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the darrow enigma-第2节

小说: the darrow enigma 字数: 每页4000字

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the Darrows。

You will understand; of course; that I did not learn all this at our
first interview。  Maitland did not take me into his confidence until
we had had a conference at his laboratory devoted entirely to
scientific speculations。  On this occasion he surprised me not a
little by turning to me suddenly and saying: 〃Some of the grandest
sacrifices the world has ever known; if one may judge by the
fortitude they require;=20and the pain they cause; have occurred in
the laboratory。〃  I looked at him inquiringly; and he continued:
〃When a man; simply for the great love of truth that is in him; has
given his life to the solution of some problem; and has at last
arrived; after years of closest application; at some magnificent
generalisation … when he has; perhaps; published his conclusions;
and received the grateful homage of all lovers of truth; his life
has; indeed; borne fruit。  Of him may it then be justly said that

       〃'。 。 。 life hath blossomed downward like
         The purple bell…flower。'

But suddenly; in the privacy of his laboratory; a single fact arises
from the test…tube in his trembling hand and confronts him!  His
brain reels; the glass torment falls upon the floor; and shatters
into countless pieces; but he is not conscious of it; for he feels
it thrust through his heart。  When he recovers from the first shock;
he can only ejaculate: 'Is it possible?'  After a little he is able
to reason。  'I was fatigued;' he says; 'perhaps my senses erred。  I
can repeat the experiment again; and be sure。  But if it overthrow
those conclusions for which I have given my life?' he gasps。  'My
generalisation is firmly established in the minds of all … all but
myself … no one will ever chance upon this particular experiment;
and it may not disprove my theory after all; better; much better;
that the floor there keep the secret of it all both from me and from
others!'  But even as he says this to himself he has taken a new
tube from the rack and crawled … ten years older for that last ten
minutes … to his chemical case。  The life…long habit of truth is so
strong in him that self…interest cannot submerge it。  He repeats the
experiment; and confirms his fears。  The battle between his life and
a few drops of liquid in a test…tube has been mercilessly fought;
and he has lost!  The elasticity of the man is gone forever; and the
only indication the world ever receives of this terrible conflict
between a human soul and its destiny is some half a dozen lines in
Nature; giving the experiment and stating that it utterly refutes
its author's previous conclusions。  Half a dozen lines … the epitaph
of a dead; though unburied; life!〃

My companion paused there; but I found myself unable to reply。  He
had spoken with such intensity; such dramatic fervour; that I was
completely swept away by his eloquence; so much so; indeed; that it
did not even occur to me to ask myself why he should have burst out
in this peculiar strain。  I have given you the incident in order
that you may see the strange moods into which Maitland occasionally
relapsed … at least; at that time。  After a quick glance at me he
continued; in a quieter vein: 〃All of us men of science have felt
something; however little; of this; and I believe; as a class;
scientists transcend all other men in their respect for absolute
truth。〃  He cast another one of his searching glances at me; and
said quickly: 〃This is precisely why I am going to confide in you
and rely upon your assistance in a matter; the successful termination
of which would please me as much as the discovery of an absolute
standard of measurement。〃

He then made the confession which I have already given you; and
ended by asking me to secure him an introduction to Miss Darrow。
I cheerfully promised to bring this about at the first opportunity。
He asked me if I thought; on account of his having met her so
frequently; she would be likely to think it was all a 〃put up job。〃

〃I do not know;〃 I replied。  〃Miss Darrow is a singularly close
observer。  On the whole I think you had better reach her through
her father。  Do you play croquet?〃  He replied that he was considered
something of an expert in that line。  That; then; was surely the best
way。  John Darrow was known in the neighbourhood as a 〃crank〃 on the
subject of croquet。  He had spent many hundreds of dollars on his
grounds。  His wickets were fastened to hard pine planks; and these
were then carefully buried two feet deep。  The surface of the ground;
he was wont to descant; must be of a particular sort of gravel;
sifted just so; and rolled to a nicety。  The balls must be of hard
rubber; and have just one…eighth inch clearance in passing through
the wickets; with the exception of the two wires forming the 〃cage;〃
where it was imperative that this clearance should be reduced to
one…sixteenth of an inch … but I need not state more to show how he
came to be considered a 〃crank〃 upon the subject。

It was easy enough to bring Maitland and Darrow together。  〃My
friend is himself much interested in the game; he heard of your
superb ground; may he be permitted to examine it closely?〃  Darrow
was all attention。  He would be delighted to show it。  Suppose they
make a practical test of it by playing a game。  This they did and
Maitland played superbly; but he was hardly a match for the old
gentleman; who sought to palliate his defeat by saying: 〃You play
an excellent game; sir; but I am a trifle too much for you on my own
ground。  Now; if you can spare the time; I should like to witness a
game between you and my daughter; I think you will be pretty evenly

If he could spare the time!  I laughed outright at the idea。  Why;
with the prospect of meeting Gwen Darrow before him; an absolute
unit of measure; with a snail's pace; would have made good its
escape from him。  As it is a trick of poor humanity to refuse when
offered the very thing one has been madly scheming to obtain; I
hastened to accept Darrow's invitation for my friend; and to assure
him on my own responsibility; that time was just then hanging heavily
on Maitland's hands。  Well; the game was played; but Maitland was so
unnerved by the girl's presence that he played execrably; so poorly;
indeed; that the always polite Darrow remarked: 〃You must charge
your easy victory; Gwen; to your opponent's gallantry; not to his
lack of skill; for I assure you he gave me a much harder rub。〃  The
young lady cast a quick glance at Maitland; which said so plainly
that she preferred a fair field and no favour that he hastened to
say: 〃Your father puts too high an estimate upon my play。  I did my
best to win; but … but I was a little nervous; I see; however; that
you would have defeated me though I had been in my best form。〃  Gwen
gave him one of those short; searching looks; so peculiarly her own;
which seem to read; with mathematical certainty; one's innermost
thoughts; … and the poor fellow blushed to the tips of his ears。
 … But he was no boy; this Maitland; and betrayed no other sign of
the tempest that was raging within him。  His utterance remained as
usual; deliberate and incisive; and I thought this perplexed the
young lady。  Before leaving; both Maitland and I were invited to
become parties to a six…handed game to be played the following week;
after the grounds had been redressed with gravel。

Maitland looked forward to this second meeting with Miss Darrow
with an eagerness which made every hour seem interminably long; and
he was in such a flutter of expectancy that I was sure if

             〃We live 。 。 。 in thoughts; not breaths;
              In feelings; not in figures on a dial
              We should count time by heart…throbs;〃

he must have passed through a period as long as that separating the
Siege of Troy from the 〃late unpleasantness。〃  The afternoon came at
last; however。  The party consisted; besides Darrow and his daughter;
Maitland and myself; of two young gentlemen with whom personally I
had but a slight acquaintance; although I knew them somewhat by
reputation。  The younger one; Clinton Browne; is a young artist whose
landscapes were beginning to attract wide attention in Boston; and
the elder; Charles Herne; a Western gentleman of some literary
attainments; but comparatively unknown here in the East。  There is
nothing about Mr。 Herne that would challenge more than passing
attention。  If you had said of him; 〃He is well…fleshed; well…groomed;
and intellectually well…thatched;〃 you would have voiced the opinion
of most of his acquaintances。

This somewhat elaborately upholstered old world has a deal of mere
filling of one kind and another; and Mr。 Herne is a part of it。  To
be sure; he leaves the category of excelsior very far behind and
approaches very nearly to the best grade of curled hair; but; in
spite of all this; he is simply a sort of social filling。

Mr。 Browne; on the other hand; is a very different personage。  Of
medium height; closely knit; with the latent activity and grace of
the cat flowing through every movement and even stagnating in his
pose; he is a man that the first casual gaze instantly returns to
with sharpened focus。  You have seen 

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