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frances waldeaux-第14节

小说: frances waldeaux 字数: 每页4000字

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〃The prince himselfthe Joneses told me; there can be no doubtthe prince makes soap for a living!  No wonder you turn pale; Miss Vance。  Soap!  He is the silent partner in the firm of Woertz und Zimmer; and it is not a paying business either。〃

Jean did not wait for an answer; but walked up and down the room; laughing angrily to herself。  〃Yes; soap!  He cannot sneer at Lucy's ancestral saddles; now。  Nor my father's saws!  His rank is the only thing he has to give for Lucy's millions; and now she knows what it is worth!〃

Lucy rose and; picking up her work basket; walked quietly out of the room。  Jean flashed an indignant glance after her。

〃She might have told me that he gave himself!  Surely the man counts for something!  Anyhow; rank like his is not smirched by poverty or trade。  Bismarck himself brews beer。〃

〃Your temper is contradictory to…day;〃 said Clara coldly。  〃Did you know;〃 she said presently; 〃that the princesses will be at the Countess von Amte's to…morrow?〃

〃Then we shall meet them!〃 cried Jean。  〃Then something will be settled。〃

Lucy locked the door of her chamber after her。 She found much comfort in the tiny bare room with its white walls and blue stove; and the table where lay her worn Bible and a picture of her old home。  The room seemed a warm home to her now。  Above the wall she had hung photographs of the great Madonnas; and lately she had placed one of Frances Waldeaux among them。  That was the face on which she looked last at night。  When Clara had noticed it; Lucy had said; 〃I am as fond of the dear lady as if she were my own mother。〃

She sat down before it now; and taking out her sewing began to work; glancing up at it; half smiling as to a friend who talked to her。  She thought of Furst Hugo boiling soap; with a gentle pity; and of Jean with hot disdain。  What had Jean to do with it?  The prince was her own lover; as her gloves were her own。

But indeed; the prince and love were but shadows on the far sky line to the little girl; the real things were her work and her Bible; and George's mother talking to her。  She often traced remembered expressions on Mrs。 Waldeaux's face; the gayety; the sympathy; a strange foreboding in the eyes。  Finer meanings; surely; than any in the features of these immortal insipid Madonnas!

Sometimes Lucy could not decide whether she had seen these meanings on Frances Waldeaux's face; or on her son's。

She sewed until late in the afternoon。  There came a tap at the door。  She opened it; and there stood Mrs。 Waldeaux; wrapped in a heavy cloak。  Lucy jumped at her; trembling; and hugged her。

〃Oh; come in!  Come in!〃 she cried shrilly。  〃I have just been thinking of you and talking to you!〃

Frances laughed; bewildered。  〃Oh; it is Miss Dunbar?  The man sent me here by mistake to wait。  Miss Vance is out; he said。〃

〃Yes; I suppose so。  But II am here。〃  Lucy threw her arms around her again; laying her head down on her shoulder。  She felt as if something that she had waited for a long time was coming to her。  〃Sit by the stove。  Your hands are like ice;〃 she said。

〃Yes; I am usually cold now; I don't know why。〃

Lucy then saw a curious change in her face。  The fine meanings were not in it now。  It was fattercoarser; the hair was dead; the eyes moved sluggishly; like the glass eyes of a doll。

〃You are always cold?  Your blood is thin; perhaps。  You are overtired; dear。  Have you travelled much?〃

〃Oh; yes! all of the time。  I have seen whole tracts of pictures; and no end of palaces and hotelshotelshotels!〃 Frances said; awakening to the necessity of being talkative and vivacious with the young girl。  She threw off her cloak。  There was a rip in the fur; and the dirty lining hung out。  Lucy shuddered。  Mrs。 Waldeaux's blood must have turned to water; or she would never have permitted that!

〃You must rest now。  I will take care of you;〃 she said; with a little nod of authority。  Frances looked at her perplexed。  Why should this pretty creature mother her with such tenderness?

Oh!  It was the girl that George should have married!

She glanced at the white room with its dainty bibelots; the Bible; the Madonnas; watching; benign。  Poor little nun; waiting for the love that never could come to her!

〃I am glad you are here; my child。  You can tell me what I want to know。  I have not an hour to spare。  I am going to my sonto George。  Do you know where he is?〃

〃At Vannes; in Brittany。〃

〃Brittanythat is a long way。〃  Frances rose uncertainly。  〃I hoped he was near。  I was in a Russian village; and Clara's letter was long in finding me。  When I got it; I travelled night and day。  I somehow thought I should meet him on the way。  I fancied he would come to meet me。〃

Lucy's blue eyes watched her keenly a moment。  Then she rang the bell。

〃You must eat; first of all;〃 she said。

〃No; I am not hungry。  Vannes; you said?  I must go now。  I haven't an hour。〃

〃You have two; exactly。  You'll take the express at eight。  Oh; I'm never mistaken about a train。  Here is the coffee。  Now; I'll make you a nice sandwich。〃

Frances was faint with hunger。  As she ate; she watched the pretty matter…of…fact little girl; and laughed with delight。  When had she found any thing so wholesome?  It was a year; too; since she had seen any one who knew George。  Naturally; she began to empty her heart; which was full of him; to Lucy。

〃I have not spoken English for months;〃 she said; smiling over her coffee。  〃It is a relief!  And you are a friend of my son's; too?〃

〃No。  A mere acquaintance;〃 said Lucy; with reserve。

〃No one could even see George and not understand how different he is from other men。〃

〃Oh! altogether different!〃 said Lucy。  〃Yes; you understand。  And there was that future before himwhen his trouble came。  Oh; I've thought of it; and thought of it; until my head is tired!  He fell under that woman's influence; you see。  It was like mesmerism; or the voodoo curse that the negroes talk of。  It came on me too。  Why; there was a time when I despised him。  George!〃  Her eyes grew full of horror。  〃I left him; to live my own life。  He has staggered under his burden alone; and I could have rid him of it。  Now there are two of them。〃

〃Two of them? 〃 said Lucy curiously。

〃There is a babyPauline Felix's grandson。  I beg your pardon; my child; I ought not to have named her。  She is not a person whom you should ever hear of。  He has them both;George。  He has that weight to carry。〃  She stood up。  〃That is why I am going to him。  It must be taken from him。〃

〃You meana divorce?〃

〃I don't knowI can't think clearly。  But God does such queer things!  There are millions of men in the world; and this curse falls onGeorge!〃

Lucy put her hands on the older woman's arms and seated her。  〃Mrs。 Waldeaux;〃 she said; with decision; 〃you need sleep; or you would not talk in that way。  Lisa is not a curse。  Nor a voodoo witch。 She came to your son instead of to any other manbecause he chose her out from all other women。  He had seen them。〃  She held her curly head erect。  〃As he did choose her; he should make the best of her。〃

Frances looked at her as one awakened out of a dream。  〃You talk sensibly; child。  Perhaps you are right。  But I must go。  Ring for a cab; please。  No; I will wait in the station。  Clara would argue and lecture。  I could not stand that to…night;〃 with her old comical shrug。

Lucy's entreaties were vain。

But as the train rushed through the valley of the Isar that night; Frances looked forward into the darkness with a nameless terror。  〃That child was so healthy and sane;〃 she said; 〃I wish I had stayed with her longer。〃


Prince Hugo had made no secret of his intentions with regard to Miss Dunbar; so that when it was known that his sisters and the rich American Mees would at last meet at the Countess von Amte's there was a flutter of curiosity in the exclusive circle of Munich。  The countess herself called twice on Clara that day; so great was her triumph that this social event would occur at her house。

She asked boldly 〃Which of Miss Dunbar's marvellous Parisian confections will she wear?  It is so important for her future happiness that the princesses should be favorably impressed!  Aber; lieber Gott!〃 she shrieked; 〃don't let her speak French!  Not a word!  That would be ruin!  They are all patriotism!〃  She hurried away; and ran back to say that the sun was shining as it had not done for days。

〃She thinks nature itself is agog to see how the princesses receive Lucy;〃 said Miss Vance indignantly。  〃One would suppose that the child was on trial。〃

〃So she is。  Me; too;〃 said Jean; wistfully regarding the bebe waist of the gown which Doucet had just sent her。  〃I must go as an ingenue。  I don't play the part well!〃

〃No; you do not;〃 said Clara。

Miss Vance tapped at Lucy's door as she went down; and found her working at her embroidery。  〃You must lie down for an hour; my dear;〃 she said; 〃and be fresh and rosy for this evening。〃

〃I am not going。  I must finish these pinks。  I have just sent a note of apology to the countess。〃

〃Not going!〃 Clara gasped; dismayed。  Then she laughed with triumph。  〃The princesses and all the Herrschaft of Munich will be there to pass judgment 

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