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the crusade of the excelsior-第22节

小说: the crusade of the excelsior 字数: 每页4000字

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〃And I dare say they've guarded the pass in the road lower down;〃

said Winslow。

〃We ought to be able to hold our own here until night;〃 said Brace;

〃and then make a dash into Todos Santos; get hold of some arms; and

join the ladies。〃

〃The women are all right;〃 said Crosby impatiently; 〃and are better

treated than if we were with them。  Suppose; instead of maundering

over them; we reconnoitre and see what WE can do here。  I'm getting

devilishly hungry; they can't mean to starve us; and if they do; I

don't intend to be starved as long as there is anything to be had

by buying or stealing。  Come along。  There's sure to be fruit near

that old chapel; and I saw some chickens in the bush near those

huts。  First; let's see if there's any one about。  I don't see a


The little plateau; indeed; seemed deserted。  In vain they shouted;

their voices were lost in the echoless air。  They examined one by

one the few thatched huts: they were open; contained one or two

rude articles of furniturea bed; a bench; and tablewere

scrupulously cleanand empty。  They next inspected the chapel; it

was tawdry and barbaric in ornament; but the candlesticks and

crucifix and the basin for holy water were of heavily beaten

silver。  The same thought crossed their mindsthe abandoned mine

at the roadside!

Bananas; oranges; and prickly…pears growing within the cactus…hedge

of the chapel partly mollified their thirst and hunger; and they

turned their steps towards the long; rambling; barrack…looking

building; with its low windows and red…tiled roof; which they had

first noticed。  Here; too; the tenement was deserted and abandoned;

but there was evidence of some previous and more ambitious

preparation: in a long dormitory off the corridor a number of

scrupulously clean beds were ranged against the whitewashed walls;

with spotless benches and tables。  To the complete astonishment and

bewilderment of the party another room; fitted up as a kitchen;

with the simpler appliances of housekeeping; revealed a larder

filled with provisions and meal。  A shout from Winslow; who had

penetrated the inner courtyard; however; drew them to a more

remarkable spectacle。  Their luggage and effects from the cabins of

the Excelsior were there; carefully piled in the antique ox…cart

that had evidently that morning brought them from Todos Santos!

〃There's no mistake;〃 said Brace; with a relieved look; after a

hurried survey of the trunks。  〃They have only brought our baggage。

The ladies have evidently had the opportunity of selecting their

own things。〃

〃Crosby told you they'd be all right;〃 said Banks; 〃and as for

ourselves; I don't see why we can't be pretty comfortable here; and

all the better for our being alone。  I shall take an opportunity of

looking around a bit。  It strikes me that there are some resources

in this country that might pay to develop。〃

〃And I shall have a look at that played…out mine;〃 said Crosby; 〃if

it's been worked as they work the land; they've left about as much

in it as they've taken out。〃

〃That's all well enough;〃 said Brace; drawing a dull vermilion…

colored stone from his pocket; 〃but here's something I picked up

just now that ain't 'played out;' nor even the value of it

suspected by those fellows。  That's cinnabarquicksilver oreand

a big per cent。 of it too; and if there's as much of it here as the

indications show; you could buy up all your SILVER mines in the

country with it。〃

〃If I were you; I'd put up a notice on a post somewhere; as they do

in California; and claim discovery;〃 said Banks seriously。

〃There's no knowing how this thing may end。  We may not get away

from here for some time yet; and if the Government will sell the

place cheap; it wouldn't be a bad spec' to buy it。  Form a kind of

'Excelsior Company' among ourselves; you know; and go shares。〃

The four men looked earnestly at each other。  Already the lost

Excelsior and her mutinous crew were forgotten; even the incidents

of the morningtheir arrest; the uncertainty of their fate; and

the fact that they were in the hands of a hostile community

appeared but as trivial preliminaries to the new life that opened

before them!  They suddenly became graver than they had ever been

even in the moment of peril。

〃I don't see why we shouldn't;〃 said Brace quickly。  〃We started

out to do that sort of thing in California; and I reckon if we'd

found such a spot as this on the Sacramento or American River we'd

have been content。  We can take turns at housekeeping; prospect a

little; and enter into negotiations with the Government。  I'm for

offering them a fair sum for this ridge and all it contains at


〃The only thing against that;〃 said Crosby slowly; 〃is the

probability that it is already devoted to some other use by the

Government。  Ever since we've been here I've been thinkingI don't

know whythat we've been put in a sort of quarantine。  The

desertion of the place; the half hospital arrangements of this

building; and the means they have taken to isolate us from

themselves; must mean something。  I've read somewhere that in these

out…of…the…way spots in the tropics they have a place where they

put the fellows with malarious or contagious diseases。  I don't

want to frighten you boys: but I've an idea that we're in a sort of

lazaretto; and the people outside won't trouble us often。〃



Notwithstanding his promise; and the summons of the Council; Father

Esteban; on parting with the Excelsior prisoners in the San Antonio

Road; did not proceed immediately to the presence of the

Comandante。  Partly anxious to inform himself more thoroughly

regarding Hurlstone's antecedents before entering upon legislative

functions that might concern him; partly uneasy at Brace's allusion

to any possible ungentleness in the treatment of the fair

Americanas; and partly apprehensive that Mrs。 Brimmer might seek

him at the Mission in the present emergency; the good Father turned

his steps towards the Alcalde's house。

Mrs。 Brimmer; in a becoming morning wrapper; half reclining in an

Indian hammock in the corridor; supported by Miss Chubb; started at

his approach。  So did the young Alcalde; sympathetically seated at

her side。  Padre Esteban for an instant was himself embarrassed;

Mrs。 Brimmer quickly recovered her usual bewildering naivete。

〃I knew you would come; but if you hadn't; I should have mustered

courage enough to go with Miss Chubb to find you at the Mission;〃

she said; half coquettishly。  〃Not but that Don Ramon has been all

kindness and consideration; but you know one always clings to one's

spiritual adviser in such an emergency; and although there are

differences of opinion between us; I think I may speak to you as

freely as I would speak to my dear friend Dr。 Potts; of Trinity

Chapel。  Of course you don't know HIM; but you couldn't have helped

liking him; he's so gentle; so tactful; so refined!  But do tell me

the fullest particulars of this terrible calamity that has happened

so awkwardly。  Tell me all!  I fear that Don Ramon; out of

kindness; has not told me everything。  I have been perfectly frank;

I told him everythingwho I am; who Mr。 Brimmer is; and given him

even the connections of my friend Miss Chubb。  I can do no more;

but you will surely have no difficulty in finding some one in Todos

Santos who has heard of the Quincys and Brimmers。  I've no doubt

that there are books in your library that mention them。  Of course

I can say nothing of the other passengers; except that Mr。 Brimmer

would not have probably permitted me to associate with any

notorious persons。  I confess nowI think I told you once before;

Clarissathat I greatly doubted Captain Bunker's ability〃

〃Ah;〃 murmured Don Ramon。

〃To make a social selection;〃 continued Mrs。 Brimmer。  〃He may

have been a good sailor; and boxed his compass; but he lacked a

knowledge of the world。  Of the other passengers I can truly say I

know nothing; I cannot think that Mr。 Crosby's sense of humor led

him into bad associations; or that he ever went beyond verbal

impropriety。  Certainly nothing in Miss Keene's character has led

me to believe she could so far forget what was due to herself and

to us as to address a lawless mob in the streets as she did just

now; although her friend Mrs。 Markham; as I just told Don Ramon; is

an advocate of Women's Rights and Female Suffrage; and I believe

she contemplates addressing the public from the lecturer's


〃It isn't possible!〃 interrupted Don Ramon excitedly; in mingled

horror of the masculinely rampant Mrs。 Markham and admiration of

the fascinatingly feminine Mrs。 Brimmer; 〃a lady cannot be an

oratora haranguer of men!〃

〃Not in society;〃 responded Mrs。 Brimmer; with a sigh; 〃and I do

not remember to have met the lady before。  The fact is; she does

not move in our 

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