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the turmoil-第18节

小说: the turmoil 字数: 每页4000字

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〃And Edith's life WOULD be spoiled;〃 Sibyl continued。  〃It would be a

dreadful thing for the whole family。  She's the very apple of Father

Sheridan's eye; and he's as proud of her as he is of Jim and Roscoe。  It

would be a horrible thing for him to have her marry a man like Robert

Lamhorn; but he doesn't KNOW anything about him; and if somebody  doesn't tell

him; what I'm most afraid of is that Edith might get his  consent and hurry on

the wedding before he finds out; and then it would  be too late。  You see;

Miss Vertrees; it's very difficult for me to  decide just what it's my duty to


〃I see;〃 said Mary; looking at her thoughtfully; 〃Does Miss Sheridan seem

toto care very much about him?〃

〃He's deliberately fascinated her;〃 returned the visitor; beginning to

breathe quickly and heavily。  〃Oh; she wasn't difficult!  She knew she  wasn't

in right in this town; and she was crazy to meet the people that  were; and

she thought he was one of 'em。  But that was only the start  that made it easy

for himand he didn't need it。  He could have done  it; anyway!〃 Sibyl was

launched now; her eyes were furious and her voice  shook。  〃He went after her

deliberately; the way he does everything; he's  as cold…blooded as a fish。

All he cares about is his own pleasure; and  lately he's decided it would be

pleasant to get hold of a piece of real  moneyand there was Edith!  And

he'll marry her!  Nothing on earth can  stop him unless he finds out she won't

HAVE any money if she marries him;  and the only person that could make him

understand that is Father  Sheridan。  Somehow; that's got to be managed;

because Lamhorn is going to  hurry it on as fast as he can。  He told me so

last night。  He said he was  going to marry her the first minute he could

persuade her to itand  little Edith's all ready to be persuaded!〃  Sibyl's

eyes flashed green  again。  〃And he swore he'd do it;〃 she panted。  〃He swore

he'd marry  Edith Sheridan; and nothing on earth could stop him!〃

And then Mary understood。  Her lips parted and she stared at the babbling

creature incredulously; a sudden vivid  picture in her mind; a canvas of

unconscious Sibyl's painting。  Mary beheld it with pity and horror: she  saw

Sibyl clinging to Robert Lamhorn; raging; in a whisper; perhaps for Roscoe

might have been in the house; or servants might have head。   She saw Sibyl

entreating; beseeching; threatening despairingly; and  Lamhorntired of

herfirst evasive; then brutally letting her have  the truth; and at last;

infuriated; 〃swearing〃 to marry her rival。  If  Sibyl had not babbled out the

word 〃swore〃 it might have been less plain。

The poor woman blundered on; wholly unaware of what he had confessed。   〃You

see;〃 she said; more quietly; 〃whatever's going to be done ought to  done

right away。  I went over and told Mother Sheridan what I'd heard  about

Lamhornoh; I was open and aboveboard!  I told her right before  Edith。  I

think it ought all to be done with perfect frankness; because  nobody can say

it isn't for the girl's own good and what her best friend  would do。  But

Mother Sheridan's under Edith's thumb; and she's afraid to  ever come right

out with anything。  Father Sheridan's different。  Edith  can get anything she

wants out of him in the way of money or ordinary  indulgence; but when it

comes to a matter like this he'd be a steel  rock。  If it's a question of his

will against anybody else's he'd make  his will rule if it killed 'em both!

Now; he'd never in the world let  Lamhorn come near the house again if he knew

his reputation。  So; you  see; somebody's got to tell him。  It isn't a very

easy position for me;  is it; Miss Vertrees?〃

〃No;〃 said Mary; gravely。

〃Well; to be frank;〃 said Sibyl; smiling; 〃that's why I've come to you。〃

〃To ME!〃  Mary frowned。

Sibyl rippled and cooed again。  〃There isn't ANYBODY even made such a hit

with Father Sheridan in his life as you have。  And of course we ALL hope

you're not going to be exactly an outsider in the affairs of the  family!〃

(This sally with another and louder effect of laughter。)  〃And  if it's MY

duty; why; in a way; I think it might be thought yours; too。〃

〃No; no!〃 exclaimed Mary; sharply。

〃Listen;〃 said Sibyl。  〃Now suppose I go to Father Sheridan with this  story;

and Edith says it's not true; suppose she says Lamhorn has a good  reputation

and that I'm repeating irresponsible gossip; or suppose  (what's most likely)

she loses her temper and says I invented it; then  what am I going to do?

Father Sheridan doesn't know Mrs。 Kittersby and  her daughter; and they're out

of the question; anyway。  But suppose I  could say: 'All right; if you want

proof; ask Miss Vertrees。  She came  with me; and she's waiting in the next

room right now; to〃

〃No; no;〃 said Mary; quickly。  〃You mustn't〃

〃Listen just a minute more;〃 Sibyl urged; confidingly。  She was on easy

ground now; to her own mind; and had no doubt of her success。  〃You  naturally

don't want to begin by taking part in a family quarrel; but if  YOU take part

in it; it won't be one。  You don't know yourself what  weight you carry over

there; and no one would have the right to say you  did it except out of the

purest kindness。  Don't you see that Jim and his  father would admire you all

the more for it?  Miss Vertrees; listen!   Don't you see we OUGHT to do it;

you and I?  Do you suppose Robert  Lamhorn cares a snap of his finger for her?

Do you suppose a man like  him would LOOK at Edith Sheridan if it wasn't for

the money?〃  And again  Sibyl's emotion rose to the surface。  〃I tell you he's

after nothing on  earth but to get his finger in that old man's money…pile;

over there;  next door!  He'd marry ANYBODY to do it。  Marry Edith?〃 she

cried。  〃I  tell you he'd marry their nigger cook for THAT!〃

She stopped; afraidat the wrong timethat she had been too  vehement; but a

glace at Mary reassured her; and Sibyl decided that she  had produced the

effect she wished。  Mary was not looking at her; she was  staring straight

before her at the wall; her eyes wide and shining。  She  became visibly a

little paler as Sibyl looked at her。

〃After nothing on earth but to get his finger in that old man's  money…pile;

over there; next door!〃  The voice was vulgar; the words were  vulgarand the

plain truth was vulgar!  How it rang in Mary Vertrees's  ears!  The clear

mirror had caught its own image clearly in the flawed  one at last。

Sibyl put forth her best bid to clench the matter。  She offered her  bargain。

〃Now don't you worry;〃 she said; sunnily; 〃about this setting  Edith against

you。  She'll get over it after a while; anyway; but if she  tried to be

spiteful and make it uncomfortable for you when you drop in  over there; or

managed so as to sort of leave you out; why; I've got a  house; and Jim likes

to come there。  I don't THINK Edith WOULD be that  way; she's too crazy to

have you take her around with the smart crowd;  but if she DID; you needn't

worry。  And another thingI guess you  won't mind Jim's own sister…in…law

speaking of it。  Of course; I don't  know just how matters stand between you

and Jim; but Jim and Roscoe are  about as much alike as two brothers can be;

and Roscoe was very slow  making up his mind; sometimes I used to think he

actually never WOULD。   Now; what I mean is; sisters…in…law can do lots of

things to help matters  on like that。  There's lots of little things can be

said; and lots〃

She stopped; puzzled。  Mary Vertrees had gone from pale to scarlet; and  now;

still scarlet indeed; she rose; without a word of explanation; or  any other

kind of word; and walked slowly to the open door and out of the  room。

Sibyl was a little taken aback。  She supposed Mary had remembered  something

neglected and necessary for the instruction of a servant; and  that she would

return in a moment; but it was rather a rude excess of  absent…mindedness not

to have excused herself; especially as her guest  was talking。  And; Mary's

return being delayed; Sibyl found time to think  this unprefaced exit odder

and ruder than she had first considered it。   There might have been more

excuse for it; she thought; had she been  speaking of matters less

importantoffering to do the girl all the  kindness in her power; too!

Sibyl yawned and swung her muff impatiently; she examined the sole of her

show; she decided on a new shape of heel; she made an inventory of the

furniture of the room; of the rugs; of the wall…paper and engravings。   Then

she looked at her watch and frowned; went to a window and stood  looking out

upon the brown lawn; then came back to the chair she had  abandoned; and sat

again。  There was no sound in the house。

A strange expression began imperceptibly to alter the planes of her face;  and

slowly she grew as scarlet as Maryscarlet to the ears。  She looked  at her

watch againand twenty…five minutes had elapsed since she had  looked at it


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