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the crusade of the excelsior-第15节

小说: the crusade of the excelsior 字数: 每页4000字

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isolated settlement; which had seemed to the other passengers as a

trivial and half humorous incident; affected her imagination

profoundly。  When she could escape the attentions of her

entertainers; or the frivolities of her companions; she tried to

touch the far…off past on the wings of her fancy; she tried to

imagine the life of those people; forgetting the world and

forgotten by it; she endeavored to picture the fifty years of

solitude amidst these decaying ruins; over which even ambition had

crumbled and fallen。  It seemed to her the true conventual

seclusion from the world without the loss of kinship or home

influences; she contrasted it with her boarding…school life in the

fashionable seminary; she wondered what she would have become had

she been brought up here; she thought of the happy ignorance of

Dona Isabel; andshuddered; and yet she felt herself examining the

odd furniture of the room with an equally childlike and admiring

curiosity。  And these people looked upon HER as a superior being!

From the deep embrasure of the window she could see the tops of the

pear and olive trees; in the misty light of an invisible moon that

suffused the old Mission garden with an ineffable and angelic

radiance。  To her religious fancy it seemed to be a spiritual

effusion of the church itself; enveloping the two gray dome…shaped

towers with an atmosphere and repose of its own; until it became

the incarnate mystery and passion where it stood。

She was suddenly startled by a moving shadow beside the wall;

almost immediately below herthe figure of a man!  He was stealing

cautiously towards the church; as if to gain the concealment of the

shrubbery that grew beside it; and; furtively glancing from side to

side; looked towards her window。  She unconsciously drew back;

forgetting at the moment that her light was extinguished; and that

it was impossible for the stranger to see her。  But she had seen

HIM; and in that instant recognized Mr。 Hurlstone!

Then he HAD come ashore; and secretly; for the other passengers

believed him still on the ship!  But what was he doing there?and

why had he not appeared with the others at the entertainment?  She

could understand his avoidance of them from what she knew of his

reserved and unsocial habits; but when he could so naturally have

remained on shipboard; she could not; at first; conceive why he

should wish to prowl around the town at the risk of detection。  The

idea suddenly occurred to her that he had had another attack of his

infirmity and was walking in his sleep; and for an instant she

thought of alarming the house; that some one might go to his

assistance。  But his furtive movements had not the serene

impassibility of the somnambulist。  Another thought withheld her;

he had looked up at her window!  Did he know she was there?  A

faint stirring of shame and pleasure sent a slight color to her

cheek。  But he had gained the corner of the shrubbery and was lost

in the shadow。  She turned from the window。  A gentle sense of

vague and half maternal pity suffused her soft eyes as she at last

sought her couch and fell into a deep slumber。

Towards daybreak a wind arose over the sleeping town and far

outlying waters。  It breathed through the leaves of the Mission

garden; brushed away the clinging mists from the angles of the

towers; and restored the sharp outlines of the ruined

fortifications。  It swept across the unruffled sea to where the

Excelsior; cradled in the softly heaving bay; had peacefully swung

at anchor on the previous night; and lifted the snowy curtain of

the fog to seaward as far as the fringe of surf; a league away。

But the cradle of the deep was emptythe ship was gone!



Miss Keene was awakened from a heavy sleep by a hurried shake of

her shoulder and an indefinite feeling of alarm。  Opening her eyes;

she was momentarily dazed by the broad light of day; and the

spectacle of Mrs。 Brimmer; pale and agitated; in a half…Spanish

dishabille; standing at her bedside。

〃Get up and dress yourself; my dear; at once;〃 she said hurriedly;

but at the same time attentively examining Miss Keene's clothes;

that were lying on the chair: 〃and thank Heaven you came here in an

afternoon dress; and not in an evening costume like mine!  For

something awful has happened; and Heaven only knows whether we'll

ever see a stitch of our clothes again。〃

〃WHAT has happened?〃 asked Miss Keene impatiently; sitting up in

bed; more alarmed at the unusual circumstance of Mrs。 Brimmer's

unfinished toilet than at her incomplete speech。

〃What; indeed!  Nobody knows; but it's something awfula mutiny;

or shipwreck; or piracy。  But there's your friend; the Commander;

calling out the troops; and such a set of Christy Minstrels you

never saw before!  There's the Alcalde summoning the Council;

there's Mr。 Banks raving; and running round for a steamboatas if

these people ever heard of such a thing!and Captain Bunker; what

with rage and drink; gone off in a fit of delirium tremens; and

locked up in his room!  And the Excelsior gonethe Lord knows


〃Gone!〃 repeated Miss Keene; hurrying on her clothes。  〃Impossible!

What does Father Esteban tell you?  What does Dona Isabel say?〃

〃That's the most horrible part of it!  Do you know those wretched

idiots believe it's some political revolution among ourselves; like

their own miserable government。  I believe that baby Isabel thinks

that King George and Washington have something to do with it; at

any rate; they're anxious to know to what side you belong!  So; for

goodness' sake! if you have to humor them; say we're all on the

same sideI mean; don't you and Mrs。 Markham go against Miss Chubb

and me。〃

Scarcely knowing whether to laugh or cry at Mrs。 Brimmer's

incoherent statement; Miss Keene hastily finished dressing as the

door flew open to admit the impulsive Dona Isabel and her sister

Juanita。  The two Mexican girls threw themselves in Miss Keene's

arms; and then suddenly drew back with a movement of bashful and

diffident respect。

〃Do; pray; ask them; for I daren't;〃 whispered Mrs。 Brimmer; trying

to clasp a mantilla around her; 〃how this thing is worn; and if

they haven't got something like a decent bonnet to lend me for a

day or two?〃

〃The Senora has not then heard that her goods; and all the goods of

the Senores and Senoras; have been discovered safely put ashore at

the Embarcadero?〃

〃No?〃 said Mrs。 Brimmer eagerly。

〃Ah; yes!〃 responded Dona Isabel。  〃Since the Senora is not of the

revolutionary party。〃

Mrs。 Brimmer cast a supplicatory look at Miss Keene; and hastily

quitted the room。  Miss Keene would have as quickly followed her;

but the young Ramirez girls threw themselves again tragically upon

her breast; and; with a mysterious gesture of silence; whispered;

〃Fear nothing; Excellencia!  We are yourswe will die for you; no

matter what Don Ramon; or the Comandante; or the Ayuntamiento;

shall decide。  Trust us; little one!pardonExcellencia; we


〃What IS the matter?〃 said Miss Keene; now thoroughly alarmed; and

releasing herself from the twining arms about her。  〃For Heaven's

sake let me go!  I must see somebody!  Where iswhere is Mrs。


〃The Markham?  Is it the severe one?as thus;〃said Dona Isabel;

striking an attitude of infantine portentousness。

〃Yes;〃 said Miss Keene; smiling in spite of her alarm。

〃She is arrested。〃

〃Arrested!〃 said Eleanor Keene; her cheeks aflame with indignation。

〃For what?  Who dare do this thing?〃

〃The Comandante。  She has a missivea despatch from the


Without another word; and feeling that she could stand the suspense

no longer; Miss Keene forced her way past the young girls;

unheeding their cries of consternation and apology; and quickly

reached the patio。  A single glance showed her that Mrs。 Brimmer

was gone。  With eyes and cheeks still burning; she swept past the

astounded peons; through the gateway; into the open plaza。  Only

one idea filled her mindto see the Commander; and demand the

release of her friend。  How she should do it; with what arguments

she should enforce her demand; never occurred to her。  She did not

even think of asking the assistance of Mr。 Brace; Mr。 Crosby; or

any of her fellow…passengers。  The consciousness of some vague

crisis that she alone could meet possessed her completely。

The plaza was swarming with a strange rabble of peons and soldiery;

of dark; lowering faces; odd…looking weapons and costumes; mules;

mustangs; and cattlea heterogeneous mass; swayed by some fierce

excitement。  That she saw none of the Excelsior party among them

did not surprise her; an instinct of some catastrophe more serious

than Mrs。 Brimmer's vague imaginings frightened but exalted her。

With head erect; leveled brows; and bright; determined eyes she

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