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弌傍 on sophistical refutations 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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  We have now therefore dealt with the sources of questions察and the

methods of questioning in contentious disputations此next we have to

speak of answering察and of how solutions should be made察and of what

requires them察and of what use is served by arguments of this kind。

  The use of them察then察is察for philosophy察twofold。 For in the first

place察since for the most part they depend upon the expression察they

put us in a better condition for seeing in how many senses any term is

used察and what kind of resemblances and what kind of differences occur

between things and between their names。 In the second place they are

useful for one's own personal researches察for the man who is easily

committed to a fallacy by some one else察and does not perceive it

is likely to incur this fate of himself also on many occasions。

Thirdly and lastly察they further contribute to one's reputation

viz。 the reputation of being well trained in everything察and not

inexperienced in anything此for that a party to arguments should find

fault with them察if he cannot definitely point out their weakness

creates a suspicion察making it seem as though it were not the truth of

the matter but merely inexperience that put him out of temper。

  Answerers may clearly see how to meet arguments of this kind察if our

previous account was right of the sources whence fallacies came察and

also our distinctions adequate of the forms of dishonesty in putting

questions。 But it is not the same thing take an argument in one's hand

and then to see and solve its faults察as it is to be able to meet it

quickly while being subjected to questions此for what we know察we often

do not know in a different context。 Moreover察just as in other

things speed is enhanced by training察so it is with arguments too

so that supposing we are unpractised察even though a point be clear

to us察we are often too late for the right moment。 Sometimes too it

happens as with diagrams察for there we can sometimes analyse the

figure察but not construct it again此so too in refutations察though we

know the thing on which the connexion of the argument depends察we

still are at a loss to split the argument apart。


  First then察just as we say that we ought sometimes to choose to

prove something in the general estimation rather than in truth察so

also we have sometimes to solve arguments rather in the general

estimation than according to the truth。 For it is a general rule in

fighting contentious persons察to treat them not as refuting察but as

merely appearing to refute此for we say that they don't really prove

their case察so that our object in correcting them must be to dispel

the appearance of it。 For if refutation be an unambiguous

contradiction arrived at from certain views察there could be no need to

draw distinctions against amphiboly and ambiguity此they do not

effect a proof。 The only motive for drawing further distinctions is

that the conclusion reached looks like a refutation。 What察then察we

have to beware of察is not being refuted察but seeming to be察because of

course the asking of amphibolies and of questions that turn upon

ambiguity察and all the other tricks of that kind察conceal even a

genuine refutation察and make it uncertain who is refuted and who is

not。 For since one has the right at the end察when the conclusion is

drawn察to say that the only denial made of One's statement is

ambiguous察no matter how precisely he may have addressed his

argument to the very same point as oneself察it is not clear whether

one has been refuted此for it is not clear whether at the moment one is

speaking the truth。 If察on the other hand察one had drawn a

distinction察and questioned him on the ambiguous term or the

amphiboly察the refutation would not have been a matter of uncertainty。

Also what is incidentally the object of contentious arguers察though

less so nowadays than formerly察would have been fulfilled察namely that

the person questioned should answer either 'Yes' or 'No'此whereas

nowadays the improper forms in which questioners put their questions

compel the party questioned to add something to his answer in

correction of the faultiness of the proposition as put此for certainly

if the questioner distinguishes his meaning adequately察the answerer

is bound to reply either 'Yes' or 'No'。

  If any one is going to suppose that an argument which turns upon

ambiguity is a refutation察it will be impossible for an answerer to

escape being refuted in a sense此for in the case of visible objects

one is bound of necessity to deny the term one has asserted察and to

assert what one has denied。 For the remedy which some people have

for this is quite unavailing。 They say察not that Coriscus is both

musical and unmusical察but that this Coriscus is musical and this

Coriscus unmusical。 But this will not do察for to say 'this Coriscus is

unmusical'察or 'musical'察and to say 'this Coriscus' is so察is to

use the same expression此and this he is both affirming and denying

at once。 'But perhaps they do not mean the same。' Well察nor did the

simple name in the former case此so where is the difference拭If

however察he is to ascribe to the one person the simple title

'Coriscus'察while to the other he is to add the prefix 'one' or

'this'察he commits an absurdity此for the latter is no more

applicable to the one than to the other此for to whichever he adds

it察it makes no difference。

  All the same察since if a man does not distinguish the senses of an

amphiboly察it is not clear whether he has been confuted or has not

been confuted察and since in arguments the right to distinguish them is

granted察it is evident that to grant the question simply without

drawing any distinction is a mistake察so that察even if not the man

himself察at any rate his argument looks as though it had been refuted。

It often happens察however察that察though they see the amphiboly察people

hesitate to draw such distinctions察because of the dense crowd of

persons who propose questions of the kind察in order that they may

not be thought to be obstructionists at every turn此then察though

they would never have supposed that that was the point on which the

argument turned察they often find themselves faced by a paradox。

Accordingly察since the right of drawing the distinction is granted

one should not hesitate察as has been said before。

  If people never made two questions into one question察the fallacy

that turns upon ambiguity and amphiboly would not have existed either

but either genuine refutation or none。 For what is the difference

between asking 'Are Callias and Themistocles musical' and what one

might have asked if they察being different察had had one name拭For if

the term applied means more than one thing察he has asked more than one

question。 If then it be not right to demand simply to be given a

single answer to two questions察it is evident that it is not proper to

give a simple answer to any ambiguous question察not even if the

predicate be true of all the subjects察as some claim that one

should。 For this is exactly as though he had asked 'Are Coriscus and

Callias at home or not at home'察supposing them to be both in or both

out此for in both cases there is a number of propositions此for though

the simple answer be true察that does not make the question one。 For it

is possible for it to be true to answer even countless different

questions when put to one察all together with either a 'Yes' or a 'No'

but still one should not answer them with a single answer此for that is

the death of discussion。 Rather察the case is like as though

different things has actually had the same name applied to them。 If

then察one should not give a single answer to two questions察it is

evident that we should not say simply 'Yes' or 'No' in the case of

ambiguous terms either此for the remark is simply a remark察not an

answer at all察although among disputants such remarks are loosely

deemed to be answers察because they do not see what the consequence is。

  As we said察then察inasmuch as certain refutations are generally

taken for such察though not such really察in the same way also certain

solutions will be generally taken for solutions察though not really

such。 Now these察we say察must sometimes be advanced rather than the

true solutions in contentious reasonings and in the encounter with

ambiguity。 The proper answer in saying what one thinks is to say

'Granted'察for in that way the likelihood of being refuted on a side

issue is minimized。 If察on the other hand察one is compelled to say

something paradoxical察one should then be most careful to add that 'it

seems' so此for in that way one avoids the impression of being either

refuted or paradoxical。 Since it is

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