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the darrow enigma-第21节

小说: the darrow enigma 字数: 每页4000字

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The long sleep; crowded with unremembered dreams; represented the
period when I was under Ragobah's control; … the horrible night on
Malabar Hill being one of them; … and the waking moments; those
periods when my feeble; overridden consciousness flickered back to
dimly light for a time the gloom of this intellectual night。  There
was no hope for me。  Already had I been so dominated by his will and
inspired by his malice as to attempt the life of my lover。  What
might I not be made to do in future?  As I thought of this; Ragobah's
last threat rang with a sinister warning upon my ears till it seemed
as if it would drive me into madness。  The suspicion grew to be a
certainty from which there was but one means of escape … death … and
I determined at once to embrace it before I could be made the
instrument for the infliction of further injury upon my lover。  I
seized a little dagger which in my normal moments I always kept
concealed about me; and was about to plunge it into my bosom when I
was smitten by the thought; … and it cut me as the steel could not
have done; … that Darrow Sahib would never know the truth; and that
his love for me would be forever buried beneath a mass of black
misgivings。  The certainty of this conviction paralysed my will; and
my arm dropped nervelessly at my side。  It would be a simple matter;
I thought; to find some way of confiding my story to you and pledging
you to explain everything to Darrow Sahib; after which I could die
in peace; if not without regret。  But it was not so easy to
communicate with you as I had expected。  Days passed before I had a
chance to make the attempt; and the only result of it was to show
me how closely I was watched。  If Ragobah were absent; there was
always someone in his employ who made it his business to acquaint
himself with my every movement。  I dare not take the time to tell
you how I succeeded in obtaining this interview further than to say
that I was able to win to my cause the man who bore my message to
you … a servant in whom Ragobah has the utmost confidence。  When my
husband departed this morning Kandia was left in charge of me; and
so your visit was made possible。

〃You are now acquainted with the trust I would impose upon you: swear
to me; Moro; that you will make this explanation for me to John
Darrow and to no other human being!  Swear it by the love you once
said you bore me!〃  She sank back exhausted and awaited my response。
For a moment I dared not trust myself to speak; yet something must
be said。  As I noted her impatience I replied: 〃Lona; you have lifted
a great weight from my heart and placed a lesser one upon it。
Forgive me that I have ever doubted you。  Even as you have been true
to yourself; I swear by the love I still bear you to deliver your
message to Darrow Sahib and to no other human being。  I shall commit
your words at once to writing that nothing may be lost through the
failure of my memory。〃

She reached her hand out feebly to me; and never shall I forget the
look of gratitude which accompanied its tremulous pressure as she
murmured: 〃After John; Moro; you are dearest。  I shall not try to
thank you。  May the ineffable peace which you bring my aching heart
return a thousand…fold into your own。  Farewell。  Ragobah may return
at any moment。  Let us not needlessly imperil your safety。  Once
more good…bye。  The dew…drop now may freely fall into the shining
sea。〃  Poor distraught child!  She had tried to adopt her lover's
religion without abandoning her own。  I bent over and kissed her。
It was my first and last kiss and she gave it with a sweet sadness;
the memory of which; through all these years; has dwelt in the
better part of me; like a fragrance in the vesture of the soul。
One long; lingering look and I departed; never to see again this
woman I had so fondly; so hopelessly loved。

You now know the exact nature of the covenant I have felt constrained
to violate。  I have told you her story in her own words。  I wrote it
out immediately after my interview with her and have read it so many
times; during the last twenty years; that I have committed it to
memory。  The recollection of that last meeting; of her kiss and her
grateful look has been throughout all these long; weary years the
one verdant spot in the desert of my life。

'Moro Scindia paused here; as one who had reached the end of his
narrative; and I continued my interrogations。'

Q。 Although you never again saw your cousin you must; I think; have
heard something of her fate。

A I learned of it through Nana Kandia; the servant who had secretly
embraced Lona's cause; and who had borne her message to me。  It
seems that; after my interview with her; my cousin was seized with
a consuming desire to see her English lover once more before her
death; so she devised a plan by which; with Kandia's help; Darrow
Sahib was to be secretly conducted to her under cover of night。  She
wrote a letter asking him; as a last request; to meet her messenger
on Malabar Hill; and instructing him how to make himself known。
This she gave to Kandia to post early in the morning of the day upon
which their plan was to be put into execution。  As he was about
leaving the house Ragobah called him into his chamber and demanded
to know what was taking him forth so early in the morning。  Kandia
saw at once that the purpose of his errand had been discovered; and
determined to meet the issue bravely。  〃I was going to post a letter;
Sahib;〃 he replied quietly。  〃Let me see it!〃 Ragobah roared。  〃I
have no right to do so;〃 Kandia replied; springing toward the door。
But be was not quick enough for the wary Ragobah; who felled him to
the floor with a chair before he had reached the threshold。  When
he returned to consciousness he found his assailant; who had
skilfully opened the letter; standing over him perusing it in
malicious glee。  When he had finished reading he carefully resealed
it and placed it in his pocket。  Then he called two of his servants
and gave Kandia into their charge with orders to gag him; to bind
him hand and foot; and; as they valued their lives; not to permit
him to leave the room till he ordered it。

What occurred between that time and the return of Ragobah; wounded
and furious; late in the evening; we can only surmise。  He doubtless
posted the letter; and went himself to meet Darrow Sahib on Malabar
Hill。  When he returned home he hobbled into his wife's apartment
and then ordered Kandia to be sent to him。   His left leg was badly
crushed and his face; contorted with pain and fiendish malevolence;
was horrible to look upon。

〃Our trusty friend here;〃 he said; addressing his wife and pointing
to Kandia; 〃could not conveniently post your letter this morning; my
dear; so I did it myself。〃  Lona's face turned ashen pale; but she
made no reply。

〃I thought;〃 he continued in his sweetest accents and with the same
demoniac sarcasm; 〃that you would be anxious to know if the Sahib
received it; … our mail service is so lax of late; … so I went tonight
to Malabar Hill to see; for I felt certain he would come if he got
your note; and; sure enough; he was there even ahead of time。  I was
obliged to forego the pleasure of bringing him to you on account of
two most unfortunate accidents。  As you see I hurt my foot; and poor
Darrow Sahib slipped and fell headlong into the well in the little
cave。  As it has no bottom I could not; of course; get the Sahib out;
and so was obliged to return; as best I could; alone。〃  As he
finished this heartless lie; every word of which he knew was a
poisoned dart; Lona fell fainting upon the floor。  Kandia raised her
gently; expecting to find her dead; but was able at length to revive
her。  The first words she said were directed to Ragobah in a voice
devoid of passion or reproach; … of everything in fact save an
unutterable weariness。

〃I am ill;〃 she said; 〃will you permit Nana to get me some medicine
which has helped me in similar attacks?〃  Ragobah's reply was
directed to Kandia。

〃You may do as the Sahibah bids you;〃 was all he said。

Kandia turned to Lona for instructions and she said to him; 〃Get me
half an ounce of … stay; there are several ingredients … I had better
write them down。〃  She wrote upon a little slip of paper; naming
aloud the ingredients and quantities as she did so; and then asked
Kandia to move her chair to an open window before he left。  When he
had done so; she passed him the note; saying; 〃Please get it as
quickly as possible。〃  As he took the paper she seized his hand for
a moment and pressed it firmly。  He noticed this at the time; but
its significance did not dawn upon him until he had nearly reached
his destination; when; all at once; he realised with a pang that the
momentary pressure of the hand and the mute gratitude which shone
from the eyes were meant as a farewell。  His first impulse was to
hurriedly retrace his steps; but before he had acted upon it; the
thought occurred to him that she intended to poison herself with the
drugs he was about to procure。  If this were the case; there was no
great need of hurry。  Then he began to recall to mind the names of
the drugs she had mentioned as she wrote and to reflect th

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