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the turmoil-第54节

小说: the turmoil 字数: 每页4000字

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striving to forward the personal ambitions of their owners。  The control of

the city lay not with them; but was usually obtained by giving the hordes of

negroes gin…money; and by other largesses。  The revenues of the people were

then distributed as fairly as possible among a great number of men who had

assisted the winning side。  Names and titles of offices went with many of the

prizes; and most of these title…holders were expected to present a busy

appearance at times; and; indeed; some among them did work honestly and


Bibbs had been very ignorant。  All these simple things; so well known and

customary; astonished him at first; and oncein a brief moment of forgetting

that he was done with writinghe thought that if he had known them and

written of them; how like a satire the plainest relation of them must have

seemed!  Strangest of all to him was the vehement and sincere patriotism。  On

every side he heard itit was a permeation; the newest school…child caught

it; though just from Hungary and learning to stammer a few words of the local

language。  Everywhere the people shouted of the power; the size; the riches;

and the growth of their city。  Not only that; they said that the people of

their city were the greatest; the 〃finest;〃 the strongest; the Biggest people

on earth。  They cited no authorities; and felt the need of none; being

themselves the people thus celebrated。  And if the thing was questioned; or if

it was hinted that there might be one small virtue in which they were not

perfect and supreme; they wasted no time examining themselves to see if what

the critic said was true; but fell upon him and hooted him and cursed him; for

they were sensitive。  So Bibbs; learning their ways and walking with them;

harkened to the voice of the people and served Bigness with them。  For the

voice of the people is the voice of their god。

Sheridan had made the room next to his own into an office for Bibbs; and the

door between the two rooms usually stood openthe father had established that

intimacy。  One morning in February; when Bibbs was alone; Sheridan came in;

some sheets of typewritten memoranda in his hand。

〃Bibbs;〃 he said; 〃I don't like to butt in very often this way; and when I do

I usually wish I hadn'tbut for Heaven's sake what have you been buying that

ole busted inter…traction stock for?〃

Bibbs leaned back from his desk。  〃For eleven hundred and fifty…five dollars。

That's all it cost。〃

〃Well; it ain't worth eleven hundred and fifty…five cents。  You ought to know

that。  I don't get your idea。  That stuff's deader 'n Adam's cat!〃

〃It might be worth somethingsome day。〃


〃It mightn't be so deadnot if We went into it;〃 said Bibbs; coolly。

〃Oh!〃  Sheridan considered this musingly; then he said; 〃Who'd you buy it


〃A brokerFansmith。〃

〃Well; he must 'a' got it from one o' the crowd o' poor ninnies that was

soaked with it。  Don't you know who owned it?〃

〃Yes; I do。〃

〃Ain't sayin'; though?  That it?  What's the matter?〃

〃It belonged to Mr。 Vertrees;〃 said Bibbs; shortly; applying himself to his


〃So!〃  Sheridan gazed down at his son's thin face。  〃Excuse me;〃 he said。

〃Your business。〃  And he went back to his own room。  But presently he looked

in again。

〃I reckon you won't mind lunchin' alone to…day〃he was shuffling himself into

his overcoat〃because I just thought I'd go up to the house and get THIS over

with mamma。〃  He glanced apologetically toward his right hand as it emerged

from the sleeve of the overcoat。  The bandages had been removed; finally; that

morning; revealing but three fingers the forefinger and the finger next to

it had been amputated。  〃She's bound to make an awful fuss; and it better

spoil her lunch than her dinner。 I'll be back about two。〃

But he calculated the time of his arrival at the New House so accurately that

Mrs。 Sheridan's lunch was not disturbed; and she was rising from the lonely

table when he came into the dining…room。  He had left his overcoat in the

hall; but he kept his hands in his trousers pockets。

〃What's the matter; papa?〃 she asked; quickly。  〃Has anything gone wrong? You

ain't sick?〃

〃Me!〃  He laughed loudly。  〃Me SICK?〃

〃You had lunch?〃

〃Didn't want any to…day。  You can give me a cup o' coffe; though。〃

She rang; and told George to have coffee made; and when he had withdrawn she

said querulously; 〃I just know there's something wrong。〃

〃Nothin' in the world;〃 he responed; heartily; taking a seat at the head of

the table。  〃I thought I'd talk over a notion o' mine with you; that's all。

It's more women…folks' business than what it is man's; anyhow。〃

〃What about?〃

〃Why; ole Doc Gurney was up at the office this morning awhile〃

〃To look at your hand?  How's he say it's doin'?〃

〃Fine!  Well; he went in and sat around with Bibbs awhile〃

Mrs。 Sheridan nodded pessimistically。  〃I guess it's time you had him; too。  I

KNEW Bibbs〃

〃Now; mamma; hold your horses!  I wanted him to look Bibbs over BEFORE

anything's the matter。  You don't suppose I'm goin' to take any chances with

BIBBS; do you?  Well; afterwards; I shut the door; and I an' ole Gurney had a

talk。  He's a mighty disagreeable man; he rubbed it in on me what he said

about Bibbs havin' brains if he ever woke up。  Then I thought he must want to

get something out o' me; he go so flatteringfor a minute!  'Bibbs couldn't

help havin' business brains;' he says; 'bein' YOUR son。  Don't be surprised;'

he says'don't be surprised at his makin' a success;' he says。  'He couldn't

get over his heredity; he couldn't HELP bein' a business successonce you got

him into it。  It's in his blood。  Yes; sir' he says; 'it doesn't need MUCH

brains;' he says; 'an only third…rate brains; at that;' he says; 'but it does

need a special KIND o' brains;' he says; 'to be a millionaire。  I mean;' he

says; 'when a man's given a start。  If nobody gives him a start; why; course

he's got to have luck AND the right kind o' brains。  The only miracle about

Bibbs;' he says; 'is where he got the OTHER kind o' brainsthe brains you

made him quit usin' and throw away。'〃

〃But what'd he say about his health?〃 Mrs。 Sheridan demanded; impatiently; as

George placed a cup of coffee before her husband。  Sheridan helped himself to

cream and sugar; and began to sip the coffee。

〃I'm comin' to that;〃 he returned; placidly。  〃See how easy I manage this cup

with my left hand; mamma?〃

〃You been doin' that all winter。  What did〃

〃It's wonderful;〃 he interrupted; admiringly; 〃what a fellow can do with his

left hand。  I can sign my name with mine now; well's I ever could with my

right。  It came a little hard at first; but now; honest; I believe I RATHER

sign with my left。 That's all I ever have to write; anywayjust the

signature。  Rest's all dictatin'。〃  He blew across the top of the cup

unctuously。  〃Good coffee; mamma!  Well; about Bibbs。  Ole Gurney says he

believes if Bibbs could somehow get back to the state o' mind he was in about

the machine…shopthat is; if he could some way get to feelin' about business

the way he felt about the shopnot the poetry and writin' part; but〃  He

paused; supplementing his remarks with a motion of his head toward the old

house next door。  〃He says Bibbs is older and harder 'n what he was when he

broke down that time; and besides; he ain't the kind o' dreamy way he was

thenand I should say he AIN'T!  I'd like 'em to show ME anybody his age

that's any wider awake!  But he says Bibbs's health never need bother us again


Mrs。 Sheridan shook her head。  〃I don't see any help THAT way。  You know

yourself she wouldn't have Jim。〃

〃Who's talkin' about her havin' anybody?  But; my Lord! she might let him LOOK

at her!  She needn't 'a' got so mad; just because he asked her; that she won't

let him come in the house any more。  He's a mighty funny boy; and some ways I

reckon he's pretty near as hard to understand as the Bible; but Gurney kind o'

got me in the way o' thinkin' that if she'd let him come back and set around

with her an evening or two sometimesnot reg'lar; I don't meanwhyWell; I

just thought I'd see what YOU'D think of it。  There ain't any way to talk

about it to Bibbs himselfI don't suppose he'd let you; anyhowbut I thought

maybe you could kind o' slip over there some day; and sort o' fix up to have a

little talk with her; and kind o' hint around till you see how the land lays;

and ask her 〃

〃ME!〃  Mrs。 Sheridan looked both helpless and frightened。  〃No。〃  She shook

her head decidedly。  〃It wouldn't do any good。〃

〃You won't try it?〃

〃I won't risk her turnin' me out o' the house。  Some way; that's what I

believe she did to Sibyl; from what Roscoe said once。  No; I CAN'Tand;

what's more; it 'd only make things worse。  If people find out you're runnin'

after 'em they think you're cheap; and then they won't do as m

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