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george sand-第6节

小说: george sand 字数: 每页4000字

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tter written much later on; in the year 1843; from George Sand to her half…brother Hippolyte Chatiron on the occasion of his daughter's engagement; the following lines occur:  〃See that your son…in…law is not brutal to your daughter the first night of their marriage。 。 。 。  Men have no idea that this amusement of theirs is a martyrdom for us。  Tell him to sacrifice his own pleasure a little; and to wait until he has taught his wife gradually to understand things and to be willing。  There is nothing so frightful as the horror; the suffering and the disgust of a poor girl who knows nothing and who is suddenly violated by a brute。  We bring girls up as much as possible like saints; and then we hand them over like fillies。  If your son…in…law is an intelligent man and if he really loves your daughter; he will understand his _role_; and will not take it amiss that you should speak to him beforehand。〃'2'

'2' Communicated by M。 S。 Rocheblave。

Is George Sand recalling here any hidden and painful memories?  Casimir had; at bottom; a certain brutality; which; later on; was very evident。  The question is whether he had shown proofs of it at a time when it would have been wiser to have refrained。

However that may be; the fundamental disagreement of their natures was not long in making itself felt between the husband and wife。  He was matter…of…fact; and she was romantic; he only believed in facts; and she in ideas; he was of the earth; earthy; whilst she aspired to the impossible。  They had nothing to say to each other; and when two people have nothing to say; and love does not fill up the silences; what torture the daily _tete…a…tete_ must be。  Before they had been married two years; they were bored to death。  They blamed Nohant; but the fault was in themselves。  Nohant seemed unbearable to them; simply because they were there alone with each other。  They went to Plessis; perhaps in the hope that the remembrance of the days of their engagement might have some effect on them。  It was there; in 1824; that the famous scene of the blow took place。  They were playing at a regular children's game in the park; and throwing sand at each other。  Casimir lost his patience and struck his wife。  It was certainly impolite; but Aurore did not appear to have been very indignant with her husband at the time。  Her grievances were quite of another kind; less tangible and much more deeply felt。

From Plessis they went to Ormesson。  We do not know what took place there; but evidently something which made a deep impression morally; something very serious。  A few years later; referring to this stay at Ormesson; George Sand wrote to one of her friends:  〃You pass by a wall and come to a house。 。 。 。  If you are allowed to enter you will find a delightful English garden; at the bottom of which is a spring of water hidden under a kind of grotto。  It is all very stiff and uninteresting; but it is very lonely。  I spent several months there; and it was there that I lost my health; my confidence in the future; my gaiety and my happiness。  It was there that I felt; and very deeply too; my first approach of trouble。 。 。 。〃'3'

'3' Extract from the unpublished letters of George Sand to Dr。 Emile Regnault。

They left Ormesson for Paris; and Paris for Nohant; and after that; by way of trying to shake off the dulness that was oppressing them; they had recourse to the classical mode of diversiona voyage。

They set off on the 5th of July; 1825; for that famous expedition to the Pyrenees; which was to be so important a landmark in Aurore Dudevant's history。  On crossing the Pyrenees; the scenery; so new to heror rather the memory of which had been lying dormant in her mind since her childhoodfilled her with wild enthusiasm。  This intense emotion contributed to develop within her that sense of the picturesque which; later on; was to add so considerably to her talent as a writer。  She had hitherto been living in the country of plains; the Ile…de…France and Berry。  The contrast made her realize all the beauties of nature; and; on her return; she probably understood her own familiar scenery; and enjoyed it all the more。  She had hitherto appreciated it vaguely。  Lamartine learnt to love the severe scenery of Milly better on returning to it after the softness of Italy。

The Pyrenees served; too; for Baronne Dudevant as the setting for an episode which was unique in her sentimental life。

In the _Histoire de ma vie_ there is an enigmatical page in which George Sand has intentionally measured and velled every expression。  She speaks of her moral solitude; which; at that time; was profound and absolute; and she adds:  〃It would have been mortal to a tender mind and to a girl in the flower of her youth; if it had not been filled with a dream which had taken the importance of a great passion; not in my life; as I had sacrificed my life to duty; but in my thoughts。  I was in continual correspondence with an absent person to whom I told all my thoughts; all my dreams; who knew all my humble virtues; and who heard all my platonic enthusiasm。  This person was excellent in reality; but I attributed to him more than all the perfections possible to human nature。  I only saw this man for a few days; and sometimes only for a few hours; in the course of a year。  He was as romantic; in his intercourse with me; as I was。  Consequently he did not cause me any scruples; either of religion or of conscience。  This man was the stay and consolation of my exile; as regards the world of reality。〃  It was this dream; as intense as any passion; that we must study here。  We must make the acquaintance of this excellent and romantic man。

Aurelien de Seze was a young magistrate; a few years older than Aurore。  He was twenty…six years of age and she was twenty…one。 He was the great…nephew of the counsel who pleaded for Louis XVI。  There was; therefore; in his family a tradition of moral nobility; and the young man had inherited this。  He had met Aurore at Bordeaux and again at Cauterets。  They had visited the grottoes of Lourdes together。  Aurelien had appreciated the young wife's charm; although she had not attempted to attract his attention; as she was not coquettish。  She appreciated in himall that was so lacking in Casimir culture of mind; seriousness of character; discreet manners which people took at first for coldness; and a somewhat dignified elegance。  He was scrupulously honest; a magistrate of the old school; sure of his principles and master of himself。  It was; probably; just that which appealed to the young wife; who was a true woman and who had always wished to be dominated。  When they met again at Breda; they had an explanation。  This was the 〃violent grief〃 of which George Sand speaks。  She was consoled by a friend; Zoe Leroy; who found a way of calming this stormy soul。  She came through this crisis crushed with emotion and fatigue; but calm and joyful。  They had vowed to love each other; but to remain without reproach; and their vow was faithfully kept。

Aurore; therefore; had nothing with which to reproach herself; but with her innate need of being frank; she considered it her duty to write a letter to her husband; informing him of everything。  This was the famous letter of November 8; 1825。  Later on; in 1836; when her case for separation from her husband was being heard; a few fragments of it were read by her husband's advocate with the idea of incriminating her。  By way of reply to this; George Sand's advocate read the entire letter in all its eloquence and generosity。  It was greeted by bursts of applause from the audience。

All this is very satisfactory。  It is exactly the situation of the Princess of Cleves in Madame de Lafayette's novel。  The Princess of Cleves acknowledges to her husband the love she cannot help feeling for Monsieur de Nemours; and asks for his help and advice as her natural protector。  This fine proceeding is usually admired; although it cost the life of the Prince of Cleves; who died broken…hearted。 Personally; I admire it too; although at times I wonder whether we ought not rather to see in it an unconscious suggestion of perversity。  This confession of love to the person who is being; as it were; robbed of that love; is in itself a kind of secret pleasure。  By speaking of the love; it becomes more real; we bring it out to light instead of letting it die away in those hidden depths within us; in which so many of the vague sentiments which we have not cared to define; even to ourselves; die away。  Many women have preferred this more silent way; in which they alone have been the sufferers。  But such women are not the heroines of novels。  No one has appreciated their sacrifice; and they themselves could scarcely tell all that it has cost them。

Aurelien de Seze had taken upon himself the _role_ of confidant to this soul that he had allotted to himself。  He took his _role_ very seriously; as was his custom in all things。  He became the young wife's director in all matters of conscience。  The letters which he wrote to her have been preserved; and we know them by the extracts and the analysis that Monsieur Rocheblave has given us and by his incisive commentaries of them。'4' They are letters of guidance; spiritual letters。  The laic confessor 

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