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the turmoil-第40节

小说: the turmoil 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Ah; don't you see?〃 he cried。  〃I want it to last for a thousand; thousand

years; just as it is!  You've made me so rich; I'm a miser。  I wouldn't have

one thing differentnothing; nothing!〃

〃Dear Bibbs!〃 she said; and laughed happily。

Bibbs continued to live in the shelter of his dream。  He had told Edith; after

his ineffective effort to be useful in her affairs; that he had decided that

he was 〃a member of the family〃; but he appeared to have relapsed to the

retired list after that one attempt at participancyhe was far enough

detached from membership now。  These were turbulent days in the New House; but

Bibbs had no part whatever in the turbulencehe seemed an absent…minded

stranger; present by accident and not wholly aware that he was present。  He

would sit; faintly smiling over pleasant imaginings and dear reminiscences of

his own; while battle raged between Edith and her father; or while Sheridan

unloosed jeremiads upon the sullen Roscoe; who drank heavily to endure them。

The happy dreamer wandered into storm…areas like a somnambulist; and wandered

out again unawakened。  He was sorry for his father and for Roscoe; and for

Edith and for Sibyl; but their sufferings and outcries seemed far away。

Sibyl was under Gurney's care。  Roscoe had sent for him on Sunday night; not

long after Bibbs returned the abandoned wraps; and during the first days of

Sibyl's illness the doctor found it necessary to be with her frequently; and

to install a muscular nurse。  And whether he would or no; Gurney received from

his hysterical patient a variety of pungent information which would have

staggered anybody but a family physician。 Among other things he was given to

comprehend the change in Bibbs; and why the zinc…eater was not putting a lump

in the operator's gizzard as of yore。

Sibyl was not deliriousshe was a thin little ego writhing and shrieking in

pain。  Life had hurt her; and had driven her into hurting herself; her

condition was only the adult's terrible exaggeration of that of a child after

a bad bruisethere must be screaming and telling mother all about the hurt

and how it happened。  Sibyl babbled herself hoarse when Gurney withheld

morphine。  She went from the beginning to the end in a breath。  No protest

stopped her; nothing stopped her。

〃You ought to let me die!〃 she wailed。  〃It's cruel not to let me die! What

harm have I ever done to anybody that you want to keep me alive? Just look at

my life!  I only married Roscoe to get away from home; and look what that got

me into!look where I am now!  He brought me to this town; and what did I

have in my life but his FAMILY?  And they didn't even know the right crowd!

If they had; it might have been SOMETHING!  I had nothingnothingnothing in

the world!  I wanted to have a good time and how could I?  Where's any good

time among these Sheridans?  They never even had wine on the table!  I thought

I was marrying into a rich family where I'd meet attractive people I'd read

about; and travel; and go to dancesand; oh; my Lord! all I got was these

Sheridans!  I did the best I could; I did; indeed!  Oh; I DID!  I just tried

to live。  Every woman's got a right to live; some time in her life; I guess!

Things were just beginning to look brighterwe'd moved up here; and that

frozen crowd across the street were after Jim for their daughter; and they'd

have started us with the right peopleand then I saw how Edith was getting

him away from me。  She did it; too!  She got him!  A girl with money can do

that to a married womanyes; she can; every time!  And what could I do?  What

can any woman do in my fix?  I couldn't do ANYTHING but try to stand itand I

couldn't stand it!  I went to that iciclethat Vertrees girland she could

have helped me a little; and it wouldn't have hurt her。  It wouldn't have done

her any harm to help me THAT little! She treated me as if I'd been dirt that

she wouldn't even take the trouble to sweep out of her house!  Let her WAIT!〃

Sibyl's voice; hoarse from babbling; became no more than a husky whisper;

though she strove to make it louder。  She struggled half upright; and the

nurse restrained her。 〃I'd get up out of this bed to show her she can't do

such things ot me!  I was absolutely ladylike; and she walked out and left me

there alone! She'll SEE!  She started after Bibbs before Jim's casket was

fairly underground; and she thinks she's landed that poor loonbut she'll

see! She'll see!  If I'm ever able to walk across the street again I'll show

her how to treat a woman in trouble that comes to her for help!  It wouldn't

have hurt her anyit wouldn'tit wouldn't。  And Edith needn't have told what

she told Roscoeit wouldn't have hurt her to let me alone。  And HE told her I

bored himtelephoning him I wanted to see him。  He needn't have done it!  He

needn'tneedn't〃  Her voice grew fainter; for that while; with exhaustion;

though she would go over it all again as soon as her strength returned。  She

lay panting。  Then; seeing her husband standing disheveled in the doorway;

〃Don't come in; Roscoe;〃 she murmured。  〃I don't want to see you。〃  And as he

turned away she added; 〃I'm kind of sorry for you; Roscoe。〃

Her antagonist; Edith; was not more coherent in her own wailings; and she had

the advantage of a mother for listener。  She had also the disadvantage of a

mother for duenna; and Mrs。 Sheridan; under her husband's sharp tutelage;

proved an effective one。  Edith was reduced to telephoning Lamhorn from shops

whenever she could juggle her mother into a momentary distraction over a


Edith was incomparably more in love than before Lamhorn's expulsion。  Her

whole being was nothing but the determination to hurdle everything that

separated her from him。  She was in a state that could be altered by only the

lightest and most delicate diplomacy of suggestion; but Sheridan; like legions

of other parents; intensified her passion and fed it hourly fuel by opposing

to it an intolerable force。  He swore she should cool; and thus set her on


Edith planned neatly。  She fought hard; every other evening; with her father;

and kept her bed between times to let him see what his violence had done to

her。  Then; when the mere sight of her set him to breathing fast; she said

pitiably that she might bear her trouble better if she went away; it was

impossible to be in the same town with Lamhorn and not think always of him。

Perhaps in New York she might forget a little。  She had written to a school

friend; established quietly with an aunt in apartmentsand a month or so of

theaters and restaurants might bring peace。  Sheridan shouted with relief; he

gave her a copious cheque; and she left upon a Monday morning; wearing violets

with her mourning and having kissed everybody good…by except Sibyl and Bibbs。

She might have kissed Bibbs; but he failed to realize that the day of her

departure had arrived; and was surprised; on returning from his zinc…eater;

that evening; to find her gone。  〃I suppose they'll be maried ther;〃 he said;


Sheridan; seated; warming his stockinged feet at the fire; jumped up; fuming。

〃Either you go out o' here; or I will; Bibbs!〃 he snorted。  〃I don't want to

be in the same room with the particular kind of idiot you are!  She's through

with that riff…raff;  all she needed was to be kept away from him a few weeks;

and I KEPT her away; and it did the business。 For Heaven's sake; go on out o'


Bibbs obeyed the gesture of a hand still bandaged。  And the black silk sling

was still round Sheridan's neck; but not word of Gurney's and no excruciating

twinge of pain could keep Sheridan's hand in the sling。  The wounds; slight

enough originally; had become infected the first time he had dislodged the

bandages; and healing was long delayed。  Sheridan had the habit of gesture; he

could not 〃take time to remember;〃 he said; that he must be careful; and he

had also a curious indignation with his hurt; he refused to pay it the

compliment of admitting its existence。

The Saturday following Edith's departure Gurney came to the Sheridan Building

to dress the wounds and to have a talk with Sheridan which the doctor felt had

become necessary。  But he was a little before the appointed time and was

obliged to wait a few minutes in an anteroom there was a directors' meeting

of some sort in Sheridan's office。  The door was slightly ajar; leaking

cigar…smoke and oratory; the latter all Sheridan's; and Gurney listened。

〃No; sir; no; sir; no; sir!〃 he heard the big voice rumbling; and then;

breaking into thunder; 〃I tell you NO!  Some o' you men make me sick! You'd

lose your confidence in Almighty God if a doodle…bug flipped his hind leg at

you!  You say money's tight all over the country。  Well; what if it is?

There's no reason for it to be tight; and it's not goin' to keep OUR money

tight!  You're always runnin' to the woodshed to hide your nickels in a crack

because some fool newspaper says 

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