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弌傍 chitra(廉蒙性) 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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     My   mind   is   busy   with   thoughts   of   hunting   today。   See察  how   the   rain 

pours in torrents and fiercely beats upon the hillside。 The dark shadow of 

the   clouds   hangs   heavily   over   the   forest察  and   the   swollen   stream察  like 

reckless youth察overleaps all barriers with mocking laughter。 On such rainy 

days we five brothers would go to the Chitraka forest to chase wild beasts。 

Those   were   glad   times。   Our   hearts   danced   to   the   drumbeat   of   rumbling 

clouds。 The  woods   resounded   with   the  screams   of   peacocks。 Timid   deer 

could not hear our approaching steps for the patter of rain and the noise of 

waterfalls察    the   leopards     would    leave    their   tracks   on   the   wet    earth察

betraying their lairs。 Our sport over察we dared each other to swim across 

turbulent   streams   on   our  way  back   home。 The  restless   spirit   is   on   me。   I 

long to go hunting。 


     First run down the quarry you are now following。 Are you quite certain 

that   the   enchanted   deer   you   pursue   must   needs   be   caught拭  No察  not   yet。 

Like   a   dream   the   wild   creature   eludes   you   when   it   seems   most   nearly 

yours。   Look   how   the   wind   is   chased   by   the   mad   rain   that   discharges   a 

thousand   arrows   after   it。 Yet   it   goes   free   and  unconquered。   Our   sport   is 

like   that察  my   love   You   give   chase   to   the   fleet´footed   spirit   of   beauty察

aiming at her every dart you have in your hands。 Yet this magic deer runs 

ever free and untouched。 



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     My  love察  have   you   no   home   where   kind   hearts   are   waiting   for   your 

return拭A home which you once made sweet with your gentle service and 

whose light went out when you left it for this wilderness拭


     Why these questions拭Are the hours of unthinking pleasure over拭Do 

you not know that I am no more than what you see before you拭For me 

there is no vista beyond。 The dew that hangs on the tip of a Kinsuka petal 

has neither name nor destination。 It offers no answer to any question。 She 

whom you love is like that perfect bead of dew。 


     Has she no tie with the world拭Can she be merely like a fragment of 

heaven dropped on the earth through the carelessness of a wanton god拭




     Ah察   that  is  why    I  always    seem    about    to  lose   you。   My    heart   is 

unsatisfied察  my   mind   knows   no   peace。   Come   closer   to   me察  unattainable 

one Surrender yourself to the bonds of name and home and parentage。 Let 

my heart feel you on all sides and live with you in the peaceful security of 



     Why this vain effort to catch and keep the tints of the clouds察the dance 

of the waves察the smell of the flowers拭


     Mistress mine察do not hope to pacify love with airy nothings。 Give me 

something to clasp察something that can last longer than pleasure察that can 

endure even through suffering。 


     Hero mine察the year is not yet full察and you are tired already Now I 

know that it is Heaven's blessing that has made the flower's term of life 

short。 Could this body of mine have drooped and died with the flowers of 

last   spring   it  surely   would    have    died   with   honour。    Yet察 its  days   are 

numbered察  my   love。   Spare   it   not察  press   it   dry   of   honey察  for   fear   your 

beggar's heart come back to it again and again with unsated desire察like a 


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thirsty bee when summer blossoms lie dead in the dust。 


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    TONIGHT is thy last night。 


    The loveliness of your body will return tomorrow to the inexhaustible 

stores of the spring。 The ruddy tint of thy lips freed from the memory of 

Arjuna's kisses察will bud anew as a pair of fresh asoka leaves察and the soft察

white glow of thy skin will be born again in a hundred fragrant jasmine 



    O gods察grant me this my prayer Tonight察in its last hour let my beauty 

flash its brightest察like the final flicker of a dying flame。 

       Madana Thou shalt have thy wish。 


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                                SCENE VIII 


     WHO will protect us now拭


     Why察by what danger are you threatened拭


     The robbers are pouring from the northern hills like a mountain flood 

to devastate our village。 


     Have you in this kingdom no warden拭


     Princess Chitra was the terror of all evil doers。 While she was in this 

happy land we feared natural deaths察but had no other fears。 Now she has 

gone on a pilgrimage察and none knows where to find her。 


     Is the warden of this country a woman拭


       Yes察she is our father and mother in one。 Exeunt。 

       Enter CHITRA。 


     Why are you sitting all alone拭


     I am trying to imagine what kind of woman Princess Chitra may be。 I 

hear so many stories of her from all sorts of men。 


     Ah察but she is not beautiful。 She has no such lovely eyes as mine察dark 

as death。 She can pierce any target she will察but not our hero's heart。 


     They say that in valour she is a man察and a woman in tenderness。 


     That察 indeed察 is   her greatest   misfortune。 When   a  woman   is   merely  a 

woman察  when   she   winds   herself   round   and   round   men's   hearts   with   her 


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smiles and sobs and services and caressing endearments察then she is happy。 

Of what use to her are learning and great achievements拭Could you have 

seen   her   only   yesterday   in   the   court   of   the   Lord   Shiva's   temple   by   the 

forest path察you would have passed by without deigning to look at her。 But 

have you   grown so   weary  of woman's   beauty  that you seek   in her   for   a 

man's strength拭

     With green leaves wet from the spray of the foaming waterfall察I have 

made our noonday bed in a cavern dark as night。 There the cool of the soft 

green mosses   thick on the black   and   dripping stone察kisses   your   eyes   to 

sleep。 Let me guide you thither。 


     Not today察beloved。 


     Why not today拭


     I have heard that a horde of robbers has neared the plains。 Needs must 

I go and prepare my weapons to protect the frightened villagers。 


     You need have no fear for them。 Before she started on her pilgrimage察

Princess Chitra had set strong guards at all the frontier passes。 


     Yet permit me for a short while to set about a Kshatriya's work。 With 

new   glory   will   I   ennoble   this   idle   arm察  and   make   of   it   a   pillow   more 

worthy of your head。 


     What   if   I   refuse   to   let   you   go察  if   I   keep   you   entwined   in   my   arms拭

Would you rudely snatch   yourself free and leave   me拭Go then But   you 

must   know   that   the   liana察  once  broken   in   two察  never   joins   again。   Go察  if 

your   thirst   is   quenched。   But察  if   not察  then   remember   that   the   goddess   of 

pleasure is fickle察and waits for no man。 Sit for a while察my lord Tell me 

what   uneasy   thoughts   tease   you。   Who   occupied   your   mind   today拭  Is   it 



     Yes察it is Chitra。 I wonder in fulfilment of what vow she has gone on 


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her pilgrimage。 Of what could she stand in need拭


     Her needs拭Why察what has she ever had察the unfortunate creature拭Her 

very qualities are as prison walls察shutting her woman's heart in a bare cell。 

She is obscured察she is unfulfilled。 Her womanly love must content itself 

dressed in rags察beauty is denied her。 She is like the spirit of a cheerless 

morning察sitting upon the stony mountain peak察all her light blotted out by 

dark clou

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