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the narrative of the life-第27节

小说: the narrative of the life 字数: 每页4000字

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  And sing of heavenly union。

〃They'll bleat and baa; dona like goats;

Gorge down black sheep; and strain at motes;

Array their backs in fine black coats;

Then seize their negroes by their throats;

  And choke; for heavenly union。


〃They'll church you if you sip a dram;

And damn you if you steal a lamb;

Yet rob old Tony; Doll; and Sam;

Of human rights; and bread and ham;

  Kidnapper's heavenly union。


〃They'll loudly talk of Christ's reward;

And bind his image with a cord;

And scold; and swing the lash abhorred;

And sell their brother in the Lord

  To handcuffed heavenly union。


〃They'll read and sing a sacred song;

And make a prayer both loud and long;

And teach the right and do the wrong;

Hailing the brother; sister throng;

  With words of heavenly union。


〃We wonder how such saints can sing;

Or praise the Lord upon the wing;

Who roar; and scold; and whip; and sting;

And to their slaves and mammon cling;

  In guilty conscience union。


〃They'll raise tobacco; corn; and rye;

And drive; and thieve; and cheat; and lie;

And lay up treasures in the sky;

By making switch and cowskin fly;

  In hope of heavenly union。

〃They'll crack old Tony on the skull;

And preach and roar like Bashan bull;

Or braying ass; of mischief full;

Then seize old Jacob by the wool;

  And pull for heavenly union。


〃A roaring; ranting; sleek man…thief;

Who lived on mutton; veal; and beef;

Yet never would afford relief

To needy; sable sons of grief;

  Was big with heavenly union。


〃'Love not the world;' the preacher said;

And winked his eye; and shook his head;

He seized on Tom; and Dick; and Ned;

Cut short their meat; and clothes; and bread;

  Yet still loved heavenly union。


〃Another preacher whining spoke

Of One whose heart for sinners broke:

He tied old Nanny to an oak;

And drew the blood at every stroke;

  And prayed for heavenly union。


〃Two others oped their iron jaws;

And waved their children…stealing paws;

There sat their children in gewgaws;

By stinting negroes' backs and maws;

  They kept up heavenly union。


〃All good from Jack another takes;

And entertains their flirts and rakes;

Who dress as sleek as glossy snakes;

And cram their mouths with sweetened cakes;

  And this goes down for union。〃


  Sincerely and earnestly hoping that this little book

may do something toward throwing light on the

American slave system; and hastening the glad day

of deliverance to the millions of my brethren in

bondsfaithfully relying upon the power of truth;

love; and justice; for success in my humble efforts

and solemnly pledging my self anew to the sacred

cause;I subscribe myself;


                 FREDERICK DOUGLASS

LYNN; Mass。; April 28; 1845。



                          THE END

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