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the adventure of the dancing men-第6节

小说: the adventure of the dancing men 字数: 每页4000字

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You can leave the talking to me。〃

  We waited in silence for a minute… one of those minutes which one

can never forget。 Then the door opened and the man stepped in。 In an

instant Holmes clapped a pistol to his head; and Martin slipped the

handcuffs over his wrists。 It was all done so swiftly and deftly

that the fellow was helpless before he knew that he was attacked。 He

glared from one to the other of us with a pair of blazing black

eyes。 Then he burst into a bitter laugh。

  〃Well; gentlemen; you have the drop on me this time。 I seem to

have knocked up against something hard。 But I came here in answer to a

letter from Mrs。 Hilton Cubitt。 Don't tell me that she is in this?

Don't tell me that she helped to set a trap for me?〃

  〃Mrs。 Hilton Cubitt was seriously injured; and is at death's door。〃

  The man gave a hoarse cry of grief; which rang through the house。

  〃You're crazy!〃 he cried; fiercely。 〃It was he that was hurt; not

she。 Who would have hurt little Elsie? I may have threatened her…

God forgive me!… but I would not have touched a hair of her pretty

head。 Take it back… you! Say that she is not hurt!〃

  〃She was found badly wounded; by the side of her dead husband。〃

  He sank with a deep groan on the settee and buried his face in his

manacled hands。 For five minutes he was silent。 Then he raised his

face once more; and spoke with the cold composure of despair。

  〃I have nothing to hide from you; gentlemen;〃 said he。 〃If I shot

the man he had his shot at me; and there's no murder in that。 But if

you think I could have hurt that woman; then you don't know either

me or her。 I tell you; there was never a man in this world loved a

woman more than I loved her。 I had a right to her。 She was pledged

to me years ago。 Who was this Englishman that he should come between

us? I tell you that I had the first right to her; and that I was

only claiming my own。

  〃She broke away from your influence when she found the man that

you are;〃 said Holmes; sternly。 〃She fled from America to avoid you;

and she married an honourable gentleman in England。 You dogged her and

followed her and made her life a misery to her; in order to induce her

to abandon the husband whom she loved and respected in order to fly

with you; whom she feared and hated。 You have ended by bringing

about the death of a noble man and driving his wife to suicide。 That

is your record in this business; Mr。 Abe Slaney; and you will answer

for it to the law。〃

  〃If Elsie dies; I care nothing what becomes of me;〃 said the

American。 He opened one of his hands; and looked at a note crumpled up

in his palm。 〃See here; mister! he cried; with a gleam of suspicion in

his eyes; 〃you're not trying to scare me over this; are you? If the

lady is hurt as bad as you say; who was it that wrote this note?〃 He

tossed it forward on to the table。

  〃I wrote it; to bring you here。〃

  〃You wrote it? There was no one on earth outside the Joint who

knew the secret of the dancing men。 How came you to write it?〃

  〃What one man can invent another can discover;〃 said Holmes。 There

is a cab coming to convey you to Norwich; Mr。 Slaney。 But meanwhile;

you have time to make some small reparation for the injury you have

wrought。 Are you aware that Mrs。 Hilton Cubitt has herself lain

under grave suspicion of the murder of her husband; and that it was

only my presence here; and the knowledge which I happened to

possess; which has saved her from the accusation? The least that you

owe her is to make it clear to the whole world that she was in no way;

directly or indirectly; responsible for his tragic end。〃

  〃I ask nothing better;〃 said the American。 〃I guess the very best

case I can make for myself is the absolute naked truth。〃

  〃It is my duty to warn you that it will be used against you;〃

cried the inspector; with the magnificent fair play of the British

criminal law。

  Slaney shrugged his shoulders。

  〃I'll chance that;〃 said he。 〃First of all; I want you gentlemen

to understand that I have known this lady since she was a child。 There

were seven of us in a gang in Chicago; and Elsie's father was the boss

of the Joint。 He was a clever man; was old Patrick。 It was he who

invented that writing; which would pass as a child's scrawl unless you

just happened to have the key to it。 Well; Elsie learned some of our

ways; but she couldn't stand the business; and she had a bit of honest

money of her own; so she gave us all the slip and got away to

London。 She had been engaged to me; and she would have married me; I

believe; if I had taken over another profession; but she would have

nothing to do with anything on the cross。 It was only after her

marriage to this Englishman that I was able to find out where she was。

I wrote to her; but got no answer。 After that I came over; and; as

letters were no use; I put my messages where she could read them。

  〃Well; I have been here a month now。 I lived in that farm; where I

had a room down below; and could get in and out every night; and no

one the wiser。 I tried all I could to coax Elsie away。 I knew that she

read the messages; for once she wrote an answer under one of them。

Then my temper got the better of me; and I began to threaten her。

She sent me a letter then; imploring me to go away; and saying that it

would break her heart if any scandal should come upon her husband。 She

said that she would come down when her husband was asleep at three

in the morning; and speak with me through the end window; if I would

go away afterwards and leave her in peace。 She came down and brought

money with her; trying to bribe me to go。 This made me mad; and I

caught her arm and tried to pull her through the window。 At that

moment in rushed the husband with his revolver in his hand。 Elsie

had sunk down upon the floor; and we were face to face。 I was heeled

also; and I held up my gun to scare him off and let me get away。 He

fired and missed me。 I pulled off almost at the same instant; and down

he dropped。 I made away across the garden; and as I went I heard the

window shut behind me。 That's God's truth; gentlemen; every word of

it; and I heard no more about it until that lad came riding up with

a note which made me walk in here; like a jay; and give myself into

your hands。〃

  A cab had driven up whilst the American had been talking。 Two

uniformed policemen sat inside。 Inspector Martin rose and touched

his prisoner on the shoulder。

  〃It is time for us to go。〃

  〃Can I see her first?〃

  〃No; she is not conscious。 Mr。 Sherlock Holmes; I only hope that

if ever again I have an important case; I shall have the good

fortune to have you by my side。〃

  We stood at the window and watched the cab drive away。 As I turned

back; my eye caught the pellet of paper which the prisoner had

tossed upon the table。 It was the note with which Holmes had decoyed


  〃See if you can read it; Watson;〃 said he; with a smile。

  It contained no word; but this little line of dancing men:

  (See illustration。)

  〃If you use the code which I have explained;〃 said Holmes; 〃you will

find that it simply means ‘Come here at once。' I was convinced that it

was an invitation which he would not refuse; since he could never

imagine that it could come from anyone but the lady。 And so; my dear

Watson; we have ended by turning the dancing men to good when they

have so often been the agents of evil; and I think that I have

fulfilled my promise of giving you something unusual for your

notebook。 Three…forty is our train; and I fancy we should be back in

Baker Street for dinner。〃

  Only one word of epilogue。 The American; Abe Slaney; was condemned

to death at the winter assizes at Norwich; but his penalty was changed

to penal servitude in consideration of mitigating circumstances; and

the certainty that Hilton Cubitt had fired the first shot。 Of Mrs。

Hilton Cubitt I only know that I have heard she recovered entirely;

and that she still; remains a widow; devoting her whole life to the

care of the poor and to the administration of her husband's estate。

                          …THE END…

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