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long day。 The history of my past life like that of my former existences was 

forgotten。 I felt like a flower察which has but a few fleeting hours to listen 

to   all   the   humming   flatteries   and   whispered   murmurs   of   the   woodlands 

and then must lower its eyes from the Sky察bend its head and at a breath 

give   itself   up   to   the  dust   without   a  cry察  thus   ending   the   short story  of   a 

perfect moment that has neither past nor future。 


     A limitless life of glory can bloom and spend itself in a morning。 


     Like an endless meaning in the narrow span of a song。 


     The southern breeze caressed me to sleep。 From the flowering Malati 

bower   overhead   silent   kisses   dropped   over   my   body。   On   my   hair察  my 

breast察my feet察each flower chose a bed to die on。 I slept。 And察suddenly 

in the depth of my sleep察I felt as if some intense eager look察like tapering 

fingers of   flame察touched   my slumbering   body。  I started up and   saw the 

Hermit   standing   before   me。   The   moon   had   moved   to   the   west察  peering 

through the leaves to espy this wonder of divine art wrought in a fragile 


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human   frame。 The   air   was   heavy  with   perfume察  the   silence   of   the   night 

was vocal with the chirping of crickets察the reflections of the trees hung 

motionless   in   the   lake察  and   with   his   staff   in   his   hand   he   stood察  tall   and 

straight and still察like a forest tree。 It seemed to me that I had察on opening 

my  eyes察  died to   all   realities   of   life   and undergone   a   dream  birth   into   a 

shadow land。 Shame slipped to my feet like loosened clothes。 I heard his 

call;Beloved察  my   most   beloved ─And   all   my   forgotten   lives   united   as 

one and responded to it。 I said察 Take me察take all I am ─And I stretched 

out    my   arms    to  him。   The   moon     set  behind    the  trees。  One    curtain   of 

darkness covered all。 Heaven and earth察time and space察pleasure and pain察

death and life merged together in an unbearable ecstasy。 。 。 。 With the first 

gleam of light察the first twitter of birds察I rose up and sat leaning on my left 

arm。   He   lay   asleep   with   a   vague   smile   about   his   lips   like   the   crescent 

moon in the morning。 The rosy red glow of the dawn fell upon his noble 

forehead。 I sighed and stood up。 I drew together the leafy lianas to screen 

the streaming sun from his face。 I looked about me and saw the same old 

earth。 I remembered what I used to be察and ran and ran like a deer afraid of 

her own shadow察through the forest path strewn with shephali flowers。 I 

found a lonely nook察and sitting down covered my face with both hands察

and tried to weep and cry。 But no tears came to my eyes。 


     Alas察thou daughter of mortals I stole from the divine Storehouse the 

fragrant wine of heaven察filled with it one earthly night to the brim察and 

placed it in thy hand to drink yet still I hear this cry of anguish 

       Chitra bitterlyА

     Who drank it拭The rarest completion of life's desire察the first union of 

love was proffered to me察but was wrested from my grasp拭This borrowed 

beauty察this falsehood that enwraps me察will slip from me taking with it the 

only monument of that sweet union察as the petals fall from an overblown 

flower察and the woman ashamed of her naked poverty will sit weeping day 

and    night。   Lord    Love察   this  cursed    appearance     companions       me   like   a 

demon robbing me of all the prizes of loveall the kisses for which my 

heart is athirst。 



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     Alas察how vain thy single night had been The barque of joy came in 

sight察but the waves would not let it touch the shore。 


     Heaven came so close to my hand that I forgot for a moment that it 

had not reached me。 But when I woke in the morning from  my dream I 

found   that   my   body   had   become   my   own   rival。   It   is   my   hateful   task   to 

deck her every day察to send her to my beloved and see her caressed by him。 

O god察take back thy boon 


     But   if   I   take   it   from   you   how   can   you   stand   before   your   lover拭  To 

snatch away the cup from his lips when he has scarcely drained his first 

draught of pleasure察would not that be cruel拭With what resentful anger he 

must regard thee then拭


     That would be better far than this。 I will reveal my true self to him察a 

nobler thing than this disguise。 If he rejects it察if he spurns me and breaks 

my heart察I will bear even that in silence。 


     Listen to my advice。 When with the advent of autumn the   flowering 

season   is   over   then   comes   the   triumph   of   fruitage。 A  time   will   come   of 

itself when the heat´cloyed bloom of the body will droop and Arjuna will 

gladly accept the abiding fruitful truth in thee。 O child察go back to thy mad 



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                                   SCENE IV 


     WHY do you watch me like that察my warrior拭


     I watch how you weave that garland。 Skill and grace察the twin brother 

and   sister察  are   dancing   playfully  on   your   finger   tips。   I   am  watching   and 



     What are you thinking察sir拭


     I am thinking that you察with this same lightness of touch and sweetness察

are weaving my days of exile into an immortal wreath察to crown me when 

I return home。 


     Home But this love is not for a home 


     Not for a home拭


     No。 Never talk of that。 Take to your home what is abiding and strong。 

Leave the little wild flower where it was born察leave it beautifully to die at 

the day's end among all fading blossoms and decaying leaves。 Do not take 

it to your palace hall to fling it on the stony floor which knows no pity for 

things that fade and are forgotten。 


     Is ours that kind of love拭


     Yes察  no   other   Why   regret   it拭  That   which   was   meant   for   idle   days 

should never outlive them。 Joy turns into pain when the door by which it 

should depart is shut against it。 Take it and keep it as long as it lasts。 Let 

not the satiety of your evening claim more than the desire of your morning 

could earn。 。 。 。 The day is done。 Put this garland on。 I am tired。 Take me in 

your arms察my love。 Let all vain bickerings of discontent die away at the 


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sweet meeting of our lips。 


     Hush Listen察my beloved察the sound of prayer bells from the distant 



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    age temple steals upon the evening air across the silent trees 

                                    SCENE V 


    I CANNOT keep pace with thee察my friend I am tired。 It is a hard task 

to keep alive the fire thou hast kindled。 Sleep overtakes me察the fan drops 

from my hand察and cold ashes cover the glow of the fire。 I start up again 

from my slumber and with all my might rescue the weary flame。 But this 

can go on no longer。 


    I know察thou art as fickle as a child。 Ever restless is thy play in heaven 

and on earth。 Things that thou for days buildest up with endless detail thou 

dost shatter in   a moment   without regret。  But this   work of   ours is   nearly 

finished。   Pleasure´winged   days   fly   fast察  and   the   year察  almost   at   its   end察

swoons in rapturous bliss。 


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       I WOKE   in   the   morning   and   found   that   my   dreams   had   distilled   a 

gem。 I have no casket to inclose it察no king's crown whereon to fix it察no 

chain from which to hang it察and yet have not the heart to throw it away。 

My Kshatriya's right arm察idly occupied in holding it察forgets its duties。 

       Enter CHITRA。 


     Tell me your thoughts察sir 


     My   mind   is   busy   with   thoughts   of   hunting   today。   See察  how   the   rain 

pours in torrents a

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