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the crusade of the excelsior-第41节

小说: the crusade of the excelsior 字数: 每页4000字

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disbelieved Brimmer's explanation。

〃Well; as there's no Mister Montgomery here; she's probably

mistaken;〃 said Mrs。 Markham; with decision; 〃though it strikes ME

that she's very likely had the same delusion on board of some other

ship。  Come along; James; perhaps after you've had a bath and some

clean clothes; you may come out a little more like the man I once

knew。  I don't know how Mrs。 Brimmer feels; but I feel more as if I

required to be introduced to youthan your friend's friend; Mrs。

Montgomery。  At any rate; try and look and behave a little more

decent when you go over to the Presidio。〃

With these words she dragged him away。  Mr。 Brimmer; after a futile

attempt to appear at his ease; promptly effected the usual marital

diversion of carrying the war into the enemy's camp。

〃For heaven's sake; Barbara;〃 he said; with ostentatious

indignation; 〃go and dress yourself properly。  Had you neither

money nor credit to purchase clothes?  I declare I didn't know you

at first; and when I did; I was shocked; before Mrs。 Markham; too!〃

〃Mrs。 Markham; I fear; has quite enough to occupy her now;〃 said

Mrs。 Brimmer shortly; as she turned away; with hysterically moist

eyes; leaving her husband to follow her。

Oblivious of this comedy; Richard Keene and Eleanor had already

wandered back; hand in hand; to their days of childhood。  But even

in the joy that filled the young girl's heart in the presence of

her only kinsman; there was a strange reservation。  The meeting

that she had looked forward to with eager longing had brought all

she expected; more than that; it seemed to have been providentially

anticipated at the moment of her greatest need; and yet it was

incomplete。  She was ashamed that after the first recognition; a

wild desire to run to Hurlstone and tell HIM her happiness was her

only thought。  She was shocked that the bright joyous face of this

handsome lovable boy could not shut out the melancholy austere

features of Hurlstone; which seemed to rise reproachfully between

them。  When; for the third and fourth time; they had recounted

their past history; exchanged their confidences and feelings; Dick;

passing his arm around his sister's waist; looked down smilingly in

her eyes。

〃And so; after all; little Nell; everybody has been good to you;

and you have been happy!〃

〃Everybody has been kind to me; Dick; far kinder than I deserved。

Even if I had really been the great lady that little Dona Isabel

thought I was; or the important person the Commander believed me to

be; I couldn't have been treated more kindly。  I have met with

nothing but respect and attention。  I have been very happy; Dick;

very happy。〃

And with a little cry she threw herself on her brother's neck and

burst into a childlike flood of inconsistent tears。

Meantime the news of the arrival of the relief…party had penetrated

even the peaceful cloisters of the Mission; and Father Esteban had

been summoned in haste to the Council。  He returned with an eager

face to Hurlstone; who had been anxiously awaiting him。  When the

Padre had imparted the full particulars of the event to his

companion; he added gravely;

〃You see; my son; how Providence; which has protected you since you

first claimed the Church's sanctuary; has again interfered to spare

me the sacrifice of using the power of the Church in purely mundane

passions。  I weekly accept the rebuke of His better…ordained ways;

and you; Diego; may comfort yourself that this girl is restored

directly to her brother's care; without any deviousness of plan or

human responsibility。  You do not speak; my son!〃 continued the

priest anxiously; 〃can it be possible that; in the face of this

gracious approval of Providence to your resolution; you are

regretting it?〃

The young man replied; with a half reproachful gesture:

〃Do you; then; think me still so weak?  No; Father Esteban; I have

steeled myself against my selfishness for her sake。  I could have

resigned her to the escape you had planned; believing her happier

for it; and ignorant of the real condition of the man she had

learnt totopity。  But;〃 he added; turning suddenly and almost

rudely upon the priest; 〃do you know the meaning of this irruption

of the outer world to ME?  Do you reflect that these men probably

know my miserable story?that; as one of the passengers of the

Excelsior; they will be obliged to seek me and to restore me;〃 he

added; with a bitter laugh; 〃to MY home; MY kindredto the world I


〃But you need not follow them。  Remain here。〃

〃Here!with the door thrown open to any talebearer OR PERHAPS TO

MY WIFE HERSELF?  Never!  Hear me; Father;〃 he went on hurriedly:

〃these men have come from San Franciscohave been to Mazatlan。

Can you believe that it is possible that they have never heard of

this woman's search for me?  No!  The quest of hate is as strong as

the quest of love; and more merciless to the hunted。〃

〃But if that were so; foolish boy; she would have accompanied


〃You are wrong!  It would have been enough for her to have sent my

exposure by themto have driven me from this refuge。〃

〃This is but futile fancy; Diego;〃 said Father Esteban; with a

simulated assurance he was far from feeling。  〃Nothing has yet been

saidnothing may be said。  Wait; my child。〃

〃Wait!〃 he echoed bitterly。  〃Ay; wait until the poor girl shall

hearperhaps from her brother's lipsthe story of my marriage as

bandied about by others; wait for her to know that the man who

would have made her love him was another's; and unworthy of her

respect?  No! it is I who must leave this place; and at once。〃

〃YOU?〃 echoed the Padre。  〃How?〃

〃By the same means you would have used for her departure。  I must

take her place in that ship you are expecting。  You will give ME

letters to your friends。  Perhaps; when this is over; I may return

if I still live。〃

Padre Esteban became thoughtful。

〃You will not refuse me?〃 said the young man; taking the Padre's

hand。  〃It is for the best; believe me。  I will remain secret here

until then。  You will invent some excuseillness; or what you

liketo keep them from penetrating here。  Above all; to spare me

from the misery of ever reading my secret in her face。〃

Father Esteban remained still absorbed in thought。

〃You will take a letter from me to the Archbishop; and put yourself

under his care?〃 he asked at last; after a long pause。  〃You will

promise me that?〃

〃I do!〃

〃Then we shall see what can be done。  They talk; those Americanos;〃

continued the priest; 〃of making their way up the coast to Punta

St。 Jago; where the ship they have already sent for to take them

away can approach the shore; and the Comandante has orders to

furnish them escort and transport to that point。  It is a foolish

indiscretion of the Government; and I warrant without the sanction

of the Church。  Already there is curiosity; discontent; and wild

talk among the people。  Ah! thou sayest truly; my son;〃 said the

old man; gloomily; 〃the doors of Todos Santos are open。  The

Comandante will speed these heretics quickly on their way; but the

doors by which they came and whence they go will never close again。

But God's will be done!  And if the open doors bring thee back; my

son; I shall not question His will!〃

It would seem; however; as if Hurlstone's fears had been groundless。

For in the excitement of the succeeding days; and the mingling of

the party from San Antonio with the new…comers; the recluse had been

forgotten。  So habitual; had been his isolation from the others;

that; except for the words of praise and gratitude hesitatingly

dropped by Miss Keene to her brother; his name was not mentioned;

and it might have been possible for the relieving party to have left

him behindunnoticed。  Mr。 Brimmer; for domestic reasons; was quite

willing to allow the episode of Miss Montgomery's connection with

their expedition to drop for the present。  Her name was only

recalled once by Miss Keene。  When Dick had professed a sudden and

violent admiration for the coquettish Dona Isabel; Eleanor had

looked up in her brother's face with a half troubled air。

〃Who was this queer Montgomery woman; Dick?〃 she said。

Dick laugheda frank; reassuring; heart…free laugh。

〃Perfectly stunning; Nell。  Such a figure in tights!  You ought to

have seen her dancemy!〃

〃Hush!  I dare say she was horrid!〃

〃Not at all!  She wasn't such a bad fellow; if you left out her

poetry and gush; which I didn't go in for much;though the other

fellows〃he stopped; from a sudden sense of loyalty to Brimmer and

Markham。  〃No; you see; Nell; she was regularly ridiculously struck

after that man Perkins;whom she'd never seen;a kind of

schoolgirl worship for a pirate。  You know how you women go in for

those fellows with a mystery about 'em。〃

〃No; I don't!〃 said Miss Keene sharply; with a slight rise o

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