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nada the lily-第30节

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knew anything of such a youth as him for whom they sought。 The headman

told the captain of Galazi the Wolf; but the captain said that this

could not be the lad; for Galazi had dwelt many moons upon the Ghost


〃There is another youth;〃 said the headman; 〃a stranger; fierce;

strong and tall; with eyes that shine like spears。 He is in the hut

now; he sits yonder in the shadow。〃

The captain rose and looked into the shadow; but Umslopogaas was gone。

〃Now this youth is fled;〃 said the headman; 〃and yet none saw him fly!

Perhaps he also is a wizard! Indeed; I have heard that now there are

two of them upon the Ghost Mountain; and that they hunt there at night

with the ghost…wolves; but I do not know if it is true。〃

〃Now I am minded to kill you;〃 said the captain in wrath; 〃because you

have suffered this youth to escape me。 Without doubt it is

Umslopogaas; son of Mopo。〃

〃It is no fault of mine;〃 said the headmen。 〃These young men are

wizards; who can pass hither and thither at will。 But I say this to

you; captain of the king; if you will go on the Ghost Mountain; you

must go there alone with your soldiers; for none in these parts dare

to tread upon that mountain。〃

〃Yet I shall dare to…morrow;〃 said the captain。 〃We grow brave at the

kraal of Chaka。 There men do not fear spears or ghosts or wild beasts

or magic; but they fear the king's word alone。 The sun setsgive us

food。 To…morrow we will search the mountain。〃

Thus; my father; did this captain speak in his folly;he who should

never see another sun。

Now Umslopogaas reached the mountain; and when he had passed the

forestof which he had learned every secret waythe darkness

gathered; and the wolves awoke in the darkness and drew near howling。

Umslopogaas howled in answer; and presently that great wolf Deathgrip

came to him。 Umslopogaas saw him and called him by his name; but;

behold! the brute did not know him; and flew at him; growling。 Then

Umslopogaas remembered that the she…wolf's skin was not bound about

his shoulders; and therefore it was that the wolf Deathgrip knew him

not。 For though in the daytime; when the wolves slept; he might pass

to and fro without the skin; at night it was not so。 He had not

brought the skin; because he dared not wear it in the sight of the men

of the kraal; lest they should know him for one of the Wolf…Brethren;

and it had not been his plan to seek the mountain again that night;

but rather on the morrow。 Now Umslopogaas knew that his danger was

great indeed。 He beat back Deathgrip with his kerrie; but others were

behind him; for the wolves gathered fast。 Then he bounded away towards

the cave; for he was so swift of foot that the wolves could not catch

him; though they pressed him hard; and once the teeth of one of them

tore his moocha。 Never before did he run so fast; and in the end he

reached the cave and rolled the rock to; and as he did so the wolves

dashed themselves against it。 Then he clad himself in the hide of the

she…wolf; and; pushing aside the stone; came out。 And; lo! the eyes of

the wolves were opened; and they knew him for one of the brethren who

ruled over them; and slunk away at his bidding。

Now Umslopogaas sat himself down at the mouth of the cave waiting for

Galazi; and he thought。 Presently Galazi came; and in few words

Umslopogaas told him all his tale。

〃You have run a great risk; my brother;〃 said Galazi。 〃What now?〃

〃This;〃 said Umslopogaas: 〃these people of ours are hungry for the

flesh of men; let us feed them full on the soldiers of Chaka; who sit

yonder at the kraal seeking my life。 I would take vengeance for Mopo;

my father; and all my brethren who are dead; and for my mothers; the

wives of Mopo。 What say you?〃

Galazi laughed aloud。 〃That will be merry; my brother;〃 he said。 〃I

weary of hunting beasts; let us hunt men to…night。〃

〃Ay; to…night;〃 said Umslopogaas; nodding。 〃I long to look upon that

captain as a maid longs for her lover's kiss。 But first let us rest

and eat; for the night is young; then; Galazi; summon our impi。〃

So they rested and ate; and afterwards went out armed; and Galazi

howled to the wolves; and they came in tens and twenties till all were

gathered together。 Galazi moved among them; shaking the Watcher; as

they sat upon their haunches; and followed him with their fiery eyes。

〃We do not hunt game to…night; little people;〃 he cried; 〃but men; and

you love the flesh of men。〃

Now all the wolves howled as though they understood。 Then the pack

divided itself as was its custom; the she…wolves following

Umslopogaas; the dog…wolves following Galazi; and in silence they

moved swiftly down towards the plain。 They came to the river and swam

it; and there; eight spear throws away; on the farther side of the

river stood the kraal。 Now the Wolf…Brethren took counsel together;

and Galazi; with the dog…wolves; went to the north gate; and

Umslopogaas with the she…wolves to the south gate。 They reached them

safely and in silence; for at the bidding of the brethren the wolves

ceased from their howlings。 The gates were stopped with thorns; but

the brethren pulled out the thorns and made a passage。 As they did

this it chanced that certain dogs in the kraal heard the sound of the

stirred boughs; and awakening; caught the smell of the wolves that

were with Umslopogaas; for the wind blew from that quarter。 These dogs

ran out barking; and presently they came to the south gate of the

kraal; and flew at Umslopogaas; who pulled away the thorns。 Now when

the wolves saw the dogs they could be restrained no longer; but sprang

on them and tore them to fragments; and the sound of their worrying

came to the ears of the soldiers of Chaka and of the dwellers in the

kraal; so that they sprang from sleep; snatching their arms。 And as

they came out of the huts they saw in the moonlight a man wearing a

wolf's hide rushing across the empty cattle kraal; for the grass was

long and the cattle were out at graze; and with him countless wolves;

black and grey。 Then they cried aloud in terror; saying that the

ghosts were on them; and turned to flee to the north gate of the

kraal。 But; behold! here also they met a man clad in a wolf's skin

only; and with him countless wolves; black and grey。

Now; some flung themselves to earth screaming in their fear; and some

strove to run away; but the greater part of the soldiers; and with

them many of the men of the kraal; came together in knots; being

minded to die like men at teeth of the ghosts; and that though they

shook with fear。 Then Umslopogaas howled aloud; and howled Galazi; and

they flung themselves upon the soldiers and the people of the kraal;

and with them came the wolves。 Then a crying and a baying rose up to

heaven as the grey wolves leaped and bit and tore。 Little they heeded

the spears and kerries of the soldiers。 Some were killed; but the rest

did not stay。 Presently the knots of men broke up; and to each man

wolves hung by twos and threes; dragging him to earth。 Some few fled;

indeed; but the wolves hunted them by gaze and scent; and pulled them

down before they passed the gates of the kraal。

The Wolf…Brethren also ravened with the rest。 Busy was the Watcher;

and many bowed beneath him; and often the spear of Umslopogaas flashed

in the moonlight。 It was finished; none were left living in that

kraal; and the wolves growled sullenly as they took their fill; they

who had been hungry for many days。 Now the brethren met; and laughed

in their wolf joy; because they had slaughtered those who were sent

out to slaughter。 They called to the wolves; bidding them search the

huts; and the wolves entered the huts as dogs enter a thicket; and

killed those who lurked there; or drove them forth to be slain

without。 Presently a man; great and tall; sprang from the last of the

huts; where he had hidden himself; and the wolves outside rushed on

him to drag him down。 But Umslopogaas beat them back; for he had seen

the face of the man: it was that captain whom Chaka had sent out to

kill him。 He beat them back; and stalked up to the captain; saying:

〃Greeting to you; captain of the king! Now tell us what is your errand

here; beneath the shadow of her who sits in stone?〃 And he pointed

with his spear to the Grey Witch on the Ghost Mountain; on which the

moon shone bright。

Now the captain had a great heart; though he had hidden from the

wolves; and answered boldly:

〃What is that to you; wizard? Your ghost wolves had made an end of my

errand。 Let them make an end of me also。〃

〃Be not in haste; captain;〃 said Umslopogaas。 〃Say; did you not seek a

certain youth; the son of Mopo?〃

〃That is so;〃 answered the captain。 〃I sought one youth; and I have

found many evil spirits。〃 And he looked at the wolves tearing their

prey; and shuddered。

〃Say; captain;〃 quoth Umslopogaas; drawing back his hood of wolf's

hide so that the moonlight fel

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