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the turmoil-第3节

小说: the turmoil 字数: 每页4000字

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near enough graduation to go for a walk leaning on a nurse and a cane。  These

and subsequent months saw the planning; the building; and the completion of

the New House; and it was to that abode of Bigness that Bibbs was brought when

the cane; without the nurse; was found sufficient to his support。

Edith met him at the station。  〃Well; well; Bibbs!〃 she said; as he came

slowly through the gates; the last of all the travelers from that train。  She

gave his hand a brisk little shake; averting her eyes after a quick glance at

him; and turning at once toward the passage to the street。  〃Do you think they

ought to 've let you come?  You certainly don't look well!〃

〃But I certainly do look better;〃 he returned; in a voice as slow as his gait;

a drawl that was a necessity; for when Bibbs tried to speak quickly he

stammered。  〃Up to about a month ago it took two people to see me。  They had

to get me in a line between 'em!〃

Edith did not turn her eyes directly toward him again; after her first quick

glance; and her expression; in spite of her; showed a faint; troubled

distaste; the look of a healthy person pressed by some obligation of business

to visit a 〃bad〃 ward in a hospital。  She was nineteen; fair and slim; with

small; unequal features; but a prettiness of color and a brilliancy of eyes

that created a total impression close upon beauty。  Her movements were eager

and restless: there was something about her; as kind old ladies say; that was

very sweet; and there was something that was hurried and breathless。  This was

new to Bibbs; it was a perceptible change since he had last seen her; and he

bent upon her a steady; whimsical scrutiny as they stood at the curb; waiting

for an automobile across the street to disengage itself from the traffic。

〃That's the new car;〃 she said。  〃Everything's new。  We've got four now;

besides Jim's。  Roscoe's got two。〃

〃Edith; you look〃 he began; and paused。

〃Oh; WE're all well;〃 she said; briskly; and then; as if something in his tone

had caught her as significant; 〃Well; HOW do I look; Bibbs?〃

〃You look〃  He paused again; taking in the full length of herher trim

brown shoes; her scant; tapering; rough skirt; and her coat of brown and

green; her long green tippet and her mad little rough hat in the mad mode

all suited to the October day。

〃How do I look?〃 she insisted。

〃You look;〃 he answered; as his examination ended upon an incrusted watch of

platinum and enamel at her wrist; 〃you lookexpensive!〃  That was a

substitute for what he intended to say; for her constraint and preoccupation;

manifested particularly in her keeping her direct glance away from him; did

not seem to grant the privilege of impulsive intimacies。

〃I expect I am!〃 she laughed; and sidelong caught the direction of his glance。

〃Of course I oughtn't to wear it in the daytimeit's an evening thing; for

the theaterby my day wrist…watch is out of gear。  Bobby Lamhorn broke it

yesterday; he's a regular rowdy sometimes。  Do you want Claus to help you in?〃

〃Oh no;〃 said Bibbs。  〃I'm alive。〃  And after a fit of panting subsequent to

his climbing into the car unaided; he added; 〃Of course; I have to TELL


〃We only got your telegram this morning;〃 she said; as they began to move

rapidly through the 〃wholesale district〃 neighboring the station。  〃Mother

said she'd hardly expected you this month。〃

〃They seemed to be through with me up there in the country;〃 he explained;

gently。  〃At least they said they were; and they wouldn't keep me any longer;

because so many really sick people wanted to get in。  They told me to go home

and I didn't have any place else to go。  It 'll be all right; Edith; I'll

sit in the woodshed until after dark every day。〃

〃Pshaw!〃  She laughed nervously。  〃Of course we're all of us glad to have you


〃Yes?〃 he said。  〃Father?〃

〃Of course!  Didn't he write and tell you to come home?〃  She did not turn to

him with the question。  All the while she rode with her face directly forward。

〃No;〃 he said; 〃father hasn't written。〃

She flushed a little。  〃I expect I ought to 've written sometime; or one of

the boys〃

〃Oh no; that was all right。〃

〃You can't think how busy we've all been this year; Bibbs。  I often planned to

writeand then; just as I was going to; something would turn up。  And I'm

sure it's been just the same way with Jim and Roscoe。  Of course we knew mamma

was writing often and〃

〃Of course!〃 he said; readily。  〃There's a chunk of coal fallen on your glove;

Edith。  Better flick it off before it smears。  My word! I'd almost forgotten

how sooty it is here。〃

〃We've been having very bright weather this monthfor us。〃  She blew the

flake of soot into the air; seeming relieved。

He looked up at the dingy sky; wherein hung the disconsolate sun like a cold

tin pan nailed up in a smoke…house by some lunatic; for a decoration。  〃Yes;〃

said Bibbs。  〃It's very gay。〃  A few moments later; as they passed a corner;

〃Aren't we going home?〃 he asked。

〃Why; yes!〃  Did you want to go somewhere else first?〃

〃No。  Your new driver's taking us out of the way; isn't he?〃

〃No。  This is right。  We're going straight home。〃

〃But we've passed the corner。  We always turned〃

〃Good gracious!〃 she cried。  〃Didn't you know we'd moved?  Didn't you know we

were in the New House?〃

〃Why; no!〃 said Bibbs。  〃Are you?〃

〃We've been there a month!  Good gracious!  Didn't you know〃  She broke off;

flushing again; and then went on hastily:  〃Of course; mamma's never been so

busy in her life; we ALL haven't had time to do anything but keep on the hop。

Mamma couldn't even come to the station to…day。  Papa's got some of his

business friends and people from around the OLD…house neighborhood coming

to…night for a big dinner and 'house…warming'dreadful kind of peoplebut

mamma's got it all on her hands。  She's never sat down a MINUTE; and if she

did; papa would have her up again before〃

〃Of course;〃 said Bibbs。  〃Do you like the new place; Edith?〃

〃I don't like some of the things father WOULD have in it; but it's the finest

house in town; and that ought to be good enough for me!  Papa bought one thing

I likea view of the Bay of Naples in oil that's perfectly beautiful; it's

the first thing you see as you come in the front hall; and it's eleven feet

long。  But he would have that old fruit picture we had in the Murphy Street

house hung up in the new dining…room。  You remember ita table and a

watermelon sliced open; and a lot of rouged…looking apples and some shiny

lemons; with two dead prairie…chickens on a chair?  He bought it at a

furniture…store years and years ago; and he claims it's a finer picture than

any they saw in the museums; that time he took mamma to Europe。  But it's

horribly out of date to have those things in dining…rooms; and I caught Bobby

Lamhorn giggling at it; and Sibyl made fun of it; too; with Bobby; and then

told papa she agreed with him about its being such a fine thing; and said he

did just right to insist on having it where he wanted it。  She makes me tired!


Edith's first constraint with her brother; amounting almost to awkwardness;

vanished with this theme; though she still kept her full gaze always to the

front; even in the extreme ardor of her denunciation of her sister…in…law。

〃SIBYL!〃 she repeated; with such heat and vigor that the name seemed to strike

fire on her lips。  〃I'd like to know why Roscoe couldn't have married somebody

from HERE that would have done us some good!  He could have got in with Bobby

Lamhorn years ago just as well as now; and Bobby 'd have introduced him to the

nicest girls in town; but instead of that he had to go and pick up this Sibyl

Rink!  I met some awfully nice people from her town when mamma and I were at

Atlantic City; last spring; and not one had ever heard of the Rinks! Not even

HEARD of 'em!〃

〃I thought you were great friends with Sibyl;〃 Bibbs said。

〃Up to the time I found her out!〃 the sister returned; with continuing

vehemence。  〃I've found out some things about Mrs。 Roscoe Sheridan lately 〃

〃It's only lately?〃

〃Well〃 Edith hesitated; her lips setting primly。  〃Of course; I always did

see that she never cared the snap of her little finger about ROSCOE!〃

〃It seems;〃 said Bibbs; in laconic protest; 〃that she married him。〃

The sister emitted a shrill cry; to be interpreted as contemptuous laughter;

and; in her emotion; spoke too impulsively:   〃Why; she'd have married YOU!〃

〃No; no;〃 he said; 〃she couldn't be that bad!〃

〃I didn't mean〃 she began; distressed。  〃I only meantI didn't mean〃

〃Never mind; Edith;〃 he consoled her。  〃You see; she couldn't have married me;

because I didn't know her; and besides; if she's as mercenary as all that

she'd have been too clever。  The head doctor even had to lend me the money for

my ticket home。〃

〃I di

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