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the gathering of brother hilarius-第15节

小说: the gathering of brother hilarius 字数: 每页4000字

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re that their high stomachs might be brought low。  I am no longer young; my Father; and this burden tries me sorely。  Prithee; let it be shifted to another and a stronger back。〃

The Prior listened with many an inward mea culpa。  〃'Tis a sad hearing; Brother Adam; but young blood is hard of mastering; maybe this ill mood will pass。  The lad Robert is surely ever gentle and decorous?  He hath a most beauteous voice。〃

The Novice…master threw up his hands。

〃Nay; Father; nay; he hath indeed the voice of an angel; but methinks his body is surely the habitation of Satan。  He will sing an it please him … or when thou art by; my Father; … but; an it please him not; he is silent; ay; even under grievous stripes。  The Precentor giveth him as negligent and ill…conditioned; and in choir; when he looketh most like to one of God's Saints; he is but plotting mischief for the day。〃

The Prior heard him sadly。

〃And Hubert?〃 he said。  〃Hubert methinks hath a great love of colour and a fine hand with the brush。〃

Brother Adam was almost speechless。

〃Hubert!  Nay Father; forgive me; Father; but even this very Hubert but yesterday slipped a handful of pebbles into Brother Edmund's mess; whereby he was like to break his teeth or take some more grievous hurt。  And indeed the peace of the Brethren is much troubled; wherefore they complain bitterly。〃

〃Young blood; young blood; but not of necessity evil;〃 said the Prior。  Then; seeing the Novice…master's aggrieved face; he bade him have patience yet a little; for he himself would speak to the novices; and with this Brother Adam must fain be content。

The next day in the Chapter the Prior spoke。

It comes to pass oftentimes that men seeing a sign are made curious by it; and then forgetting; find the clue thereto; it may be; long after。  Even thus it happened on this day in the Chapter; and when Prior Hilarius was gathered to his rest the Brethren remembered how they had marked and marvelled at the strange beauty of his face; the beauty as of one who sees the face of the Lord。

〃My children;〃 he cried … 〃for my children ye are; though I see among you many it were more fitting I should hail as father; but that the ruling of the Lord cannot be gainsaid … my children; I am minded to think that I have this day a message on my lips that is not mine own。

〃Last night a vision came to me as I slept。  Blessed Benedict; our Father; stood at my side; and his face was troubled。

〃'Arise; my son;' he cried; 'arise; for the Lord is at hand and hath need of thee。'

〃And I; deeming it was of judgment that he spake; sprang up in shame and fear that the Master should find me sleeping。

〃Then cried Blessed Benedict again:…

〃'If thou wilt serve the Lord; make haste; for He hath called thee these many times;' and so saying passed from my sight。

〃Brethren; I went forth as one bewildered; and made haste to the Church lest peradventure I should find Him; but the lamps burnt dim and all was silent。  Then I turned aside and went out into the night; and it was very dark; with no sound but the wind in the forest trees。

〃My heart was a…hungered; and I sought in cloister and garth; and as I hasted to the gate I cried aloud; even as she cried who sought Him in a garden … 'They have taken away my Lord。'

〃At the gate I stayed me; and besought the Lord for a sign; and lo; in the darkness one came and led me by the hand away from the gate; across the garth and up the dormitory stair; nor loosed me until I passed within where the Brethren lay sleeping; and the chamber was bright with exceeding radiance。

〃I found myself by the pallet of my dear son Robert:  his face was wet with tears; and as he lay I saw upon his shoulder the mark of many stripes。

〃Again; one took my hand and led me from one to another of our Brethren; and on every face lay the shadow of a great need; but in every face there was somewhat of the Christ; and the lesson burnt in my heart。

〃Then One came swiftly and laid healing hands on the boy Robert; but I fled; for I might not see Him; and I awoke sore troubled … ay; and the trouble is on me still。

〃My Brethren; I can but tell the vision as it came to me。  Great is the rule of Benedict; our Father; and in it stripes; grievous and many as our sins; have their rightful place; but mayhap we forget that love; and love alone; should strike。  Ay; and I mind me how Prior Stephen; my Father; said that to be monk a man must learn before all things to hunger and to love。  Love should draw the water and build the fire; till the field and attend the sanctuary; and hunger we should cherish in our hearts; hunger for righteousness and for the souls of our brethren; for this is the hunger of God。

〃Men come over lightly to the Lord's work; and lo! pride and emulation; jealousy and discontent; spring up and thrive; and the end is shame and confusion。

〃I speak as to my children; it is in my heart that the Lord is at hand:  let us see that we love while there is yet time。〃

Then he turned to the novices and stretched out his hands to where they stood amazed; and it may be ashamed … not after this manner was Brother Adam wont to rebuke them。

〃And ye; who are; as it were; the babes of our Order; give heed to your ways; neither bring unwilling hands to this service。  Better far go forth; yea; even to death; than mock the Lord with froward feet and a heart that is full of vanity。  Remember the sacrifice which Cain offered and the Lord rejected; for he gainsayed the voice of the Lord and disobeyed His Commandment; wherefore the wrath of God fell upon him。

〃I who speak now; speak in love; give ear to my words; and let fear befriend you; for the coming of the Lord is as a thief in the night; and lo! stripes bitter and many await that servant whom the Master finds sleeping。〃

Then the Prior; having made an end of speaking; raised his hand to bless; and went forth in silence; and no man stirred in his place; for they knew that the Lord had spoken and were afraid。


JUNE was at an end; and men cried aloud for rain。  The hedges were white; the fields scorched and brown; the leaves fell from the trees as at autumn's touch; the fruits scarce formed hung wry and twisted on the bough; the heavens burnt pitiless; without a cloud。

Dickon; the woodman; sat by the wayside gnawing a crust and a scrap of mouldy bacon。  There was no sound but the howl of a dog from some neighbouring farmstead; and he sat in sullen mood; his bill… hook beside him; brooding over his wrongs; for the world had gone contrary with him。

His wife was dead; she had died in childbed a month gone; leaving six hungry; naked brats on his shoulders; and now a worse thing had befallen him; his gold was gone … his gold to which he had no right; for 'twas blood…money; the food of his children; ay; and something beside; but Dickon loved that gold piece above all the world … above Heaven and his own soul … and it was gone。

A neighbour had surely done it; marked the hiding…place which he had deemed so safe; and made off with the prize; and i' faith 'twas easy carrying。  There was but one piece; and Dickon minded how he had changed his petty hoard to gold scarce a month back at the fair。  Maybe it was Thomas the charcoal burner had served him this ill turn; or William Crookleg; the miller's man; he was a sly; prying fellow; and there had been ill blood between them。

He was fain to seek the Monastery that lay the other side the forest; and crave justice of the Prior; but that the Prior might say 'twas ill…got gain and well rid of。

Dickon rose to his feet and shambled homewards; he was ragged; ill… fed; unkempt。  The day's work was done; and on the village green he found men and women; for the most part as ill…clad as himself; standing about in groups gossiping。  The innkeeper lounged at the ale…house door; thin and peaked as his fellows; there was no good living for any man in those parts; by reason of the over…lord who sore oppressed them。

A little man; keen…eyed and restless; holding a lean and sorry horse by the bridle; was talking eagerly。

〃Nay; 'tis true eno'; and three crows saw I this very day on the churchyard wall … it bodes ill to some of us。〃

〃Well; well;〃 said the innkeeper; 〃have it thine own way。  Methinks the ill hath outrun the omen; for there will be naught for man or beast shortly … but fine pickings for thy three crows。〃

The little man scowled at him:  Dickon came up。

〃What's to do?〃 he said curtly。

〃Nay;〃 said mine host; 〃Robin will have it that some further evil is upon us … tho' methinks we have got our fill and to spare with this drought … ay; and 'twas at thy house; Dickon; he saw the corpse…light。〃

〃Better a corpse…light than six open mouths; and naught to fill them;〃 said Dickon surlily。  〃Whither away; Robin?  'Tis not far this beast will travel。〃

〃Right thou art; but my master will turn an honest penny with the carcass;〃 answered the little man; 〃give me my reckoning; friend John。  I must needs haste if I would see the Forester's ere nightfall。〃

He pulled out a few small coins and a gold piece。  When Dickon saw it his eyes gleamed。  Robin paid the reckoning and put the piece in his cheek。

〃Hard…earned money …

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