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弌傍 andromache 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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the servants that watch her can scarce restrain her efforts to hang

herself察scarce catch the sword and wrest it from her hand。 So

bitter is her anguish察and she hath recognized the villainy of her

former deeds。 As for me察friends察I am weary of keeping my mistress

from the fatal noose察do ye go in and try to save her life察for if

strangers come察they prove more persuasive than the friends of every



    Ah yes I hear an outcry in the house amongst the servants

confirming the news thou hast brought。 Poor sufferer she seems

about to show lively grief for her grave crimes察for she has escaped

her servants' hands and is rushing from the house察eager to end her


            HERMIONE enters察in agitation。 She is carrying

                a sword which the NURSE wrests from her。

  HERMIONE chanting

    Woe察woe is me I will rend my hair and tear cruel furrows in my



    My child察what wilt thou do拭Wilt thou disfigure thyself

  HERMIONE chanting

    Ah me ah me Begone察thou fine´spun veil float from my head



    Daughter察cover up thy bosom察fasten thy robe。

  HERMIONE chanting

    Why should I cover it拭My crimes against my lord are manifest

and clear察they cannot be hidden。


    Art so grieved at having devised thy rival's death

  HERMIONE chanting

    Yea察I deeply mourn my fatal deeds of daring察alas I am now

accursed in all men's eyes


    Thy husband will pardon thee this error。

  HERMIONE chanting

    Oh why didst thou hunt me to snatch away my sword拭Give察oh give

it back察dear nurse察that I may thrust it through my heart Why dost

thou prevent me hanging myself


    What was I to let thy madness lead thee on to death

  HERMIONE chanting

    Ah me察my destiny Where can I find some friendly fire拭To what

rocky height can I climb above the sea or 'mid some wooded mountain

glen察there to die and trouble but the dead


    Why vex thyself thus拭on all of us sooner or later heaven's

visitation comes。

  HERMIONE chanting

    Thou hast left me察O my father察left me like a stranded bark

all alone察without an oar。 My lord will surely slay me察no home is

mine henceforth beneath my husband's roof。 What god is there to

whose statue I can as a suppliant haste拭or shall I throw myself in

slavish wise at slavish knees拭Would I could speed away from

Phthia's land on bird's dark pinion察or like that pine´built ship察the

first that ever sailed betwixt the rocks Cyanean


    My child察I can as little praise thy previous sinful excesses

committed against the Trojan captive察as thy present exaggerated

terror。 Thy husband will never listen to a barbarian's weak pleading

and reject his marriage with thee for this。 For thou wast no captive

from Troy whom he wedded察but the daughter of a gallant sire察with a

rich dower察from a city too of no mean prosperity。 Nor will thy father

forsake thee察as thou dreadest察and allow thee to be cast out from

this house。 Nay察enter now察nor show thyself before the palace察lest

the sight of thee there bring reproach upon thee察my daughter。

      The NURSE departs as ORESTES and his attendants enter。


    Lo a stranger of foreign appearance from some other land comes

hurrying towards us。


    Women of this foreign land is this the home察the palace of

Achilles' son


    Thou hast it察but who art thou to ask such a question


    The son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra察by name Orestes察on ply way

to the oracle of Zeus at Dodona。 But now that I am come to Phthia察I

am resolved to inquire about my kinswoman察Hermione of Sparta察is

she alive and well拭for though she dwells in a land far from my own察I

love her none the less。


    Son of Agamemnon察thy appearing is as a haven from the storm to

sailors察by thy knees I pray察have pity on me in my distress察on me of

whose fortunes thou art inquiring。 About thy knees I twine my arms

with all the force of sacred fillets。


    Ha what is this拭Am I mistaken or do I really see before me the

queen of this palace察the daughter of Menelaus


    The same察that only child whom Helen察daughter of Tyndareus

bore my father in his halls察never doubt that。


    O saviour Phoebus察grant us respite from our woe But what is

the matter拭art thou afflicted by gods or men


    Partly by myself察partly by the man who wedded me察and partly by

some god。 On every side I see ruin。


    Why察what misfortune could happen to a woman as yet childless

unless her honour is concerned


    My very ill Thou hast hit my case exactly。


    On whom has thy husband set his affections in thy stead


    On his captive察Hector's wife。


    An evil case indeed察for a man to have two wives


    'Tis even thus。 So I resented it。


    Didst thou with woman's craft devise a plot against thy rival


    Yes察to slay her and her bastard child。


    And didst thou slay them察or did something happen to rescue them

from thee


    It was old Peleus察who showed regard to the weaker side。


    Hadst thou any accomplice in this attempted murder


    My father came from Sparta for this very purpose。


    And was he after all defeated by that old man's prowess


    Oh no but by shame察and he hath gone and left me all alone。


    I understand察thou art afraid of thy husband for what thou hast



    Thou hast guessed it察for he will have a right to slay me。 What

can say for myself拭Yet I beseech thee by Zeus the god of our

family察send me to a land as far as possible from this察or to my

father's house察for these very walls seem to cry out ;Begone ─and all

the land of Phthia hates me。 But if my lord return ere that from the

oracle of Phoebus察he will put me to death on a shameful charge察or

enslave me to his mistress察whom ruled before。 Maybe some one will

say察 How was it thou didst go thus astray拭─I was ruined by evil

women who came to me and puffed me up with words like these此 Wait

wilt thou suffer that vile captive察a mere bondmaid察to dwell within

thy house and share thy wedded rights拭By Heaven's queen if it were

my house she should not live to reap my marriage´harvest ─And I

listened to the words of these Sirens察the cunning察knavish察subtle

praters察and was filled with silly thoughts。 What need had I to care

about my lord拭I had all I wanted察wealth in plenty察a house in

which I was mistress察and as for children察mine would be born in

wedlock察while hers would be bastards察half´slaves to mine。 Oh never

never察this truth will I repeat察should men of sense察who have

wives察allow women´folk to visit them in their homes察for they teach

them evil察one察to gain some private end察helps to corrupt their

honour察another察having made a slip herself察wants a companion in

misfortune察while many are wantons察and hence it is men's houses are

tainted。 Wherefore keep strict guard upon the portals of your houses

with bolts and bars察for these visits of strange women lead to no good

result察but a world of ill。


    Thou hast given thy tongue too free a rein regarding thy own

sex。 I can pardon thee in this case察but still women ought to smooth

over their sisters' weaknesses。


    'Twas sage counsel he gave who taught men to hear the arguments on

both sides。 I察for instance察though aware of the confusion in this

house察the quarrel between thee and Hector's wife察waited awhile and

watched to see whether thou wouldst stay here or from fear of that

captive art minded to quit these halls。 Now it was not so much

regard for thy message that brought me thither察as the intention of

carrying thee away from this house察if察as now察thou shouldst grant me

a chance of saying so。 For thou wert mine formerly察but art now living

with thy present husband through thy father's baseness察since he

before invading Troy's domains察betrothed thee to me察and then

afterwards promised thee to thy present lord察provided he captured the

city of Troy。

    So察as soon as Achilles' son returned hither察I forgave thy

father察but entreated the bridegroom to forego his marriage with thee

telling him all I had endured and my present misfortune察I might get a

wife察I said察from amongst friends察but outside their circle 'twas

no easy task for one exiled like myself from home。 Thereat he grew

abusive察taunting me with my mother's murder and those

blood´boltered fiends。 And I was humbled by the fortunes of my

house察and though 'tis true察I grieved察yet did I bear my sorrow

and reluctantly departed察robbed of thy promised hand。 Now


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