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nada the lily-第37节

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spears of the soldiers; they began to fall in a torrent of men; women;

and children; far into the black depths below。

*       *       *       *       *

My father; forgive me the tears that fall from these blind eyes of

mine; I am very aged; I am but as a little child; and as a little

child I weep。 I cannot tell it。 At last it was done; and all grew


*       *       *       *       *

Thus was Makedama buried beneath the bodies of his people; thus was

ended the tribe of the Langeni; as my mother had dreamed; so it came

about; and thus did Chaka take vengeance for that cup of milk which

was refused to him many a year before。

〃Thou hast not won thy bet; Mopo;〃 said the king presently。 〃See there

is a little space where one more may find room to sleep。 Full to the

brim is this corn…chamber with the ears of death; in which no living

grain is left。 Yet there is one little space; and is there not one to

fill it? Are all the tribe of the Langeni dead indeed?〃

〃There is one; O King!〃 I answered。 〃I am of the tribe of the Langeni;

let my carcase fill the place。〃

〃Nay; Mopo; nay! Who then should take the bet? Moreover; I slay thee

not; for it is against my oath。 Also; do we not mourn together; thou

and I?〃

〃There is no other left living of the tribe of the Langeni; O King!

The bet is lost; it shall be paid。〃

〃I think that there is another;〃 said Chaka。 〃There is a sister to

thee and me; Mopo。 Ah; see; she comes!〃

I looked up; my father; and I saw this: I saw Baleka; my sister;

walking towards us; and on her shoulders was a kaross of wild…cat

skins; and behind her were two soldiers。 She walked proudly; holding

her head high; and her step was like the step of a queen。 Now she saw

the sight of death; for the dead lay before her like black water in a

sunless pool。 A moment she stood shivering; having guessed all; then

walked on and stood before Chaka。

〃What is thy will with me; O King?〃 she said。

〃Thou art come in a good hour; sister;〃 said Chaka; turning his eyes

from hers。 〃It is thus: Mopo; my servant and thy brother; made a bet

with me; a bet of cattle。 It was a little matter that we wagered on

as to whether the people of the Langeni tribethine own tribe;

Baleka; my sisterwould fill yonder place; U'Donga…lu…ka…Tatiyana。

When they heard of the bet; my sister; the people of the Langeni

hurled themselves into the rift by thousands; being eager to put the

matter to the proof。 And now it seems that thy brother has lost the

bet; for there is yet place for one yonder ere the donga is full。

Then; my sister; thy brother Mopo brought it to my mind that there was

still one of the Langeni tribe left upon the earth; who; should she

sleep in that place; would turn the bet in his favour; and prayed me

to send for her。 So; my sister; as I would not take that which I have

not won; I have done so; and now do thou go apart and talk with Mopo;

thy brother; alone upon this matter; as once before thou didst talk

when a child was born to thee; my sister!〃

Now Baleka took no heed of the words of Chaka which he spoke of me;

for she knew his meaning well。 Only she looked him in the eyes and


〃Ill shalt thou sleep from this night forth; Chaka; till thou comest

to a land where no sleep is。 I have spoken。〃

Chaka saw and heard; and of a sudden he quailed; growing afraid in his

heart; and turned his head away。

〃Mopo; my brother;〃 said Baleka; 〃let us speak together for the last

time; it is the king's word。〃

So I drew apart with Baleka; my sister; and a spear was in my hand。 We

stood together alone by the people of the dead and Baleka threw the

corner of the kaross about her brows and spoke to me swiftly from

beneath its shadow。

〃What did I say to you a while ago; Mopo? It has come to pass。 Swear

to me that you will live on and that this same hand of yours shall

taken vengeance for me。〃

〃I swear it; my sister。〃

〃Swear to me that when the vengeance is done you will seek out my son

Umslopogaas if he still lives; and bless him in my name。〃

〃I swear it; my sister。〃

〃Fare you well; Mopo! We have always loved each other much; and now

all fades; and it seems to me that once more we are little children

playing about the kraals of the Langeni。 So may we play again in

another land! Now; Mopo〃and she looked at me steadily; and with

great eyes〃I am weary。 I would join the spirits of my people。 I hear

them calling in my ears。 It is finished。〃

*       *       *       *       *

For the rest; I will not tell it to you; my father。



That night the curse of Baleka fell upon Chaka; and he slept ill。 So

ill did he sleep that he summoned me to him; bidding me walk abroad

with him。 I went; and we walked alone and in silence; Chaka leading

the way and I following after him。 Now I saw that his feet led him

towards the U'Donga…lu…ka…Tatiyana; that place where all my people lay

dead; and with them Baleka; my sister。 We climbed the slope of the

hill slowly; and came to the mouth of the cleft; to that same spot

where Chaka had stood when the people fell over the lips of the rock

like water。 Then there had been noise and crying; now there was

silence; for the night was very still。 The moon was full also; and

lighted up the dead who lay near to us; so that I could see them all;

yes; I could see even the face of Baleka; my sisterthey had thrown

her into the midst of the dead。 Never had it looked so beautiful as in

this hour; and yet as I gazed I grew afraid。 Only the far end of the

donga was hid in shadow。

〃Thou wouldst not have won thy bet now; Mopo; my servant;〃 said Chaka。

〃See; they have sunk together! The donga is not full by the length of

a stabbing…spear。〃

I did not answer; but at the sound of the king's voice jackals stirred

and slunk away。

Presently he spoke again; laughing loudly as he spoke: 〃Thou shouldst

sleep well this night; my mother; for I have sent many to hush thee to

rest。 Ah; people of the Langeni tribe; you forgot; but I remembered!

You forgot how a woman and a boy came to you seeking food and shelter;

and you would give them noneno; not a gourd of milk。 What did I

promise you on that day; people of the Langeni tribe? Did I not

promise you that for every drop the gourd I craved would hold I would

take the life of a man? And have I not kept my promise? Do not men lie

here more in number than the drops of water in a gourd; and with them

woman and children countless as the leaves? O people of the Langeni

tribe; who refused me milk when I was little; having grown great; I am

avenged upon you! Having grown great! Ah! who is there so great as I?

The earth shakes beneath my feet; when I speak the people tremble;

when I frown they diethey die in thousands。 I have grown great; and

great I shall remain! The land is mine; far as the feet of man can

travel the land is mine; and mine are those who dwell in it。 And I

shall grow greater yetgreater; ever greater。 Is it thy face; Baleka;

that stares upon me from among the faces of the thousands whom I have

slain? Thou didst promise me that I should sleep ill henceforth。

Baleka; I fear thee notat the least; thou sleepest sound。 Tell me;

Balekarise from thy sleep and tell me whom there is that I should

fear!〃and suddenly he ceased the ravings of his pride。

Now; my father; while Chaka the king spoke thus; it came into my mind

to make an end of things and kill him; for my heart was made with rage

and the thirst of vengeance。 Already I stood behind him; already the

stick in my hand was lifted to strike out his brains; when I stopped

also; for I saw something。 There; in the midst of the dead; I saw an

arm stir。 It stirred; it lifted itself; it beckoned towards the shadow

which hid the head of the cleft and the piled…up corpses that lay

there; and it seemed to me that the arm was the arm of Baleka。

Perchance it was not her arm; perchance it was but the arm of one who

yet lived among the thousands of the dead; say you; my father! At the

least; the arm rose at her side; and was ringed with such bracelets as

Baleka wore; and it beckoned from her side; though her cold face

changed not at all。 Thrice the arm rose; thrice it stood awhile in

air; thrice it beckoned with crooked finger; as though it summoned

something from the depths of the shadow; and from the multitudes of

the dead。 Then it fell down; and in the utter silence I heard its fall

and a clank of brazen bracelets。 And as it fell there rose from the

shadow a sound of singing; of singing wild and sweet; such as I had

never heard。 The words of that song came to me then; my father; but

afterwards they passed from me; and I remember them no more。 Only I

know this; that the song was of the making of Things; and of the

beginning and the end of Peoples。 It told of how the black folk grew;

and of how the white

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