梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
master stood there in his gleaming harness like a flash of light察till
from the inmost shrine there came a voice of thrilling horror
stirring the crowd to make a stand。 Then fell Achilles' son察smitten
through the flank by some Delphian's biting blade察some fellow that
slew him with a host to help察and as he fell察there was not one that
did not stab him察or cast a rock and batter his corpse。 So his whole
body察once so fair察was marred with savage wounds。 At last they cast
the lifeless clay察Iying near the altar察forth from the fragrant fane。
And we gathered up his remains forthwith and are bringing them to
thee察old prince察to mourn and weep and honour with a deep´dug tomb。
This is how that prince who vouchsafeth oracles to others察that
judge of what is right for all the world察hath revenged himself on
Achilles' son察remembering his ancient quarrel as a wicked man
would。 How then can he be wise
The MESSENGER withdraws as the body of Neoptolemus
is carried in on a bier。 The following lines
between PELEUS and the CHORUS are
chanted responsively。
Lo e'en now our prince is being carried on a bier from Delphi's
land unto his home。 Woe for him and his sad fate察and woe for thee
old sire for this is not the welcome thou wouldst give Achilles' son
the lion's whelp察thyself too by this sad mischance dost share his
evil lot。
Ah woe is me here is a sad sight for me to see and take unto
my halls Ah me ah me I am undone察thou city of Thessaly My line
now ends察I have no children left me in my home。 Oh the sorrows
seem born to endure What friend can I look to for relief拭Ah察dear
lips察and cheeks察and hands Would thy destiny had slain the 'neath
Ilium's walls beside the banks of Simois
Had he so died察my aged lord察he had won him honour thereby察and
thine had been the happier lot。
O marriage察marriage察woe to thee thou bane of my home察thou
destroyer of my city Ah my child察my boy察would that the honour of
wedding thee察fraught with evil as it was to my children and house
had not thrown o'er thee察my son察Hermione's deadly net that the
thunderbolt had slain her sooner and that thou察rash mortal察hadst
never charged the great god Phoebus with aiming that murderous shaft
that spilt thy hero´father's blood
Woe woe alas With due observance of funeral rites will I
begin the mourning for my dead master。
Alack and well´a´day I take up the tearful dirge察ah me old
and wretched as I am。
'Tis Heaven's decree察God willed this heavy stroke。
O darling child察thou hast left me all alone in my halls察old
and childless by thy loss。
Thou shouldst have died察old sire察before thy children。
Shall I not tear my hair察and smite upon my head with grievous
blows拭O city of both my children hath Phoebus robbed me。
What evils thou hast suffered察what sorrows thou hast seen察thou
poor old man what shall be thy life hereafter
Childless察desolate察with no limit to my grief察I must drain the
cup of woe察until I die。
'Twas all in vain the gods wished thee joy on thy wedding day。
All my hopes have flown away察fallen short of my high boasts。
A lonely dweller in a lonely home art thou。
I have no city any longer察there on the ground my sceptre do
cast察and thou察daughter of Nereus察'neath thy dim grotto察shalt see
me grovelling in the dust察a ruined king。
Look察look 。A dim form of divine appearance is seen hovering
mid air。 What is that moving拭what influence divine am I conscious
of拭Look察maidens察mark it well察see察yonder is some deity察wafted
through the lustrous air and alighting on the plains of Phthia察home
of steeds。
THETIS from above
O Peleus because of my wedded days with thee now long agone察I
Thetis am come from the halls of Nereus。 And first I counsel thee
not to grieve to excess in thy present distress察for I too who need
ne'er have borne children to my sorrow察have lost the child of our
love察Achilles swift of foot察foremost of the sons of Hellas。 Next
will I declare why I am come察and do thou give ear。 Carry yonder
corpse察Achilles' son察to the Pythian altar and there bury it察a
reproach to Delphi察that his tomb may proclaim the violent death he
met at the hand of Orestes。 And for his captive wife Andromache察she
must dwell in the Molossian land察united in honourable wedlock with
Helenus察and with her this babe察the sole survivor as he is of all the
line of Aeacus察for from him a succession of prosperous kings of
Molossia is to go on unbroken察for the race that springs from thee and
me察my aged lord察must not thus be brought to naught察no nor Troy's
line either察for her fate too is cared for by the gods察albeit her
fall was due to the eager wish of Pallas。 Thee too察that thou mayst
know the saving grace of wedding me察will I察a goddess born and
daughter of a god察release from all the ills that flesh is heir to and
make a deity to know not death nor decay。 From henceforth in the halls
of Nereus shalt thou dwell with me察god and goddess together察thence
shalt thou rise dry´shod from out the main and see Achilles察our
dear son察settled in his island´home by the strand of Leuce察that is
girdled by the Euxine sea。 But get thee to Delphi's god´built town
carrying this corpse with thee察and察after thou hast buried him
return and settle in the cave which time hath hollowed in the Sepian
rock and there abide察till from the sea I come with choir of fifty
Nereids to be thy escort thence察for fate's decree thou must fulfil
such is the pleasure of Zeus。 Cease then to mourn the dead察this is
the lot which heaven assigns to all察and all must pay their debt to
Great queen察my honoured wife察from Nereus sprung察all hail
thou art acting herein as befits thyself and thy children。 So I will
stay my grief at thy bidding察goddess察and察when I have buried the
dead察will seek the glens of Pelion察even the place where I took thy
beauteous form to my embrace。 Surely after this every prudent man will
seek to marry a wife of noble stock and give his daughter to a husband
good and true察never setting his heart on a worthless woman察not
even though she bring a sumptuous dowry to his house。 So would men
ne'er suffer ill at heaven's hand。
THETIS vanishes。
CHORUS chanting
Many are the shapes of Heaven's denizens察and many a thing they
bring to pass contrary to our expectation察that which we thought would
be is not accomplished察while for the unexpected God finds out a
way。 E'en such hath been the issue of this matter。