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the story of the glittering plain-第17节

小说: the story of the glittering plain 字数: 每页4000字

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over fair; smooth; grassy lawns betwixt the hill…sides; beside a

clear rattling stream that ran northward; at whiles were clumps of

tall trees; oak for the most part; and at whiles thickets of thorn

and eglantine and other such trees:  so that they could rest well

shaded when they would。

They passed by no house of men; nor came to any such in the even; but

lay down to sleep in a thicket of thorn and eglantine; and rested

well; and on the morrow they rose up betimes and went on their ways。

This second day as they went; the hill…sides on either hand grew

lower; till at last they died out into a wide plain; beyond which in

the southern offing the mountains rose huge and bare。  This plain

also was grassy and beset with trees and thickets here and there。

Hereon they saw wild deer enough; as hart and buck; and roebuck and

swine:  withal a lion came out of a brake hard by them as they went;

and stood gazing on them; so that Hallblithe looked to his weapons;

and the Sea…eagle took up a big stone to fight with; being

weaponless; but the damsel laughed; and tripped on her way lightly

with girt…up gown; and the beast gave no more heed to them。

Easy and smooth was their way over this pleasant wilderness; and

clear to see; though but little used; and before nightfall; after

they had gone a long way; they came to a house。  It was not large nor

high; but was built very strongly and fairly of good ashlar:  its

door was shut; and on the jamb thereof hung a slug…horn。  The damsel;

who seemed to know what to do; set her mouth to the horn; and blew a

blast; and in a little while the door was opened; and a big man clad

in red scarlet stood therein:  he had no weapons; but was somewhat

surly of aspect:  he spake not; but stood abiding the word:  so the

damsel took it up and said:  〃Art thou not the Warden of the

Uttermost House?〃

He said:  〃I am。〃

Said the damsel:  〃May we guest here to…night?〃

He said:  〃The house lieth open to you with all that it hath of

victual and plenishing:  take what ye will; and use what ye will。〃

They thanked him; but he heeded not their thanks; and withdrew him

from them。  So they entered and found the table laid in a fair hall

of stone carven and painted very goodly; so they ate and drank

therein; and Hallblithe was of good heart; and the Sea…eagle and his

mate were merry; though they looked softly and shyly on Hallblithe

because of the sundering anigh; and they saw no man in the house save

the man in scarlet; who went and came about his business; paying no

heed to them。  So when the night was deep they lay down in the shut…

bed off the hall; and slept; and the hours were tidingless to them

until they woke in the morning。

On the morrow they arose and broke their fast; and thereafter the

damsel spake to the man in scarlet and said:  〃May we fill our

wallets with victual for the way?〃

Said the Warden:  〃There lieth the meat。〃

So they filled their wallets; while the man looked on; and they came

to the door when they were ready; and he unlocked it to them; saying

no word。  But when they turned their faces towards the mountains he

spake at last; and stayed them at the first step。  Quoth he:

〃Whither away?  Ye take the wrong road!〃

Said Hallblithe:  〃Nay; for we go toward the mountains and the edge

of the Glittering Plain。〃

〃Ye shall do ill to go thither;〃 said the Warden; 〃and I bid you


〃O Warden of the Uttermost House; wherefore should we forbear?〃 said

the Sea…eagle。

Said the scarlet man:  〃Because my charge is to further those who

would go inward to the King; and to stay those who would go outward

from the King。〃

〃How then if we go outward despite thy bidding?〃 said the Sea…eagle;

〃wilt thou then hinder us perforce?〃

〃How may I;〃 said the man; 〃since thy fellow hath weapons?〃

〃Go we forth; then;〃 said the Sea…eagle。

〃Yea;〃 said the damsel; 〃we will go forth。  And know; O Warden; that

this weaponed man only is of mind to fare over the edge of the

Glittering Plain; but we twain shall come back hither again; and fare


Said the Warden:  〃Nought is it to me what ye will do when you are

past this house。  Nor shall any man who goeth out of this garth

toward the mountains ever come back inwards save he cometh in the

company of new…corners to the Glittering Plain。〃

〃Who shall hinder him?〃 said the Sea…eagle。

〃The KING;〃 said the Warden。

Then there was silence awhile; and the man said:

〃Now do as ye will。〃  And therewith he turned back into the house and

shut the door。

But the Sea…eagle and the damsel stood gazing on one another; and at

Hallblithe; and the damsel was downcast and pale; but the Sea…eagle

cried out:

〃Forward now; O Hallblithe; since thou willest it; and we will go

with thee and share whatever may befall thee; yea; right up to the

very edge of the Glittering Plain。  And thou; O beloved; why dost

thou delay?  Why dost thou stand as if thy fair feet were grown to

the grass?〃

But the damsel gave a lamentable cry; and cast herself down on the

ground; and knelt before the Sea…eagle; and took him by the knees;

and said betwixt sobbing and weeping:  〃O my lord and love; I pray

thee to forbear; and the Spearman; our friend; shall pardon us。  For

if thou goest; I shall never see thee more; since my heart will not

serve me to go with thee。  O forbear!  I pray thee!〃

And she grovelled on the earth before him; and the Sea…eagle waxed

red; and would have spoken but Hallblithe cut his speech across; and

said 〃Friends; be at peace!  For this is the minute that sunders us。

Get ye back at once to the heart of the Glittering Plain; and live

there and be happy; and take my blessing and thanks for the love and

help that ye have given me。  For your going forward with me should

destroy you and profit me nothing。  It would be but as the host

bringing his guests one field beyond his garth; when their goal is

the ends of the earth; and if there were a lion in the path; why

should he perish for courtesy's sake?〃

Therewith he stooped down to the damsel; and lifted her up and kissed

her face; and he cast his arms about the Sea…eagle and said to him:

〃Farewell; shipmate!〃

Then the damsel gave him the wallet of victual; and bade him

farewell; weeping sorely; and he looked kindly on them for a moment

of time; and then turned away from them and fared on toward the

mountains; striding with great strides; holding his head aloft。  But

they looked no more on him; having no will to eke their sorrow; but

went their ways back again without delay。


So strode on Hallblithe; but when he had gone but a little way his

head turned; and the earth and heavens wavered before him; so that he

must needs sit down on a stone by the wayside; wondering what ailed

him。  Then he looked up at the mountains; which now seemed quite near

to him at the plain's ending; and his weakness increased on him; and

lo! as he looked; it was to him as if the crags rose up in the sky to

meet him and overhang him; and as if the earth heaved up beneath him;

and therewith he fell aback and lost all sense; so that he knew not

what was become of the earth and the heavens and the passing of the

minutes of his life。

When he came to himself he knew not whether he had lain so a great

while or a little; he felt feeble; and for a while he lay scarce

moving; and beholding nought; not even the sky above him。  Presently

he turned about and saw hard stone on either side; so he rose wearily

and stood upon his feet; and knew that he was faint with hunger and

thirst。  Then he looked around him; and saw that he was in a narrow

valley or cleft of the mountains amidst wan rocks; bare and

waterless; where grew no blade of green; but he could see no further

than the sides of that cleft; and he longed to be out of it that he

might see whitherward to turn。  Then he bethought him of his wallet;

and set his hand to it and opened it; thinking to get victual thence;

but lo! it was all spoilt and wasted。  None the less; for all his

feebleness; he turned and went toiling slowly along what seemed to be

a path little trodden leading upward out of the cleft; and at last he

reached the crest thereof; and sat him down on a rock on the other

side; yet durst not raise his eyes awhile and look on the land; lest

he should see death manifest therein。  At last he looked; and saw

that he was high up amongst the mountain…peaks:  before him and on

either hand was but a world of fallow stone rising ridge upon ridge

like the waves of the wildest of the winter sea。  The sun not far

from its midmost shone down bright and hot on that wilderness; yet

was there no sign that any man had ever been there since the

beginning of the world; save that the path aforesaid seemed to lead

onward down the stony slope。


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