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the turmoil-第49节

小说: the turmoil 字数: 每页4000字

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help show I felt the right way。  Well; what I want to do is to tell this so's

to keep the family from being made a fool of。  I don't want to see the family

just made use of and twisted around her finger by somebody that's got no more

heart than so much ice; and just as sure to bring troubles in the long run

asas Edith's mistake is。 Well; then; this is the way it is。  I'll just tell

you how it looks to me and see if it don't strike you the same way。〃

Within the room; Bibbs; much annoyed; tapped his ear with his pencil。  He

wished they wouldn't stand talking near his door when he was trying to write。

He had just taken from his trunk the manuscript of a poem begun the preceding

Sunday afternoon; and he had some ideas he wanted to fix upon paper before

they maliciously seized the first opportunity to vanish; for they were but

gossamer。  Bibbs was pleased with the beginnings of his poem; and if he could

carry it through he meant to dare greatly with it he would venture it upon

an editor。  For he had his plan of life now: his day would be of manual labor

and thinkinghe could think of his friend and he could think in cadences for

poems; to the crashing of the strong machineand if his father turned him out

of home and out of the Works; he would work elsewhere and live elsewhere。  His

father had the right; and it mattered very little to Bibbshe faced the

prospect of a working…man's lodging…house without trepidation。  He could find

a washstand to write upon; he thought; and every evening when he left Mary he

would write a little; and he would write on holidays and on Sundayson

Sundays in the afternoon。  In a lodging…house; at least he wouldn't be

interrupted by his sister…in…law's choosing the immediate vicinity of his door

for conversations evidently important to herself; but merely disturbing to

him。  He frowned plaintively; wishing he could think of some polite way of

asking her to go away。  But; as she went on; he started violently; dropping

manuscript and pencil upon the floor。

〃I don't know whether you heard it; mother Sheridan;〃 she said; 〃but this old

Vertrees house; next door; had been sold on foreclosure; and all THEY got out

of it was an agreement that let's 'em live there a little longer。 Roscoe told

me; and he says he heard Mr。 Vertrees has been up and down the streets more 'n

two years; tryin' to get a job he could call a 'position;' and couldn't land

it。  You heard anything about it; mother Sheridan?〃

〃Well; I DID know they been doin' their own house…work a good while back;〃

said Mrs。 Sheridan。  〃And now they're doin' the cookin'; too。〃

Sibyl sent forth a little titter with a sharp edge。  〃I hope they find

something to cook!  She sold her piano mighty quick after Jim died!〃

Bibbs jumped up。  He was trembling from head to foot and he was dizzy of all

the real things he could never have dreamed in his dream the last would have

been what he heard now。  He felt that something incredible was happening; and

that he was powerless to stop it。  It seemed to him that heavy blows were

falling on his head and upon Mary's; it seemed to him that he and Mary were

being struck and beaten physicallyand  that something hideous impended。  He

wanted to shout to Sibyl to be silent; but he could not; he could only stand;

swallowing and trembling。

〃What I think the whole family ought to understand is just this;〃 said Sibyl;

sharply。  〃Those people were so hard up that this Miss Vertrees started after

Bibbs before they knew whether he was INSANE or not!  They'd got a notion he

might be; from his being in a sanitarium; and Mrs。 Vertrees ASKED me if he was

insane; the very first day Bibbs took the daughter out auto…riding!〃  She

paused a moment; looking at Mrs。 Sheridan; but listening intently。  There was

no sound from within the room。

〃No!〃 exclaimed Mrs。 Sheridan。

〃It's the truth;〃 Sibyl declared; loudly。  〃Oh; of course we were all crazy

about that girl at first。  We were pretty green when we moved up here; and we

thought she'd get us INbut it didn't take ME long to read her!  Her family

were down and out when it came to moneyand they had to go after it; one way

or another; SOMEHOW!  So she started for Roscoe; but she found out pretty

quick he was married; and she turned right around to Jimand she landed him!

There's no doubt about it; she had Jim; and if he'd lived you'd had another

daughter…in…law before this; as sure as I stand here telling you the God's

truth about it!  Wellwhen Jim was left in the cemetery she was waiting out

there to drive home with Bibbs! Jim wasn't COLDand she didn't know whether

Bibbs was insane or not; but he was the only one of the rich Sheridan boys

left。  She had to get him。〃

The texture of what was the truth made an even fabric with what was not; in

Sibyl's mind; she believed every word that she uttered; and she spoke with the

rapidity and vehemence of fierce conviction。

〃What I feel about it is;〃 she said; 〃it oughtn't to be allowed to go on。 It's

too mean!  I like poor Bibbs; and I don't want to see him made such a fool of;

and I don't want to see the family made such a fool of!  I like poor Bibbs;

but if he'd only stop to think a minute himself he'd have to realize he isn't

the kind of man ANY girl would be apt to fall in love with。  He's

better…looking lately; maybe; but you know how he WASjust kind of a long

white rag in good clothes。  And girls like men with some SO to 'emSOME sort

of dashingness; anyhow!  Nobody ever looked at poor Bibbs before; and

neither'd sheno; SIR! not till she'd tried both Roscoe and Jim first!  It

was only when her and her family got desperate that she〃

Bibbswhiter than when he came from the sanitariumopened the door。 He

stepped across its threshold and stook looking at her。  Both women screamed。

〃Oh; good heavens!〃 cried Sibyl。  〃Were you in THERE?  Oh; I wouldn't〃 She

seized Mrs。 Sheridan's arm; pulling her toward the stairway。  〃Come on; mother

Sheridan!〃 she urged; and as the befuddled and confused lady obeyed; Sibyl

left a trail of noisy exclamations: 〃Good gracious!  Oh; I wouldn'tToo bad!

I didn't DREAM he was there!  I wouldn't hurt his feelings!  Not for the

world!  Of course he had to know SOME time!  But; good heavens〃

She heard his door close as she and Mrs。 Sheridan reached the top of the

stairs; and she glanced over her shoulder quickly; but Bibbs was not

following; he had gone back into his room。

〃Hehe lookedoh; terrible bad!〃 stammered Mrs。 Sheridan。  〃II wish〃

〃Still; it's a good deal better he knows about it;〃 said Sibyl。  〃I shouldn't

wonder it might turn out the very best thing could happened。 Come on!〃

And completing their descent to the library; the two made their appearance to

Roscoe and his father。  Sibyl at once gave a full and truthful account of what

had taken place; repeating her own remarks; and omitting only the fact that it

was through her design that Bibbs had overheard them。

〃But as I told mother Sheridan;〃 she said; in conclusion; 〃it might turn out

for the very best that he did hearjust that way。  Don't you think so; father


He merely grunted in reply; and sat rubbing the thick hair on the top of his

head with his left hand and looking at the fire。  He had given no sign of

being impressed in any manner by her exposure of Mary Vertrees's character;

but his impassivity did not dismay Sibylit was Bibbs whom she desired to

impress; and she was content in that matter。

〃I'm sure it was all for the best;〃 she said。  〃It's over now; and he knows

what she is。  In one way I think it was lucky; because; just hearing a thing

that way; a person can tell it's SOand he knows I haven't got any ax to

grind except his own good and the good of the family。〃

Mrs。 Sheridan went nervously to the door and stood there; looking toward the

stairway。  〃I wishI wish I knew what he was doin';〃 she said。  〃He did look

terrible bad。  It was like something had been done to him that wasI don't

know what。  I never saw anybody look like he did。  He lookedso queer。  It

was like you'd〃  She called down the hall; 〃George!〃


〃Were you up in Mr。 Bibbs's room just now?〃

〃Yes;m。  He ring bell; tole me make him fiah in his grate。  I done buil' him

nice fiah。  I reckon he ain' feelin' so well。  Yes'm。〃  He departed。

〃What do you expect he wants a fire for?〃 she asked; turning toward her

husband。  〃The house is warm as can be;  I do wish I〃

〃Oh; quit frettin'!〃 said Sheridan。

〃Well; II kind o' wish you hadn't said anything; Sibyl。  I know you meant it

for the best and all; but I don't believe it would been so much harm if〃

〃Mother Sheridan; you don't mean you WANT that kind of a girl in the family?

Why; she〃

〃I don't know; I don't know;〃 the troubled woman quavered。  〃If he liked her

it seems kind of a pity to spoil it。  He's so queer; and he hasn't ever taken

much enjoyment。  And besides; I believe the w

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