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keep guard at night at the entrance of his tent察and help him in all the great 

duties of a Kshatriya察rescuing the weak察and meting out justice where it is 

due。  Surely  at   last   the day  would   have   come   for   him  to   look   at   me   and 

wonder察 What boy is this拭Has one of my slaves in a former life followed 

me like my good deeds into this拭─I am not the woman who nourishes her 

despair in lonely silence察feeding it with nightly tears and covering it with 

the daily patient smile察a widow from her birth。 The flower of my desire 


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shall never drop into the dust before it has ripened to fruit。 But it is the 

labour    of   a  life  time  to  make     one's  true   self  known     and   honoured。 

Therefore   I   have   come   to   thy   door察  thou   world´vanquishing   Love察  and 

thou察 Vasanta察  youthful   Lord   of   the   Seasons察  take   from   my   young   body 

this primal injustice察an unattractive plainness。 For a single day make me 

superbly beautiful察even as beautiful as was the sudden blooming of love 

in my heart。 Give me but one brief day of perfect beauty察and I will answer 

for the days that follow。 


     Lady察I grant thy prayer。 


    Not for the short span of a day察but for one whole year the charm of 

spring blossoms shall nestle round thy limbs。 


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                                     SCENE II 


     WAS I dreaming or was what I saw by the lake truly there拭Sitting on 

the mossy turf察I mused over bygone years in the sloping shadows of the 

evening察when slowly there came out from the folding darkness of foliage 

an apparition   of beauty  in the perfect   form of   a woman察 and stood on   a 

white   slab   of   stone   at   the   water's   brink。   It   seemed   that   the   heart   of   the 

earth must heave in joy under her bare white feet。 Methought the vague 

veilings of her body should melt in ecstasy into air as the golden mist of 

dawn melts from off the snowy peak of the eastern hill。 She bowed herself 

above the shining mirror of the lake and saw the reflection of her face。 She 

started up in awe and stood still察then smiled察and with a careless sweep of 

her left arm unloosed her hair and let it trail on the earth at her feet。 She 

bared   her   bosom   and   looked   at   her   arms察  so   flawlessly   modelled察  and 

instinct   with   an   exquisite   caress。   Bending   her   head   she   saw   the   sweet 

blossoming of her youth and the tender bloom and blush of her skin。 She 

beamed   with   a   glad   surprise。   So察  if   the   white   lotus   bud   on   opening   her 

eyes in the morning were to arch her neck and see her shadow in the water察

would   she   wonder   at   herself   the   livelong   day。   But   a   moment   after   the 

smile passed from her face and a shade of sadness crept into her eyes。 She 

bound   up   her   tresses察  drew   her   veil   over   her   arms察  and   sighing   slowly察

walked   away   like   a   beauteous   evening   fading   into   the   night。   To   me   the 

supreme fulfilment of desire seemed to have been revealed in a flash and 

then to have vanished。 。 。 。 But who is it that pushes the door拭

       Enter CHITRA察dressed as a woman。 

     Ah it is she。 Quiet察my heart   。 。 Fear me not察lady I am a Kshatriya。 


     Honoured sir察 you   are   my  guest。  I   live in this temple。 I   know not   in 

what way I can show you hospitality。 


     Fair lady察the very sight of you is indeed the highest hospitality。 If you 

will not take it amiss I would ask you a question。 


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     You have permission。 


     What stern vow keeps you immured in this solitary temple察depriving 

all mortals of a vision of so much loveliness拭


     I harbour a secret desire in my heart察for the fulfilment of which I offer 

daily prayers to Lord Shiva。 


     Alas察what can you desire察you who are the desire of the whole world 

From the easternmost hill on whose summit the morning sun first prints 

his fiery  foot to the   end   of the   sunset   land have   I travelled。 I   have   seen 

whatever is most precious察beautiful and great on the earth。 My knowledge 

shall be yours察only say for what or for whom you seek。 


     He whom I seek is known to all。 


     Indeed    Who     may   this  favourite    of  the  gods   be察 whose    fame    has 

captured your heart拭


     Sprung from the highest of all royal houses察the greatest of all heroes 

is he。 


     Lady察offer not such wealth of beauty as is yours on the altar of false 

reputation。 Spurious fame spreads from tongue to tongue like the fog of 

the early dawn before the sun rises。 Tell me who in the highest of kingly 

lines is the supreme hero拭


     Hermit察you are jealous of other men's fame。 Do you not know that all 

over the world the royal house of the Kurus is the most famous拭


     The house of the Kurus 


     And   have   you   never   heard   of   the   greatest   name   of   that   far´famed 


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     From your own lips let me hear it。 


     Arjuna察the conqueror of the world。 I have culled from the mouths of 

the   multitude     that  imperishable     name    and   hidden    it  with  care   in  my 

maiden heart。 Hermit察why do you look perturbed拭Has that name only a 

deceitful glitter拭Say so察and I will not hesitate to break this casket of my 

heart and throw the false gem to the dust。 


       Be   his   name   and   fame察  his   bravery   and   prowess   false   or   true察  for 

mercy's sake do not banish him from your heartfor he kneels at your feet 

even now。 




     Yes察I am he察the love´hungered guest at your door。 


     Then it is not true that Arjuna has taken a vow of chastity for twelve 

long years拭


     But you have dissolved my vow even as the moon dissolves the night's 

vow of obscurity。 


     Oh察shame upon you What have you seen in me that makes you false 

to   yourself拭Whom  do   you   seek   in   these   dark   eyes察  in   these   milk´white 

arms察if you are ready to pay for her the price of your probity拭Not my true 

self察I know。 Surely this cannot be love察this is not man's highest homage 

to woman Alas察that this frail disguise察the body察should make one blind to 

the light of the deathless spirit Yes察now indeed察I know察Arjuna察the fame 

of your heroic manhood is false。 


     Ah察I feel how vain is fame察the pride of prowess Everything seems to 

me a dream。 You alone are perfect察you are the wealth of the world察the 


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end of all poverty察the goal of all efforts察the one woman Others there are 

who can be but slowly known。 While to see you for a moment is to see 

perfect completeness once and for ever。 


    Alas察it is not I察not I察Arjuna It is the deceit of a god。 Go察go察my hero察

go。 Woo not falsehood察offer not your great heart to an illusion。 Go。 


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                                   SCENE III 


     No察impossible。 To face that fervent gaze that almost grasps you like 

clutching hands of the hungry spirit within察to feel his heart struggling to 

break   its   bounds   urging   its   passionate   cry   through   the   entire   bodyand 

then to send him away like a beggarno察impossible。 

       Enter MADANA and VASANTA。 

     Ah察  god    of  love察 what    fearful  flame   is  this  with   which    thou   hast 

enveloped me I burn察and I burn whatever I touch。 


     I desire to know what happened last night。 


     At evening I lay down on a grassy bed strewn with the petals of spring 

flowers察  and   recollected   the   wonderful   praise   of   my   beauty   I   had   heard 

from Arjunadrinking drop by drop the honey that I had stored during the 

long day。 The history of my past life like that of my former existences wa

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