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on sophistical refutations-及13准

弌傍 on sophistical refutations 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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because he happens to be both yours and a child察but he is not 'your


  There is also the proof that 'something ;of evils; is good'察for

wisdom is a 'knowledge ;of evils;'。 But the expression that this is

'of so and´so' ='so´and´so's' has not a number of meanings此it means

that it is 'so´and´so's property'。 We may suppose of course察on the

other hand察that it has a number of meanings´for we also say that

man is 'of the animals'察though not their property察and also that

any term related to 'evils' in a way expressed by a genitive case is

on that account a so´and´so 'of evils'察though it is not one of the

evils´but in that case the apparently different meanings seem to

depend on whether the term is used relatively or absolutely。 'Yet it

is conceivably possible to find a real ambiguity in the phrase

;Something of evils is good;。' Perhaps察but not with regard to the

phrase in question。 It would occur more nearly察suppose that 'A

servant is good of the wicked'察though perhaps it is not quite found

even there此for a thing may be 'good' and be 'X's' without being at

the same time 'X's good'。 Nor is the saying that 'Man is of the

animals' a phrase with a number of meanings此for a phrase does not

become possessed of a number of meanings merely suppose we express

it elliptically此for we express 'Give me the Iliad' by quoting half

a line of it察e。g。 'Give me ;Sing察goddess察of the wrath。。。;'


  Those arguments which depend upon an expression that is valid of a

particular thing察or in a particular respect察or place察or manner

or relation察and not valid absolutely察should be solved by considering

the conclusion in relation to its contradictory察to see if any of

these things can possibly have happened to it。 For it is impossible

for contraries and opposites and an affirmative and a negative to

belong to the same thing absolutely察there is察however察nothing to

prevent each from belonging in a particular respect or relation or

manner察or to prevent one of them from belonging in a particular

respect and the other absolutely。 So that if this one belongs

absolutely and that one in a particular respect察there is as yet no

refutation。 This is a feature one has to find in the conclusion by

examining it in comparison with its contradictory。

  All arguments of the following kind have this feature此'Is it

possible for what is´not to be拭 No。; But察you see察it is something

despite its not being。' Likewise also察Being will not be察for it

will not he some particular form of being。 Is it possible for the same

man at the same time to be a keeper and a breaker of his oath' 'Can

the same man at the same time both obey and disobey the same man'

Or isn't it the case that being something in particular and Being

are not the same拭On the other hand察Not´being察even if it be

something察need not also have absolute 'being' as well。 Nor if a man

keeps his oath in this particular instance or in this particular

respect察is he bound also to be a keeper of oaths absolutely察but he

who swears that he will break his oath察and then breaks it察keeps this

particular oath only察he is not a keeper of his oath此nor is the

disobedient man 'obedient'察though he obeys one particular command。

The argument is similar察also察as regards the problem whether the same

man can at the same time say what is both false and true此but it

appears to be a troublesome question because it is not easy to see

in which of the two connexions the word 'absolutely' is to be

rendered´with 'true' or with 'false'。 There is察however察nothing to

prevent it from being false absolutely察though true in some particular

respect or relation察i。e。 being true in some things察though not 'true'

absolutely。 Likewise also in cases of some particular relation and

place and time。 For all arguments of the following kind depend upon

this。' Is health察or wealth察a good thing' 'Yes。' 'But to the fool

who does not use it aright it is not a good thing此therefore it is

both good and not good。' 'Is health察or political power察a good

thing' 'Yes。 ;But sometimes it is not particularly good此therefore

the same thing is both good and not good to the same man。' Or rather

there is nothing to prevent a thing察though good absolutely察being not

good to a particular man察or being good to a particular man察and yet

not good or here。 'Is that which the prudent man would not wish察an

evil' 'Yes。' 'But to get rid of察he would not wish the good

therefore the good is an evil。' But that is a mistake察for it is not

the same thing to say 'The good is an evil' and 'to get rid of the

good is an evil'。 Likewise also the argument of the thief is mistaken。

For it is not the case that if the thief is an evil thing察acquiring

things is also evil此what he wishes察therefore察is not what is evil

but what is good察for to acquire something good is good。 Also察disease

is an evil thing察but not to get rid of disease。 'Is the just

preferable to the unjust察and what takes place justly to what takes

place unjustly拭'Yes。' 'But to to be put to death unjustly is

preferable。' 'Is it just that each should have his own' 'Yes。' 'But

whatever decisions a man comes to on the strength of his personal

opinion察even if it be a false opinion察are valid in law此therefore

the same result is both just and unjust。' Also察should one decide in

favour of him who says what is unjust' 'The former。' 'But you see察it

is just for the injured party to say fully the things he has suffered

and these are fallacies。 For because to suffer a thing unjustly is

preferable察unjust ways are not therefore preferable察though in this

particular case the unjust may very well be better than the just。

Also察to have one's own is just察while to have what is another's is

not just此all the same察the decision in question may very well be a

just decision察whatever it be that the opinion of the man who gave the

decision supports此for because it is just in this particular case or

in this particular manner察it is not also just absolutely。 Likewise

also察though things are unjust察there is nothing to prevent the

speaking of them being just此for because to speak of things is just

there is no necessity that the things should be just察any more than

because to speak of things be of use察the things need be of use。

Likewise also in the case of what is just。 So that it is not the

case that because the things spoken of are unjust察the victory goes to

him who speaks unjust things此for he speaks of things that are just to

speak of察though absolutely察i。e。 to suffer察they are unjust。


  Refutations that depend on the definition of a refutation must

according to the plan sketched above察be met by comparing together the

conclusion with its contradictory察and seeing that it shall involve

the same attribute in the same respect and relation and manner and

time。 If this additional question be put at the start察you should

not admit that it is impossible for the same thing to be both double

and not double察but grant that it is possible察only not in such a

way as was agreed to constitute a refutation of your case。 All the

following arguments depend upon a point of that kind。 'Does a man

who knows A to be A察know the thing called A' and in the same way

'is one who is ignorant that A is A ignorant of the thing called A'

'Yes。' 'But one who knows that Coriscus is Coriscus might be

ignorant of the fact that he is musical察so that he both knows and

is ignorant of the same thing。' Is a thing four cubits long greater

than a thing three cubits long' 'Yes。' 'But a thing might grow from

three to four cubits in length察'now what is 'greater' is greater than

a 'less'此accordingly the thing in question will be both greater and

less than itself in the same respect。


  As to refutations that depend on begging and assuming the original

point to be proved察suppose the nature of the question to be

obvious察one should not grant it察even though it be a view generally

held察but should tell him the truth。 Suppose察however察that it escapes

one察then察thanks to the badness of arguments of that kind察one should

make one's error recoil upon the questioner察and say that he has

brought no argument此for a refutation must be proved independently

of the original point。 Secondly察one should say that the point was

granted under the impression that he intended not to use it as a

premiss察but to reason against it察in the opposite way from that

adopted in refutations on side issues。


  Also察those refutations that bring one to their 

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