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the darrow enigma-第45节

小说: the darrow enigma 字数: 每页4000字

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however; Maitland steadily grew worse。  Gwen watched by him night
and day until I was finally obliged to insist; on account of her
own health; that she should leave the sick room long enough to take
the rest she so needed。  Indeed; I feared lest I should soon have
two invalids upon my hands; but Gwen yielded her place to Jeannette
and Alice during the nights and soon began to show the good effects
of sleep。

I should have told you that; during all this time; Jeannette was
staying with us as a guest。  I had convinced her father that it was
best she should remain with us until the unpleasant notoriety caused
by his arrest had; in a measure; subsided。  Then; too; I told him
with a frankness warranted; I thought; by circumstances that he
could not hope to live many weeks longer; and that every effort
should be made to make the blow his death would deal Jeannette as
light as possible。  At this he almost lost his self…control。  〃What
will become of my child when I am gone?〃 he moaned。  〃I shall leave
her penniless and without any means of support。〃

〃My dear Mr。 Latour;〃 I replied; 〃you need give yourself no
uneasiness on that score。  I will give you my word; as a man of
honour; that so long as Miss Darrow and I live we will see that your
daughter wants for none of the necessities of life; … unless she
shall find someone who shall have a better right than either of us
to care for her。〃  This promise acted like magic upon him。   He
showered his blessings upon me; exclaiming; 〃You have lifted a great
load from my heart; and I can now die in peace!〃  And so; indeed;
he did。  In less than a week he was dead。  I had prepared Jeannette
for the shock and so had her father; but; for all this; her grief
was intense; for she loved her father with a strength of love few
children give their parents。  In time; however; her grief grew less
insistent and she began to gain something of her old buoyancy。

In the meantime; Maitland's life seemed to hang by a single thread。
It was the very worst case of nervous prostration I have ever been
called to combat; and for weeks we had to be contented if we enabled
him to hold his own。  During all this time Gwen watched both
Maitland and myself with a closeness that suffered nothing to escape
her。  I think she knew the changes in his condition better even than
I did。

And now I am to relate a most singular action on Gwen's part。  I
doubt not most of her own sex would have considered it very
unfeminine; but anyone who saw it all as I did could not; I think;
fail to appreciate the nobility of womanhood which made it possible。
Gwen was not dominated by those characteristics usually epitomised
in the epithet 'lady。'  She was a woman; and she possessed; in a
remarkable degree; that fineness of fibre; that solidity of
character; and that largeness of soul which rise above the petty
conventionalities of life into the broad realm of the real verities
of existence。

It occurred on the afternoon of the first day that Maitland showed
the slightest improvement。  I remember distinctly how he had fallen
into a troubled sleep from which he would occasionally cry out in a
half…articulate manner; and how Gwen and I sat beside him waiting for
him to awaken。  Suddenly he said something in his sleep that riveted
our attention。  〃I tell you; Doc;〃 he muttered; 〃though love of her
burn my heart to a cinder; I will never trade upon her gratitude;
nor seek to profit by the promise she made her father。  Never; so
help me God!〃

Gwen gave me one hurried; sweeping glance and then; throwing herself
upon the sofa; buried her face in the cushions。  I forbore to
disturb her till I saw that Maitland was waking; when I laid my hand
upon her head and asked her to dry her eyes lest he should notice her

〃May I speak to him?〃 she said; with a look of resolution upon her
face。  I could not divine her thoughts; as she smiled at me through
her tears; but I had no hesitancy in relying upon her judgment; so
I gave her permission and started to leave the room。

〃Please don't go;〃 she said to me。  〃I would prefer you should hear
what I have to say。〃  I=20reseated myself and Gwen drew near the
bedside。  Maitland was now awake and following her every motion。

〃I have something I want to say to you;〃 she said; bending over him。
〃Do you feel strong enough to listen?〃  He nodded his head and she
continued。  〃You have already done a great deal for me; yet I come
to you now to ask a further favour; … I will not say a sacrifice
… greater than all the rest。  Will you try to grant it?〃

The rich; deep tones of her voice; vibrant with tender earnestness;
seemed to me irresistible。

〃I will do anything in my power;〃 the invalid replied; never once
moving his eyes from hers。

〃Then Heaven grant it be within your power!〃 she murmured; scarcely
above a whisper。  〃Try not to despise me for what I am about to say。
Be lenient in your judgment。  My happiness; perhaps my very life;
depends upon this issue。  I love you more than life; try to love me;
if only a little!〃

I watched the effect of this declaration with a good deal of anxiety。
For fully half a minute Maitland seemed to doubt the evidence of his
senses。  I saw him pinch himself to see if he were awake; and being
thus reassured; he said slowly: 〃Try … to … love …  … you!  In vain
have I tried not to love you from the moment I first saw you。  Oh;
my God!  how I adore you!〃  He reached his arms out toward her; and;
in a moment; they were locked in each other's embrace。

I saw the first kiss given and then stole stealthily from the room。
There was now no need of a doctor。  The weird; irresistible alchemy
of love was at work and the reign of medicine was over。  I did not
wish to dim the newly found light by my shadow; and; … well; … I
wanted to see Jeannette; so I left。

I need not tell you; even though you are a bachelor; how fast
Maitland improved。  Gwen would permit no one else to nurse him; and
this had much to do with the rapidity of his recovery。  In a month
he was able to go out; and in another month Gwen became Mrs。 Maitland。
A happier pair; or one better suited to each other; it has never
been my privilege to know。  As I visited them in their new home I
became more and more dissatisfied with bachelor existence; and there
were times when I had half a mind to go straight to Jeannette and
ask her advice in the matter。  Ah; those days!  They will never come
to me again。  Never again will a pink and white angel knock so loudly
at my heart; or be so warmly welcomed。  I wonder where she is and if
she is thinking of me。

And now I may as well stop; for my narrative is over; and I hear
someone coming along the hail; doubtless after me。  It is only
Harold; so I may add a word or two more。  I am writing now with
difficulty; for some frolicsome individual has placed a hand over
my eyes and says; 〃Guess。〃 I can just see to write between the
fingers。  Again I am commanded; 〃 Guess!〃 so I say carelessly;
〃Alice。〃  Then; would you believe it; someone kisses me and
says: 〃Will you ever have done with that writing?  The children
wish me to inform you that they have some small claim upon your
time。〃  You see how it is。  I've got to stop; so I say; as becomes
an obedient gentleman: 〃Very well; I will quit upon one condition。
I have been wondering where on earth you were。  Tell me what you
have been doing with yourself。  I have been repeating in retrospect
all the horrors of bachelordom。〃

〃Why; Ned dear;〃 my wife replies; 〃I've only been down…town
shopping for Harold and little Jeannette。  Bless me; I should think
I'd been gone a year!〃

〃Bless you; my dear Jeannette;〃 I reply; 〃I should think you had;〃
and I draw her down gently into my lap and kiss her again and again
for the sake of the conviction it will carry。  She says I am
smothering her; which means she is convinced。

You see I have learned some things since I was a bachelor。


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