sure

of; might succumb before the determined Josephine!  Prudence

demanded a middle course。  〃Ain't they brother and sister?〃 said

the old man; with an air of virtuous toleration。  〃Let 'em fight it


The young man impatiently entered the room he remembered to have

been his sister's。  By the light of the moon that streamed upon the

window he could see she was not there。  He passed hurriedly to the

door of her bedroom; it was open; the room was empty; the bed

unturned。  She was not in the houseshe had gone to the mill。  Ah!

What was that they had said?  An infamous thought passed through

the scoundrel's mind。  Then; in what he half believed was an access

of virtuous fury; he began by the dim light to rummage in the

drawers of the desk for such loose coin or valuables as; in the

perfect security of the ranch; were often left unguarded。  Suddenly

he heard a heavy footstep on the threshold; and turned。

An awful visiona recollection; so unexpected; so ghostlike in

that weird light that he thought he was losing his sensesstood

before him。  It moved forwards with staring eyeballs and white and

open lips from which a horrible inarticulate sound issued that was

the speech of no living man!  With a single desperate; almost

superhuman effort Stephen Forsyth bounded aside; leaped from the

window; and ran like a madman from the house。  Then the apparition

trembled; collapsed; and sank in an undistinguishable heap to the


When Josephine Forsyth returned an hour later with her mill

foreman; she was startled to find her helpless patient in a fit on

the floor of her room。  With the assistance of her now converted

and penitent employee; she had the unfortunate man conveyed to his

roombut not until she had thoughtfully rearranged the disorder of

her desk and closed the open drawers without attracting Dick

Shipley's attention。  In the morning; hearing that the patient was

still in the semiconscious exhaustion of his late attack; but

without seeing him; she sent for Dr。 Duchesne。  The doctor arrived

while she was absent at the mill; where; after a careful

examination of his patient; he sought her with some little


〃Well?〃 she said; with eager gravity。

〃Well; it looks as if your wish would be gratified。  Your friend

has had an epileptic fit; but the physical shock has started his

mental machinery again。  He has recovered his faculties; his memory

is returning: he thinks and speaks coherently; he is as sane as you

and I。〃

〃And〃said Josephine; questioning the doctor's knitted eyebrows。

〃I am not yet sure whether it was the result of some shock he

doesn't remember; or an irritation of the brain; which would

indicate that the operation had not been successful and that there

was still some physical pressure or obstruction therein which

case he would be subject to these attacks all his life。〃

〃Do you think his reason came before the fit or after?〃 asked the

girl; anxiously。

〃I couldn't say。  Had anything happened?〃

〃I was away; and found him on the floor on my return;〃 she

answered; half uneasily。  After a pause she said; 〃Then he has

told you his name and all about himself?〃

〃Yes; it's nothing at all!   He was a stranger just arrived from

the States; going to the minesthe old story; had no near

relations; of course; wasn't missed or asked after; remembers

walking along the ridge and falling over; name; John Baxter; of

Maine。〃  He paused; and relaxing into a slight smile; added; 〃I

haven't spoiled your romance; have I?〃

〃No;〃 she said; with an answering smile。  Then as the doctor walked

briskly away she slightly knitted her pretty brows; hung her head;

patted the ground with her little foot beyond the hem of her gown;

and said to herself; 〃The man was lying to him。〃


On her return to the house; Josephine apparently contented herself

with receiving the bulletin of the stranger's condition from the

servant; for she did not enter his room。  She had obtained no

theory of last night's incident from her parents; who; beyond a

querulous agitation that was quickened by the news of his return to

reason; refrained from even that insidious comment which she half

feared would follow。  When another day passed without her seeing

him; she nevertheless was conscious of a little embarrassment when

his attendant brought her the request that she would give him a

moment's speech in the porch; whither he had been removed。

She found him physically weaker; indeed; so much so that she was

fain; even in her embarrassment; to assist him back to the bench

from which he had ceremoniously risen。  But she was so struck with

the change in his face and manner; a change so virile and

masterful; in spite of its gentle sadness of manner; that she

recoiled with a slight timidity as if he had been a stranger;

although she was also conscious that he seemed to be more at his

ease than she was。  He began in a low exhausted voice; but before

he had finished his first sentence; she felt herself in the

presence of a superior。

〃My thanks come very late; Miss Forsyth;〃 he said; with a faint

smile; 〃but no one knows better than yourself the reason why; or

can better understand that they mean that the burden you have so

generously taken on yourself is about to be lifted。  I know all;

Miss Forsyth。  Since yesterday I have learned how much I owe you;

even my life I believe; though I am afraid I must tell you in the

same breath that THAT is of little worth to any one。  You have

kindly helped and interested yourself in a poor stranger who turns

out to be a nobody; without friends; without romance; and without

even mystery。  You found me lying in the road down yonder; after a

stupid accident that might have happened to any other careless

tramp; and which scarcely gave me a claim to a bed in the county

hospital; much less under this kindly roof。  It was not my fault;

as you know; that all this did not come out sooner; but while it

doesn't lessen your generosity; it doesn't lessen my debt; and

although I cannot hope to ever repay you; I can at least keep the

score from running on。  Pardon my speaking so bluntly; but my

excuse for speaking at all was to say 'Good…by' and 'God bless

you。'  Dr。 Duchesne has promised to give me a lift on my way in his

buggy when he goes。〃

There was a slight touch of consciousness in his voice in spite of

its sadness; which struck the young girl as a weak and even

ungentlemanly note in his otherwise self…abnegating and

undemonstrative attitude。  If he was a common tramp; he wouldn't

talk in that way; and if he wasn't; why did he lie?  Her practical

good sense here asserted itself。

〃But you are far from strong yet; in fact; the doctor says you

might have a relapse at any moment; and you havethat is; you SEEM

to have no money;〃 she said gravely。

〃That's true;〃 he said; quickly。  〃I remember I was quite played

out when I entered the settlement; and I think I had parted from

even some little trifles I carried with me。  I am afraid I was a

poor find to those who picked me up; and you ought to have taken

warning。  But the doctor has offered to lend me enough to take me

to San Francisco; if only to give a fair trial to the machine he

has set once more a…going。〃

〃Then you have friends in San Francisco?〃 said the young girl

quickly。  〃Those who know you?  Why not write to them first; and

tell them you are here?〃

〃I don't think your postmaster here would be preoccupied with

letters for John Baxter; if I did;〃 he said; quietly。  〃But here

is the doctor waiting。  Good…by。〃

He stood looking at her in a peculiar; yet half…resigned way; and

held out his hand。  For a moment she hesitated。  Had he been less

independent and strong; she would have refused to let him gohave

offered him some slight employment at the ranch; for oddly enough;

in spite of the suspicion that he was concealing something; she

felt that she would have trusted him; and he would have been a help

to her。  But he was not only determined; but SHE was all the time

conscious that he was a totally different man from the one she had

taken care of; and merely ordinary prudence demanded that she

should know something more of him first。  She gave him her hand

constrainedly; he pressed it warmly。

Dr。 Duchesne drove up; helped him into the buggy; smiled a good…

natured but half…perfunctory assurance that he would look after

〃her patient;〃 and drove away。

The whole thing was over; but so unexpectedly; so suddenly; so

unromantically; so unsatisfactorily; that; although her common

sense told her that it was perfectly natural; proper; business…

like; and reasonable; and; above all; final and complete; she did

not know whet

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