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the consul-第2节

小说: the consul 字数: 每页4000字

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shelter at Porto Banos。 The consul was ordered to report。

As Marshall wrote out his answer; the French consul exclaimed with

〃He is of importance; then; this senator?〃 he asked。 〃Is it that in
your country ships of war are at the service of a senator?〃

Aiken; the wireless operator; grinned derisively。

〃At the service of THIS senator; they are!〃 he answered。 〃They call
him the 'king…maker;' the man behind the throne。〃

〃But in your country;〃 protested the Frenchman; 〃there is no
throne。 I thought your president was elected by the people?〃

〃That's what the people think;〃 answered Aiken。 〃In God's country;〃
he explained; 〃the trusts want a rich man in the Senate; with the
same interests as their own; to represent them。 They chose Hanley。
He picked out of the candidates for the presidency the man he
thought would help the interests。 He nominated him; and the people
voted for him。 Hanley is what we call a 'boss。' 〃

The Frenchman looked inquiringly at Marshall。

〃The position of the boss is the more dangerous;〃 said Marshall
gravely; 〃because it is unofficial; because there are no laws to
curtail his powers。 Men like Senator Hanley are a menace to good
government。 They see in public office only a reward for party

〃That's right;〃 assented Aiken。 〃Your forty years' service; Mr。
Consul; wouldn't count with Hanley。 If he wanted your job; he'd
throw you out as quick as he would a drunken cook。〃

Mr。 Marshall flushed painfully; and the French consul hastened to

〃Then; let us pray;〃 he exclaimed; with fervor; 〃that the hurricane
has sunk the SERAPIS; and all on board。〃

Two hours later; the SERAPIS; showing she had met the hurricane and
had come out second best; steamed into the harbor。

Her owner was young Herbert Livingstone; of Washington。 He once had
been in the diplomatic service; and; as minister to The Hague;
wished to return to it。 In order to bring this about he had
subscribed liberally to the party campaign fund。

With him; among other distinguished persons; was the all… powerful
Hanley。 The kidnapping of Hanley for the cruise; in itself;
demonstrated the ability of Livingstone as a diplomat。 It was the
opinion of many that it would surely lead to his appointment as a
minister plenipotentiary。 Livingstone was of the same opinion。 He
had not lived long in the nation's capital without observing the
value of propinquity。 How many men he knew were now paymasters; and
secretaries of legation; solely because those high in the
government met them daily at the Metropolitan Club; and preferred
them in almost any other place。 And if; after three weeks as his
guest on board what the newspapers called his floating palace; the
senator could refuse him even the prize; legation of Europe; there
was no value in modest merit。 As yet; Livingstone had not hinted at
his ambition。 There was no need。 To a statesman of Hanley's
astuteness; the largeness of Livingstone's contribution to the
campaign fund was self… explanatory。

After her wrestling…match with the hurricane; all those on board
the SERAPIS seemed to find in land; even in the swamp land of Porto
Banos; a compelling attraction。 Before the anchors hit the water;
they were in the launch。 On reaching shore; they made at once for
the consulate。 There were many cables they wished to start on their
way by wireless; cables to friends; to newspapers; to the

Jose; the Colombian clerk; appalled by the unprecedented invasion
of visitors; of visitors so distinguished; and Marshall; grateful
for a chance to serve his fellow… countrymen; and especially his
countrywomen; were ubiquitous; eager; indispensable。 At Jose's desk
the great senator; rolling his cigar between his teeth; was using;
to Jose's ecstasy; Jose's own pen to write a reassuring message to
the White House。 At the consul's desk a beautiful creature; all in
lace and pearls; was struggling to compress the very low opinion
she held of a hurricane into ten words。 On his knee; Henry Cairns;
the banker; was inditing instructions to his Wall Street office;
and upon himself Livingstone had taken the responsibility of
replying to the inquiries heaped upon Marshall's desk; from many

It was just before sunset; and Marshall produced his tea things;
and the young person in pearls and lace; who was Miss Cairns; made
tea for the women; and the men mixed gin and limes with tepid
water。 The consul apologized for proposing a toast in which they
could not join。 He begged to drink to those who had escaped the
perils of the sea。 Had they been his oldest and nearest friends;
his little speech could not have been more heart…felt and sincere。
To his distress; it moved one of the ladies to tears; and in
embarrassment he turned to the men。

〃I regret there is no ice;〃 he said; 〃but you know the rule of the
tropics; as soon as a ship enters port; the ice… machine bursts。〃

〃I'll tell the steward to send you some; sir;〃 said Livingstone;
〃and as long as we're here。〃

The senator showed his concern。

〃As long as we're here?〃 he gasped。

〃Not over two days;〃 answered the owner nervously。 〃The chief says
it will take all of that to get her in shape。 As you ought to know;
Senator; she was pretty badly mauled。〃

The senator gazed blankly out of the window。 Beyond it lay the
naked coral reefs; the empty sky; and the ragged palms of Porto

Livingstone felt that his legation was slipping from him。

〃That wireless operator;〃 he continued hastily; 〃tells me there is
a most amusing place a few miles down the coast; Las Bocas; a sort
of Coney Island; where the government people go for the summer。
There's surf bathing and roulette and cafes chantants。 He says
there's some Spanish dancers〃

The guests of the SERAPIS exclaimed with interest; the senator
smiled。 To Marshall the general enthusiasm over the thought of a
ride on a merry…go…round suggested that the friends of Mr。
Livingstone had found their own society far from satisfying。

Greatly encouraged; Livingstone continued; with enthusiasm:

〃And that wireless man said;〃 he added; 〃that with the launch we
can get there in half an hour。 We might run down after dinner。〃 He
turned to Marshall。

〃Will you join us; Mr。 Consul?〃 he asked; 〃and dine with us;

Marshall accepted with genuine pleasure。 It had been many months
since he had sat at table with his own people。 But he shook his
head doubtfully。

〃I was wondering about Las Bocas;〃 he explained; 〃if your going
there might not get you in trouble at the next port。 With a yacht;
I think it is different; but Las Bocas is under quarantine〃

There was a chorus of exclamations。

〃It's not serious;〃 Marshall explained。 〃There was bubonic plague
there; or something like it。 You would be in no danger from that。
It is only that you might be held up by the regulations。 Passenger
steamers can't land any one who has been there at any other port of

West Indies。 The English are especially strict。 The Royal Mail
won't even receive any one on board here without a certificate from
the English consul saying he has not visited Las Bocas。 For an
American they would require the same guarantee from me。 But I don't
think the regulations extend to yachts。 I will inquire。 I don't
wish to deprive you of any of the many pleasures of Porto Banos;〃
he added; smiling; 〃but if you were refused a landing at your next
port I would blame myself。〃

〃It's all right;〃 declared Livingstone decidedly。 〃It's just as you
say; yachts and warships are exempt。 Besides; I carry my own
doctor; and if he won't give us a clean bill of health; I'll make
him walk the plank。 At eight; then; at dinner。 I'll send the cutter
for you。 I can't give you a salute; Mr。 Consul; but you shall have
all the side boys I can muster。〃

Those from the yacht parted from their consul in the most friendly

〃I think he's charming!〃 exclaimed Miss Cairns。 〃And did you notice
his novels? They were in every language。 It must be terribly lonely
down here; for a man like that。〃

〃He's the first of our consuls we've met on this trip;〃 growled her
father; 〃that we've caught sober。〃

〃Sober!〃 exclaimed his wife indignantly。

〃He's one of the Marshalls of Vermont。 I asked him。〃

〃I wonder;〃 mused Hanley; 〃how much the place is worth? Hamilton;
one of the new senators; has been deviling the life out of me to
send his son somewhere。 Says if he stays in Washington he'll
disgrace the family。 I should think this place would drive any man
to drink himself to death in three months; and young Hamilton; from
what I've seen of him; ought to be able to do it in a week。 That
would leave the place open for the next man。〃

〃There's a postmaster in my State thinks he carried it。〃 The
senator smiled grimly。 〃He has consumption; and wants us to give
him a consulship in the tropics。 I'll tell him I've seen Porto
Banos; and that it's just the place for him。〃

The senator's pleasantry was not well received。 But Miss Cairns
alone had the temerity to speak of what the others were thinking。

〃What would become of Mr。 Marshall?〃 she asked。 The senator smiled

〃I don't know that I was thinking o

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