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dead souls(死魂灵)-第52节

小说: dead souls(死魂灵) 字数: 每页4000字

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 a heated argument; this quarrel reached the point of Chichikovwho was; possibly; a trifle tipsycalling his colleague a priest's son; and though that description of the person so addressed was perfectly accurate; he chose to take offence; and to answer Chichikov with the words (loudly and incisively uttered); 〃It is YOU who have a priest for your father;〃 and to add to that (the more to incense his companion); 〃Yes; mark you! THAT is how it is。〃 Yet; though he had thus turned the tables upon Chichikov with a tu quoque; and then capped that exploit with the words last quoted; the offended tchinovnik could not remain satisfied; but went on to send in an anonymous document to the authorities。 On the other hand; some aver that it was over a woman that the pair fell outover a woman who; to quote the phrase then current among the staff of the Customs Department; was 〃as fresh and as strong as the pulp of a turnip;〃 and that night…birds were hired to assault our hero in a dark alley; and that the scheme miscarried; and that in any case both Chichikov and his friend had been deceived; seeing that the person to whom the lady had really accorded her favours was a certain staff…captain named Shamsharev。 However; only God knows the truth of the matter。 Let the inquisitive reader ferret it out for himself。 The fact remains that a complete exposure of the dealings with the contrabandists followed; and that the two tchinovniks were put to the question; deprived of their property; and made to formulate in writing all that they had done。 Against this thunderbolt of fortune the State Councillor could make no headway; and in some retired spot or another sank into oblivion; but Chichikov put a brave face upon the matter; for; in spite of the authorities' best efforts to smell out his gains; he had contrived to conceal a portion of them; and also resorted to every subtle trick of intellect which could possibly be employed by an experienced man of the world who has a wide knowledge of his fellows。 Nothing which could be effected by pleasantness of demeanour; by moving oratory; by clouds of flattery; and by the occasional insertion of a coin into a palm did he leave undone; with the result that he was retired with less ignominy than was his companion; and escaped actual trial on a criminal charge。 Yet he issued stripped of all his capital; stripped of his imported effects; stripped of everything。 That is to say; all that remained to him consisted of ten thousand roubles which he had stored against a rainy day; two dozen linen shirts; a small britchka of the type used by bachelors; and two serving…men named Selifan and Petrushka。 Yes; and an impulse of kindness moved the tchinovniks of the Customs also to set aside for him a few cakes of the soap which he had found so excellent for the freshness of the cheeks。 Thus once more our hero found himself stranded。 And what an accumulation of misfortunes had descended upon his head!though; true; he termed them 〃suffering in the Service in the cause of Truth。〃 Certainly one would have thought that; after these buffetings and trials and changes of fortuneafter this taste of the sorrows of lifehe and his precious ten thousand roubles would have withdrawn to some peaceful corner in a provincial town; where; clad in a stuff dressing…gown; he could have sat and listened to the peasants quarrelling on festival days; or (for the sake of a breath of fresh air) have gone in person to the poulterer's to finger chickens for soup; and so have spent a quiet; but not wholly useless; existence; but nothing of the kind took place; and therein we must do justice to the strength of his character。 In other words; although he had undergone what; to the majority of men; would have meant ruin and discouragement and a shattering of ideals; he still preserved his energy。 True; downcast and angry; and full of resentment against the world in general; he felt furious with the injustice of fate; and dissatisfied with the dealings of men; yet he could not forbear courting additional experiences。 In short; the patience which he displayed was such as to make the wooden persistency of the Germana persistency merely due to the slow; lethargic circulation of the Teuton's bloodseem nothing at all; seeing that by nature Chichikov's blood flowed strongly; and that he had to employ much force of will to curb within himself those elements which longed to burst forth and revel in freedom。 He thought things over; and; as he did so; a certain spice of reason appeared in his reflections。

〃How have I come to be what I am?〃 he said to himself。 〃Why has misfortune overtaken me in this way? Never have I wronged a poor person; or robbed a widow; or turned any one out of doors: I have always been careful only to take advantage of those who possess more than their share。 Moreover; I have never gleaned anywhere but where every one else was gleaning; and; had I not done so; others would have gleaned in my place。 Why; then; should those others be prospering; and I be sunk as low as a worm? What am I? What am I good for? How can I; in future; hope to look any honest father of a family in the face? How shall I escape being tortured with the thought that I am cumbering the ground? What; in the years to come; will my children say; save that 'our father was a brute; for he left us nothing to live upon?'〃

Here I may remark that we have seen how much thought Chichikov devoted to his future descendants。 Indeed; had not there been constantly recurring to his mind the insistent question; 〃What will my children say?〃 he might not have plunged into the affair so deeply。 Nevertheless; like a wary cat which glances hither and thither to see whether its mistress be not coming before it can make off with whatsoever first falls to its paw (butter; fat; lard; a duck; or anything else); so our future founder of a family continued; though weeping and bewailing his lot; to let not a single detail escape his eye。 That is to say; he retained his wits ever in a state of activity; and kept his brain constantly working。 All that he required was a plan。 Once more he pulled himself together; once more he embarked upon a life of toil; once more he stinted himself in everything; once more he left clean and decent surroundings for a dirty; mean existence。 In other words; until something better should turn up; he embraced the calling of an ordinary attorneya calling which; not then possessed of a civic status; was jostled on very side; enjoyed little respect at the hands of the minor legal fry (or; indeed; at its own); and perforce met with universal slights and rudeness。 But sheer necessity compelled Chichikov to face these things。 Among commissions entrusted to him was that of placing in the hands of the Public Trustee several hundred peasants who belonged to a ruined estate。 The estate had reached its parlous condition through cattle disease; through rascally bailiffs; through failures of the harvest; through such epidemic diseases that had killed off the best workmen; and; last; but not least; through the senseless conduct of the owner himself; who had furnished a house in Moscow in the latest style; and then squandered his every kopeck; so that nothing was left for his further maintenance; and it became necessary to mortgage the remainsincluding the peasantsof the estate。 In those days mortgage to the Treasury was an innovation looked upon with reserve; and; as attorney in the matter; Chichikov had first of all to 〃entertain〃 every official concerned (we know that; unless that be previously done; unless a whole bottle of madeira first be emptied down each clerical throat; not the smallest legal affair can be carried through); and to explain; for the barring of future attachments; that half of the peasants were dead。

〃And are they entered on the revision lists?〃 asked the secretary。 〃Yes;〃 replied Chichikov。 〃Then what are you boggling at?〃 continued the Secretary。 〃Should one soul die; another will be born; and in time grow up to take the first one's place。〃 Upon that there dawned on our hero one of the most inspired ideas which ever entered the human brain。 〃What a simpleton I am!〃 he thought to himself。 〃Here am I looking about for my mittens when all the time I have got them tucked into my belt。 Why; were I myself to buy up a few souls which are deadto buy them before a new revision list shall have been made; the Council of Public Trust might pay me two hundred roubles apiece for them; and I might find myself with; say; a capital of two hundred thousand roubles! The present moment is particularly propitious; since in various parts of the country there has been an epidemic; and; glory be to God; a large number of souls have died of it。 Nowadays landowners have taken to card…playing and junketting and wasting their money; or to joining the Civil Service in St。 Petersburg; consequently their estates are going to rack and ruin; and being managed in any sort of fashion; and succeeding in paying their dues with greater difficulty each year。 That being so; not a man of the lot but would gladly surrender to me his dead souls rather than continue paying the poll…tax; and in this fashion I might makewell; not a few kopecks。 Of course there are difficulties; and; to avoid creating a scandal; I shou

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