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the turmoil-第58节

小说: the turmoil 字数: 每页4000字

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a colossus of steel and wholly blackened with soot。  But Bibbs carried his

fancy furtherfor there was still a little poet lingering in the back of his

headand he thought that up over the clouds; unseen from below; the giant

labored with his hands in the clean sunshine; and Bibbs had a glimpse of what

he made thereperhaps for a fellowship of the children of the children that

were children nowa noble and joyous city; unbelievably white〃

It was the telephone that called him from his vision。  It rang fiercely。

He lifted the thing from his desk and answeredand as the small voice inside

it spoke he dropped the receiver with a crash。  He trembled violently as he

picked it up; but he told himself he was wronghe had been mistakenyet it

was a startlingly beautiful voice; startlingly kind; too; and ineffably like

the one he hungered most to hear。

〃Who?〃 he said; his own voice shakinglike his hand。


He responded with two hushed and incredulous words: 〃IS IT?〃

There was a little thrill of pathetic half…laughter in the instrument。

〃BibbsI wanted tojust to see if you〃


〃I was looking when you were so nearly run over。  I saw it; Bibbs。  They said

you hadn't been hurt; they thought; but I wanted to know for myself。〃

〃No; no; I wasn't hurt at allMary。  It was father who came nearer it。 He

saved me。〃

〃Yes; I saw; but you had fallen。  I couldn't get through the crowd until you

had gone。  And I wanted to KNOW。〃

〃Marywould youhave minded?〃 he said。

There was a long interval before she answered。


〃Then why〃

〃Yes; Bibbs?〃

〃I don't know what to say;〃 he cried。  〃It's so wonderful to hear your voice

againI'm shaking; MaryII don't knowI don't know anything except that I

AM talking to you!  It IS youMary?〃

〃Yes; Bibbs!〃

〃MaryI've seen you from my window at homeonly five times since I since

then。  You lookedoh; how can I tell you?  It was like a man chained in a

cave catching a glimpse of the blue sky; Mary。  Mary; won't youlet me see

you againnear?  I think I could make you really forgive meyou'd have to〃

〃I DIDthen。〃

〃Nonot reallyor you wouldn't have said you couldn't see me any more。〃

〃That wasn't the reason。〃  The voice was very low。

〃Mary;〃 he said; even more tremulously than before; 〃I can'tyou COULDN'T

mean it was becauseyou can't mean it was because you care?〃

There was no answer。

〃Mary?〃 he called; huskily。  〃If you mean THATyou'd let me see you

wouldn't you?〃

And now the voice was so low he could not be sure it spoke at all; but if it

did; the words were; 〃Yes; Bibbsdear。〃

But the voice was not in the instrumentit was so gentle and so light; so

almost nothing; it seemed to be made of airand it came from the air。

Slowly and incredulously he turnedand glory fell upon his shining eyes。  The

door of his father's room had opened。

Mary stood upon the threshold。


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