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eugenie grandet-第39节

小说: eugenie grandet 字数: 每页4000字

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then replied; without fully understanding what had been said to him;

〃My father's affairs are not mine。 I am much obliged; monsieur; for
the trouble you have been good enough to take;by which; however; I
really cannot profit。 I have not earned two millions by the sweat of
my brow to fling them at the head of my father's creditors。〃

〃But suppose that your father's estate were within a few days to be
declared bankrupt?〃

〃Monsieur; in a few days I shall be called the Comte d'Aubrion; you
will understand; therefore; that what you threaten is of no
consequence to me。 Besides; you know as well as I do that when a man
has an income of a hundred thousand francs his father has /never
failed/。〃 So saying; he politely edged Monsieur des Grassins to the


At the beginning of August in the same year; Eugenie was sitting on
the little wooden bench where her cousin had sworn to love her
eternally; and where she usually breakfasted if the weather were fine。
The poor girl was happy; for the moment; in the fresh and joyous
summer air; letting her memory recall the great and the little events
of her love and the catastrophes which had followed it。 The sun had
just reached the angle of the ruined wall; so full of chinks; which no
one; through a caprice of the mistress; was allowed to touch; though
Cornoiller often remarked to his wife that 〃it would fall and crush
somebody one of these days。〃 At this moment the postman knocked; and
gave a letter to Madame Cornoiller; who ran into the garden; crying

〃Mademoiselle; a letter!〃 She gave it to her mistress; adding; 〃Is it
the one you expected?〃

The words rang as loudly in the heart of Eugenie as they echoed in
sound from wall to wall of the court and garden。

〃Parisfrom himhe has returned!〃

Eugenie turned pale and held the letter for a moment。 She trembled so
violently that she could not break the seal。 La Grande Nanon stood
before her; both hands on her hips; her joy puffing as it were like
smoke through the cracks of her brown face。

〃Read it; mademoiselle!〃

〃Ah; Nanon; why did he return to Paris? He went from Saumur。〃

〃Read it; and you'll find out。〃

Eugenie opened the letter with trembling fingers。 A cheque on the
house of 〃Madame des Grassins and Coret; of Saumur;〃 fluttered down。
Nanon picked it up。

  My dear Cousin;

〃No longer 'Eugenie;'〃 she thought; and her heart quailed。


〃He once said 'thou。'〃 She folded her arms and dared not read another
word; great tears gathered in her eyes。

〃Is he dead?〃 asked Nanon。

〃If he were; he could not write;〃 said Eugenie。

She then read the whole letter; which was as follows:

  My dear Cousin;You will; I am sure; hear with pleasure of the
  success of my enterprise。 You brought me luck; I have come back
  rich; and I have followed the advice of my uncle; whose death;
  together with that of my aunt; I have just learned from Monsieur
  des Grassins。 The death of parents is in the course of nature; and
  we must succeed them。 I trust you are by this time consoled。
  Nothing can resist time; as I am well aware。 Yes; my dear cousin;
  the day of illusions is; unfortunately; gone for me。 How could it
  be otherwise? Travelling through many lands; I have reflected upon
  life。 I was a child when I went away;I have come back a man。
  To…day; I think of many I did not dream of then。 You are free; my
  dear cousin; and I am free still。 Nothing apparently hinders the
  realization of our early hopes; but my nature is too loyal to hide
  from you the situation in which I find myself。 I have not
  forgotten our relations; I have always remembered; throughout my
  long wanderings; the little wooden seat

Eugenie rose as if she were sitting on live coals; and went away and
sat down on the stone steps of the court。

  the little wooden seat where we vowed to love each other
  forever; the passage; the gray hall; my attic chamber; and the
  night when; by your delicate kindness; you made my future easier
  to me。 Yes; these recollections sustained my courage; I said in my
  heart that you were thinking of me at the hour we had agreed upon。
  Have you always looked at the clouds at nine o'clock? Yes; I am
  sure of it。 I cannot betray so true a friendship;no; I must not
  deceive you。 An alliance has been proposed to me which satisfies
  all my ideas of matrimony。 Love in marriage is a delusion。 My
  present experience warns me that in marrying we are bound to obey
  all social laws and meet the conventional demands of the world。
  Now; between you and me there are differences which might affect
  your future; my dear cousin; even more than they would mine。 I
  will not here speak of your customs and inclinations; your
  education; nor yet of your habits; none of which are in keeping
  with Parisian life; or with the future which I have marked out for
  myself。 My intention is to keep my household on a stately footing;
  to receive much company;in short; to live in the world; and I
  think I remember that you love a quiet and tranquil life。 I will
  be frank; and make you the judge of my situation; you have the
  right to understand it and to judge it。

  I possess at the present moment an income of eighty thousand
  francs。 This fortune enables me to marry into the family of
  Aubrion; whose heiress; a young girl nineteen years of age; brings
  me a title; a place of gentleman…of…the…bed…chamber to His
  Majesty; and a very brilliant position。 I will admit to you; my
  dear cousin; that I do not love Mademoiselle d'Aubrion; but in
  marrying her I secure to my children a social rank whose
  advantages will one day be incalculable: monarchical principles
  are daily coming more and more into favor。 Thus in course of time
  my son; when he becomes Marquis d'Aubrion; having; as he then will
  have; an entailed estate with a rental of forty thousand francs a
  year; can obtain any position in the State which he may think
  proper to select。 We owe ourselves to our children。

  You see; my cousin; with what good faith I lay the state of my
  heart; my hopes; and my fortune before you。 Possibly; after seven
  years' separation; you have yourself forgotten our youthful loves;
  but I have never forgotten either your kindness or my own words。 I
  remember all; even words that were lightly uttered;words by
  which a man less conscientious than I; with a heart less youthful
  and less upright; would scarcely feel himself bound。 In telling
  you that the marriage I propose to make is solely one of
  convenience; that I still remember our childish love; am I not
  putting myself entirely in your hands and making you the mistress
  of my fate? am I not telling you that if I must renounce my social
  ambitions; I shall willingly content myself with the pure and
  simple happiness of which you have shown me so sweet an image?

〃Tan; ta; tatan; ta; ti;〃 sang Charles Grandet to the air of /Non
piu andrai/; as he signed himself;

Your devoted cousin;

〃Thunder! that's doing it handsomely!〃 he said; as he looked about him
for the cheque; having found it; he added the words:

  P。S。I enclose a cheque on the des Grassins bank for eight
  thousand francs to your order; payable in gold; which includes the
  capital and interest of the sum you were kind enough to lend me。 I
  am expecting a case from Bordeaux which contains a few things
  which you must allow me to offer you as a mark of my unceasing
  gratitude。 You can send my dressing…case by the diligence to the
  hotel d'Aubrion; rue Hillerin…Bertin。

〃By the diligence!〃 said Eugenie。 〃A thing for which I would have laid
down my life!〃

Terrible and utter disaster! The ship went down; leaving not a spar;
not a plank; on a vast ocean of hope! Some women when they see
themselves abandoned will try to tear their lover from the arms of a
rival; they will kill her; and rush to the ends of the earth;to the
scaffold; to their tomb。 That; no doubt; is fine; the motive of the
crime is a great passion; which awes even human justice。 Other women
bow their heads and suffer in silence; they go their way dying;
resigned; weeping; forgiving; praying; and recollecting; till they
draw their last breath。 This is love;true love; the love of angels;
the proud love which lives upon its anguish and dies of it。 Such was
Eugenie's love after she had read that dreadful letter。 She raised her
eyes to heaven; thinking of the last words uttered by her dying
mother; who; with the prescience of death; had looked into the future
with clear and penetrating eyes: Eugenie; remembering that prophetic
death; that prophetic life; measured with one glance her own destiny。
Nothing was left for her; she could only unfold her wings; stretch
upward to the skies; and live in prayer until the day of her

〃My mother was right;〃 she said; weeping。 〃Sufferand die!〃


Eugenie came slowly back from the garden to the house; and avoided
passing; as was her custom; through the corridor。 But the memory of
her cousin was in the gray old hall and on the chimney…piece; where
stood a certain saucer and the old Sevres sugar…bowl which she used
every morning at h

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