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nada the lily-第16节

小说: nada the lily 字数: 每页4000字

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centre of the circle and said a word。

〃Ha! ha!〃 they laughed; 〃we hear you! His is the name。 Let him be

named by it in the face of Heaven; him and all his house; then let him

hear no other name forever!〃

And suddenly they sprang up and rushed towards me; Nobela; the aged

Isanusi; at their head。 They leaped at me; pointing to me with the

tails of the vilderbeestes in their hands。 Then Nobela switched me in

the face with the tail of the beast; and cried aloud:

〃Greeting; Mopo; son of Makedama! Thou art the man who smotest blood

on the door…posts of the king to bewitch the king。 Let thy house be

stamped flat!〃

I saw her come; I felt the blow on my face as a man feels in a dream。

I heard the feet of the slayers as they bounded forward to hale me to

the dreadful death; but my tongue clave to the roof of my mouthI

could not say a word。 I glanced at the king; and; as I did so; I

thought that I heard him mutter: 〃Near the mark; not in it。〃

Then he held up his spear; and all was silence。 The slayers stopped in

their stride; the witch…doctors stood with outstretched arms; the

world of men was as though it had been frozen into sleep。

〃Hold!〃 he said。 〃Stand aside; son of Makedama; who art named an

evildoer! Stand aside; thou; Nobela; and those with thee who have

named him evildoer! What? Shall I be satisfied with the life of one

dog? Smell on; ye vultures; company by company; smell on! For the day

the labour; at night the feast!〃

I rose; astonished; and stood on one side。 The witch…doctresses also

stood on one side; wonderstruck; since no such smelling out as this

had been seen in the land。 For till this hour; when a man was swept

with the gnu's tail of the Isanusi that was the instant of his death。

Why; then; men asked in their hearts; was the death delayed? The

witch…doctors asked it also; and looked to the king for light; as men

look to a thunder…cloud for the flash。 But from the Black One there

came no word。

So we stood on one side; and a second party of the Isanusi women began

their rites。 As the others had done; so they did; and yet they worked

otherwise; for this is the fashion of the Isanusis; that no two of

them smell out in the same way。 And this party swept the faces of

certain of the king's councillors; naming them guilty of the witch…


〃Stand ye on one side!〃 said the king to those who had been smelt out;

〃and ye who have hunted out their wickedness; stand ye with those who

named Mopo; son of Makedama。 It well may be that all are guilty。〃

So these stood on one side also; and a third party took up the tale。

And they named certain of the great generals; and were in turn bidden

to stand on one side together with those whom they had named。

So it went on through all the day。 Company by company the women doomed

their victims; till there were no more left in their number; and were

commanded to stand aside together with those whom they had doomed。

Then the male Isanusis began; and I could see well that by this time

their hearts were fearful; for they smelt a snare。 Yet the king's

bidding must be done; and though their magic failed them here; victims

must be found。 So they smelt out this man and that man till we were a

great company of the doomed; who sat in silence on the ground looking

at each other with sad eyes and watching the sun; which we deemed our

last; climb slowly down the sky。 And ever as the day waned those who

were left untried of the witch…doctors grew madder and more fierce。

They leaped into the air; they ground their teeth; and rolled upon the

ground。 They drew forth snakes and devoured them alive; they shrieked

out to the spirits and called upon the names of ancient kings。

At length it drew on to evening; and the last company of the witch…

doctors did their work; smelling out some of the keepers of the

Emposeni; the house of the women。 But there was one man of their

company; a young man and a tall; who held back and took no share in

the work; but stood by himself in the centre of the great circle;

fixing his eyes on the heavens。

And when this company had been ordered to stand aside also together

with those whom they had smelt out; the king called aloud to the last

of the witch…doctors; asking him of his name and tribe; and why he

alone did not do his office。

〃My name is Indabazimbi; the son of Arpi; O king;〃 he answered; 〃and I

am of the tribe of the Maquilisini。 Does the king bid me to smell out

him of whom the spirits have spoken to me as the worker of this deed?〃

〃I bid thee;〃 said the king。

Then the young man Indabazimbi stepped straight forward across the

ring; making no cries or gestures; but as one who walks from his gate

to the cattle kraal; and suddenly he struck the king in the face with

the tail in his hand; saying; 〃I smell out the Heavens above me!〃'2'

'2' A Zulu title for the king。ED。

Now a great gasp of wonder went up from the multitude; and all looked

to see this fool killed by torture。 But Chaka rose and laughed aloud。

〃Thou hast said it;〃 he cried; 〃and thou alone! Listen; ye people! I

did the deed! I smote blood upon the gateways of my kraal; with my own

hand I smote it; that I might learn who were the true doctors and who

were the false! Now it seems that in the land of the Zulu there is one

true doctorthis young manand of the false; look at them and count

them; they are like the leaves。 See! there they stand; and by them

stand those whom they have doomedthe innocent whom; with their wives

and children; they have doomed to the death of the dog。 Now I ask you;

my people; what reward shall be given to them?〃

Then a great roar went up from all the multitude; 〃Let them die; O


〃Ay!〃 he answered。 〃Let them die as liars should!〃

Now the Isanusis; men and women; screamed aloud in fear; and cried for

mercy; tearing themselves with their nails; for least of all things

did they desire to taste of their own medicine of death。 But the king

only laughed the more。

〃Hearken ye!〃 he said; pointing to the crowd of us who had been smelt

out。 〃Ye were doomed to death by these false prophets。 Now glut

yourselves upon them。 Slay them; my children! slay them all! wipe them

away! stamp them out!all! all; save this young man!〃

Then we bounded from the ground; for our hearts were fierce with hate

and with longing to avenge the terrors we had borne。 The doomed slew

the doomers; while from the circle of the Ingomboco a great roar of

laughter went up; for men rejoiced because the burden of the witch…

doctors had fallen from them。

At last it was done; and we drew back from the heap of the dead。

Nothing was heard there nowno more cries or prayers or curses。 The

witch…fingers travelled the path on which they had set the feet of

many。 The king drew near to look。 He came alone; and all who had done

his bidding bent their heads and crept past him; praising him as they

went。 Only I stood still; covered; as I was with mire and filth; for I

did not fear to stand in the presence of the king。 Chaka drew near;

and looked at the piled…up heaps of the slain and the cloud of dust

that yet hung over them。

〃There they lie; Mopo;〃 he said。 〃There lie those who dared to

prophecy falsely to the king! That was a good word of thine; Mopo;

which taught me to set the snare for them; yet methought I saw thee

start when Nobela; queen of the witch…doctresses; switched death on

thee。 Well; they are dead; and the land breathes more freely; and for

the evil which they have done; it is as yonder dust; that shall soon

sink again to earth and there be lost。〃

Thus he spoke; then ceasedfor lo! something moved beneath the cloud

of dust; something broke a way through the heap of the dead。 Slowly it

forced its path; pushing the slain this way and that; till at length

it stood upon its feet and tottered towards usa thing dreadful to

look on。 The shape was the shape of an aged woman; and even through

the blood and mire I knew her。 It was Nobela; she who had doomed me;

she whom but now I had smitten to earth; but who had come back from

the dead to curse me!

On she tottered; her apparel hanging round her in red rags; a hundred

wounds upon her face and form。 I saw that she was dying; but life

still flickered in her; and the fire of hate burned in her snaky eyes。

〃Hail; king!〃 she screamed。

〃Peace; liar!〃 he answered; 〃thou art dead!〃

〃Not yet; king。 I heard thy voice and the voice of yonder dog; whom I

would have given to the jackals; and I will not die till I have

spoken。 I smelt him out this morning when I was alive; now that I am

as one already dead; I smell him out again。 He shall bewitch thee with

blood indeed; Chakahe and Unandi; thy mother; and Baleka; thy wife。

Think of my words when the assegai reddens before thee for the last

time; king! Farewell!〃 And she uttered a great cry and rolled upon the

ground dead。

〃The wit

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