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the turmoil-第26节

小说: the turmoil 字数: 每页4000字

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Dr。 Gurney was sitting by the log fire; alone in the room; and he merely

glanced over his shoulder when his patient came in。  He was not over  fifty;

in spite of Sheridan's habitual 〃ole Doc Gurney。〃  He was gray;  however;

almost as thin as Bibbs; and nearly always he looked drowsy。

〃Your father telephoned me yesterday afternoon; Bibbs;〃 he said; not  rising。

〃Wants me to 'look you over' again。  Come around here in front  of mebetween

me and the fire。  I want to see if I can see through you。〃

〃You mean you're too sleepy to move;〃 returned Bibbs; complying。  〃I  think

you'll notice that I'm getting worse。〃

〃Taken on about twelve pounds;〃 said Gurney。  〃Thirteen; maybe。〃


〃Well; it won't do。〃  The doctor rubbed his eyelids。  〃You're so much  better

I'll have to use some machinery on you before we can know just  where you are。

You come down to my place this afternoon。  Walk down all the way。  I suppose

you know why your father wants to know。〃

Bibbs nodded。  〃Machine…shop。〃

〃Still hate it?〃

Bibbs nodded again。

〃Don't blame you!〃 the doctor grunted。  〃Yes; I expect it 'll make a lump  in

your gizzard again。 Well; what do you say?  Shall I tell him you've  got the

old lump there yet?  You still want to write; do you?〃

〃What's the use?〃 Bibbs said; smiling ruefully。  〃My kind of writing!〃

〃Yes;〃 the doctor agreed。  〃I suppose it you broke away and lived on  roots

and berries until you began to 'attract the favorable attention of  editors'

you might be able to hope for an income of four or five hundred  dollars a

year by the time you're fifty。〃

〃That's about it;〃 Bibbs murmured。

〃Of course I know what you want to do;〃 said Gurney; drowsily。  〃You  don't

hate the machine…shop only; you hate the whole showthe noice  and jar and

dirt; the scramblethe whole bloomin' craze to 'get on。'   You'd like to go

somewhere in Algiers; or to Taormina; perhaps; and bask  on a balcony;

smelling flowers and writing sonnets。  You'd grow fat on it  and have a

delicate little life all to yourself。   Well; what do you  say?  I can lie

like sixty; Bibbs!  Shall I tell your father he'll lose  another of his boys

if you don't go to Sicily?〃

〃I don't want to go to Sicily;〃 said Bibbs。  〃I want to stay right here。〃

The doctor's drowsiness disappeared for a moment; and he gave his patient  a

sharp glance。  〃It's a risk;〃 he said。  〃I think we'll find you're so  much

better he'll send you back to the shop pretty quick。  Something's  got hold of

you lately; you're not quite so lackadaisical as you used to  be。  But I warn

you: I think the shop will knock you just as it did  before; and perhaps even

harder; Bibbs。〃

He rose; shook himself; and rubbed his eyelids。  〃Well; when we go over  you

this afternoon what are we going to say about it?〃

〃Tell him I'm ready;〃 said Bibbs; looking at the floor。

〃Oh no;〃 Gurney laughed。  〃Not quite yet; but you may be almost。  We'll  see。

Don't forget I said to walk down。〃

And when the examination was concluded; that afternoon; the doctor  informed

Bibbs that the result was much too satisfactory to be pleasing。   〃Here's a

new 'situation' for a one…act farce;〃 he said; gloomily; to his  next patient

when Bibbs had gone。  〃Doctor tells a man he's well; and  that's his death

sentence; likely。  Dam' funny world!〃

Bibbs decided to walk home; though Gurney had not instructed him upon  this

point。  In fact; Gurney seemed to have no more instructions on any  point; so

discouraging was the young man's improvement。  It was a dingy  afternoon; and

the smoke was evident not only to Bibbs's sight; but to  his nostrils; though

most of the pedestrians were so saturated with the  smell they could no longer

detect it。  Nearly all of them walked  hurriedly; too intent upon their

destinations to be more than half aware  of the wayside; they wore the

expressions of people under a vague yet  constant strain。  They were all

lightly powdered; inside and out; with  fine dust and grit from the hard…paved

streets; and they were unaware of  that also。  They did not even notice that

they saw the smoke; though the  thickened air was like a shrouding mist。  And

when Bibbs passed the new  〃Sheridan Apartments;〃 now almost completed; he

observed that the marble  of the vestibule was already streaky with soot; like

his gloves; which  were new。

That recalled to him the faint odor of gasolene in the coupe on the way  from

his brother's funeral; and this incited a train of thought which  continued

till he reached the vicinity of his home。  His route was by a  street parallel

to that on which the New House fronted; and in his  preoccupation he walked a

block farther than he intended; so that; having  crossed to his own street; he

approached the New House from the north;  and as he came to the corner of Mr。

Vertrees's lot Mr。 Vertrees's  daughter emerged from the front door and walked

thoughtfully down the  path to the old picket gate。  She was unconscious of

the approach of the  pedestrian from the north; and did not see him until she

had opened the  gate and he was almost beside her。  Then she looked up; and as

she saw  him she started visibly。  And if this thing had happened to Robert

Lamhorn; he would have had a thought far beyond the horizon of  faint…hearted

Bibbs's thoughts。  Lamhorn; indeed; would have spoken his  thought。  He would

have said:

〃You jumped because you were thinking of me!〃

Mary was the picture of a lady flustered。  She stood with one hand  closing

the gate behind her; and she had turned to go in the direction  Bibbs was

walking。  There appeared to be nothing for it but that they  should walk

together; at least as far as the New House。  But Bibbs had  paused in his slow

stride; and there elapsed an instant before either  spoke or movedit was no

longer than that; and yet it sufficed for  each to seem to say; by look and

attitude; 〃Why; it's YOU!〃

Then they both spoke at once; each hurriedly pronouncing the other's name  as

if about to deliver a message of importance。  Then both came to a stop

simultaneously; but Bibbs made a heroic effort; and as they began to walk  on

together he contrived to find his voice。

〃IIhate a frozen fish myself;〃 he said。  〃I think three miles was  too

long for you to put up with one。〃

〃Good gracious!〃 she cried; turning to him a glowing face from which

restraint and embarrassment had suddenly fled。  〃Mr。 Sheridan; you're  lovely

to put it that way。  But it's always the girl's place to say it's  turning

cooler!  I ought to have been the one to show that we didn't know  each other

well enough not to say SOMETHING!  It was an imposition for me  to have made

you bring me home; and after I went into the house I decided  I should have

walked。  Besides; it wasn't three miles to the car…line。  I  never thought of


〃No;〃 said Bibbs; earnestly。  〃I didn't; either。  I might have said  something

if I'd thought of anything。  I'm talking now; though; I must  remember that;

and not worry about it later。  I think I'm talking; though  it doesn't sound

intelligent even to me。  I made up my mind that if I  ever met you again I'd

turn on my voice and keep it going; no mater what  it said。  I〃

She interrupted him with laughter; and Mary Vertrees's laugh was one  which

Bibbs's father had declared; after the house…warming; 〃a cripple  would crawl

five miles to hear。〃  And at the merry lilting of it Bibbs's  father's son

took heart to forget some of his trepidation。  〃I'll be any  kind of idiot;〃

he said; 〃if you'll laugh at me some more。  It won't be  difficult for me。〃

She did; and Bibbs's cheeks showed a little actual color; which Mary

perceived。  It recalled to her; by contrast; her careless and irritated

description of him to her mother just after she had seen him for the  first

time。  〃Rather tragic and altogether impossible。〃  It seemed to her  now that

she must have been blind。

They had passed the New House without either of them showingor

possessingany consciousness that it had been the destination of one  of


〃I'll keep on talking;〃 Bibbs continued; cheerfully; 〃and you keep on

laughing。  I'm amounting to something in the world this afternoon。  I'm

making a noise; and that makes you make music。  Don't be bothered by my

bleating out such things as that。  I'm really frightened; and that makes  me

bleat anything。  I'm frightened about two things: I'm afraid of what  I'll

think of myself later if I don't keep talkingtalking now; I mean  and I'm

afraid of what I'll think of myself if I do。  And besides  these two things;

I'm frightened; anyhow。  I don't remember talking as  much as this more than

once or twice in my life。  I suppose it was always  in me to do it; though;

the first time I met any one who didn't know me  well enough not to listen。〃

〃But you're not really talking to me;〃 said Mary。  〃You're just think

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