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history of the impeachment of andrew johnson-第42节

小说: history of the impeachment of andrew johnson 字数: 每页4000字

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That the President at a meeting of the Cabinet; while the bill was before the President for his approval; laid before the Cabinet the tenure…of…civil…office bill for their consideration and advice to the President respecting his approval of the bill: and thereupon the members of the Cabinet then present gave their advice to the President that the bill was unconstitutional and should be returned to Congress with his objections; and that the duty of preparing a message; setting forth the objections to the constitutionality of the bill; was devolved on Mr。 Seward and Mr。 Stanton; to be followed by proof as to what was done by the President and Cabinet up to the time of sending in the message。

After argument the yeas and nays were taken:

YeasAnthony Bayard; Buckalew; Davis; Dixon; Doolittle; Fessenden; Fowler; Grimes; Henderson; Hendricks; Johnson; McCreery; Patterson of Tennessee; Ross; Saulsbury; Trumbull; Van Winkle; Vickers; and Willey209 Republicans and 11 Democrats。

NaysCameron; Cattell; Chandler; Cole; Conkling; Conness; Corbett; Cragin; Drake; Edmunds; Ferry; Frelinghuysen; Harlan; Howard; Howe; Morgan; Morrill of Maine; Morrill of Vermont; Patterson of New Hampshire; Pomeroy; Ramsay Sherman; Sprague; Stewart; Thayer; Tipton; Williams; Wilson; and Yates29all Republicans。

So this testimony was rejected。

No。 21。

Counsel for Defense offered to prove:

That at the meetings of the Cabinet at which Mr。 Stanton was present; held while the tenure…of…civil…office bill was before the President for approval; the advice of the Cabinet in regard to the same was asked by the President and given by the Cabinet; and thereupon the question whether Mr。 Stanton and the other Secretaries who had received their appointment from Mr。 Lincoln were within the restrictions upon the President's power of removal from office created by said act was considered; and the opinion expressed that the Secretaries appointed by Mr。 Lincoln were not within such restrictions。

The yeas and nays were ordered; and the vote was:

YeasAnthony; Bayard; Buckalew; Davis; Dixon; Doolittle; Fessenden; Fowler; Grimes; Henderson; Hendricks; Johnson; McCreery; Patterson of Tennessee; Ross; Saulsbury; Sherman; Sprague; Trumbull; Van Winkle; Vickers; and Willey2211 Republicans and 11 Democrats。

NaysCameron; Cattell; Chandler; Cole。 Conness。 Corbett; Cragin; Drake; Edmunds; Ferry; Frelinghusen; Harlan; Howard; Howe; Morgan; Morrill of Maine; Morrill of Vermont; Patterson of New Hampshire; Pomeroy; Ramsay; Stewart; Thayer; Tipton; Williams; Wilson; and Yates26all Republicans。

So this testimony was rejected。

No。 25。

Counsel for defense offered to prove:

That at the Cabinet meetings between the passage of the tenure…of…civil office bill and the order of the 21st of February; 1868; for the removal of Mr。 Stanton。 upon occasions when the condition of the public service; as affected by the operation of that bill; came up for the consideration and advice of the Cabinet; it was considered by the President and Cabinet that a proper regard to the public service made it desirable that upon some proper case a judicial determination of the constitutionality of the law should be obtained。

The question being taken by yeas and nays; resulted:

YeasAnthony; Bayard; Buckalew; Davis; Dixon; Doolittle; Fessenden; Fowler; Grimes; Henderson; Hendricks; Johnson; McCreery; Patterson of Tennessee; Ross; Saulsbury Trumbull; Van Winkle; and Vickers198 Republicans and 11 Democrats。

NaysCameron; Cattell; Chandler; Cole; Conkling; Conness; Corbett; Cragin; Drake; Edmunds; Ferry; Frelinghuysen; Harlan; Howard; Howe; Morgan; Morrill of Maine; Morrill of Vermont; Patterson of New Hampshire; Pomeroy; Ramsay; Sherman; Sprague; Stewart; Thayer; Tipton; Willey; Williams; Wilson and Yates30all Republicans。

So the proffered testimony was rejected。

No。 26。

Counsel for defense put this question to witness; (Mr。 Welles; then Secretary of the Navy。)

Was there; within the period embraced in the inquiry in the last question; and at any discussions or deliberations of the Cabinet concerning the operation of the tenure…of…civil…office act and the requirements of the public service in regard to the service; any suggestion or intimation whatever touching or looking to the vacation of any office by force or getting possession of the same by force?

Counsel for prosecution objected; and the vote was:

YeasAnthony; Bayard; Buckalew; Davis; Dixon; Edmunds; Fessenden; Fowler; Grimes; Hendricks; Johnson; McCreery; Patterson of Tennessee; Ross; Saulsbury; Trumbull; Van Winkle; and Vickers188 Republicans and 10 Democrats。

Nay…s…Cattell; Chandler; Cole; Conkling; Conness; Corbett; Cragin; Ferry; Frelinghuysen; Harlan; Howard; Howe; Morgan; Morrill of Maine; Morrill of Vermont; Patterson of New Hampshire; Pomeroy; Ramsay; Sherman; Stewart; Thayer; Tipton; Willey; Williams; Wilson; and Yates26all Republicans。

So the proffered testimony was rejected。

No。 27。

Defense offered to prove:

That at the meetings of the Cabinet at which Stanton was present; held while the tenure…of…civil…office bill was before the President for approval; the advice of the Cabinet in regard to the same was asked by the President; and given the Cabinet; and thereupon the question whether Mr。 Stanton and the other Secretaries who had received their appointments from  Mr。 Lincoln were within the restrictions upon the President's power of removal from office created by said act; was considered and the opinion expressed that the Secretaries appointed by Mr。 Lincoln were not within such restrictions。

Mr。 Johnson: I ask that the question propounded by the Senator from Ohio (Mr。 Sherman) shall now be read。

The Secretary read the question as follows:

State if; after the 2d of March; 1867; the date of the passage of the tenure…of…office act; the question whether the Secretaries appointed by President Lincoln were included within the provisions of that act came before the Cabinet for discussion; and if so; what opinion was given on this question by members of the Cabinet to the President。

The yeas and nays were ordered; and being taken resulted:

YeasAnthony; Bayard; Buckalew; Davis; Dixon; Doolittle; Fessenden; Fowler; Grimes; Hendricks; Johnson; McCreery; Patterson of Tennessee; Ross; Saulsbury; Sherman; Trumbull; Van Winkle; Vickers; and Willey209 Republican and 11 Democrats。

NaysCameron; Cattell; Chandler; Cole; Conkling; Conness; Corbett; Cragin; Edmunds; Ferry; Frelinghuysen; Harlan; Howard; Howe; Morgan; Morrill of Maine; Morrill of Vermont; Patterson of New Hampshire; Pomeroy; Ramsay; Stewart; Thayer; Tipton; Williams; Wilson; and Yates26all Republicans。

So the proffered testimony was rejected。

No。 28。

The Prosecution proposed to put in evidence the nomination of Lieutenant General Sherman; to be General by brevet; sent to the Senate on the 13th of February; 1868; also the nomination of Major General George H。 Thomas to be Lieutenant General by brevet; and to be General by brevet; sent to the Senate on the 21st of February; 1868。

The question being taken by yeas and nays; resulted: YeasAnthony; Cole; Fessenden; Fowler; Grimes; Henderson; Morton; Ross; Sumner; Tipton; Trumbull; Van Winkle; Willey; and Yates14all Republicans。

NaysBuckalew; Cameron; Cattell; Chandler; Conkling; Conness; Corbett; Cragin; Davis; Dixon; Doolittle; Drake; Edmunds; Ferry; Frelinghuysen; Harlan; Hendricks; Howard; Howe; Johnson; McCreery; Morgan; Morrill of Maine; Morrill of Vermont; Patterson of New Hampshire; Patterson of Tennessee; Pomeroy; Ramsay; Sherman; Sprague; Stewart; Thayer; Vickers; Williams; and Wilson3526 Republicans and 9 Democrats。

So the proffered testimony was refused。


The Ninth Article of the Impeachment was based upon alleged military changes in the City of Washington whereby the number of troops on duty there was rumored to have been largely increased; with a view to their use in the controversy between the President and Congress; and more especially for the expulsion of Mr。 Stanton from the War Office in case of his resistance to the order of the President for his retirement。 The wildest rumors of that character prevailedthat Mr。 Johnson proposed to throw off all disguise and assume direct military control and the establishment of practically a military dictatorship。 Congress had some months previously enacted that all military orders from the President should be issued through the General of the Armythe Congress thereby assuming to practically abrogate a constitutional function of the Chief Executive。

There was considerable confidence among the supporters of the impeachment that they would be able to prove these allegations by General Emory; then in local command of the troops and Department of Washington。 General Emory was called by the prosecution; and the following was his testimony。

Examined by Mr。 Butler:

Question: Will you have the kindness to state; as nearly as you can what took place then? (Referring to an interview with the President at the Executive Mansion。)

Answer: I will try and state the substance of it; but the words I can not undertake to state exactly。 The President asked me if I recollected a conversation

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