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merton of the movies-及57准

弌傍 merton of the movies 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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s you'd better learn some other way。 Just for one thing察long before this you'd probably been hopping up your reindeers and driving all over in a Chinese sleigh。;

He tried to make something of this察but found the words meaningless。 They merely suggested to him a snowy winter scene of Santa Claus and his innocent equipage。 But he would intimate that he understood。

;Oh察I guess not察─he said knowingly。 The girl appeared not to have heard this bit of pretense。

;On a comedy lot察─she said察again becoming the oracle察 you can do murder if you wipe up the blood。 Remember that。;

He did not again refer to the beautiful young women who came from fine old Southern homes。 The Montague girl was too emphatic about them。

At other times during the long waits察perhaps while they ate lunch brought from the cafeteria察she would tell him of herself。 His old troubling visions of his wonder´woman察of Beulah Baxter the daring察had well´nigh faded察but now and then they would recur as if from long habit察and he would question the girl about her life as a double。

;Yeah察I could see that Baxter business was a blow to you察Kid。 You'd kind of worshiped her察hadn't you拭

;Well察Iyes察in a sort of way;

;Of course you did察it was very nice of you; She reached over to pat his hand。 ;Mother understands just how you felt察watching the films back there in Gooseberry ;He had quit trying to correct her as to Gashwiler and Simsbury。 She had hit upon Gooseberry as a working composite of both names察and he had wearily come to accept it;and I know just how you felt;Again she patted his hand;that night when you found me doing her stuff。;

;It did kind of upset me。;

;Sure it would But you ought to have known that all these people use doubles when they canmen and women both。 It not only saves 'em work察but even where they could do the stuff if they had toand that ain't so oftenit saves 'em broken bones察and holding up a big production two or three months。 Fine business that would be。 So when you see a woman察or a man either察doing something that someone else could do察you can bet someone else is doing it。 What would you expect拭Would you expect a high´priced star to go out and break his leg

;And at that察most of the doubles are men察even for the women stars察like Kitty Carson always carries one who used to be a circus acrobat。 She couldn't hardly do one of the things you see her doing察but when old Dan gets on her blonde transformation and a few of her clothes察he's her to the life in a long shot察or even in mediums察if he keeps his map covered。

;Yeah察most of the doublers have to be men。 I'll hand that to myself。 I'm about the only girl that's been doing it察and that's out with me hereafter察I guess察the way I seem to be making good with Jeff。 Maybe after this I won't have to do stunts察except of course some riding stuff察prob'ly察or a row of flips or something light。 Anything heavy comes upme for a double of my own。; She glanced sidewise at her listener。 ;Then you won't like me any more察hey察Kid察after you find out I'm using a double拭

He had listened attentively察absorbed in her talk察and seemed startled by this unforeseen finish。 He turned anxious eyes on her。 It occurred to him for the first time that he did not wish the Montague girl to do dangerous things any more。 ;Say察─he said quickly察amazed at his own discovery察 I wish you'd quit doing all thosestunts察do you call 'em拭

;Why拭─she demanded。 There were those puzzling lights back in her eyes as he met them。 He was confused。

;Well察you might get hurt。;


;You might get killed sometime。 And it wouldn't make the least difference to me察your using a double。 I'd like you just the same。;

;I see察it wouldn't be the way it was with Baxter when you found it out。;

;No察youyou're different。 I don't want you to get killed察─he added察rather blankly。 He was still amazed at this discovery。

;All right察Kid。 I won't察─she replied soothingly。

;I'll like you just as much察─he again assured her察 no matter how many doubles you have。;

;Well察you'll be having doubles yourself察sooner or laterand I'll like you察too。; She reached over to his hand察but this time she held it。 He returned her strong clasp。 He had not liked to think of her being mangled perhaps by a fall into a quarry when the cable gave wayand the camera men would probably keep on turning

;I always been funny about men察─she presently spoke again察still gripping his hand。 ;Lord knows I've seen enough of all kinds察bad and good察but I always been kind of afraid even of the good ones。 Any one might not think it察but I guess I'm just natural´born shy。 Man´shy察anyway。;

He glowed with a confession of his own。 ;You know察I'm that way察too。 Girl´shy。 I felt awful awkward when I had to kiss you in the other piece。 I never did察really; He floundered a moment察but was presently blurting out the meagre details of that early amour with Edwina May Pulver。 He stopped this recital in a sudden panic fear that the girl would make fun of him。 He was immensely relieved when she merely renewed the strength of the handclasp。

;I know。 That's the way with me。 Of course I can put over the acting stuff察even vamping察but I'm afraid of men off´stage。 Say察would you believe it察I ain't ever had but one beau。 That was Bert Stacy。 Poor old Bert He was lots older than me察about thirty察I guess。 He was white all through。 You always kind of remind me of him。 Sort of a feckless dub he was察too察kind of honest and awkwardyou know。 He was the one got me doing stunts。 He wasn't afraid of anything。 Didn't know it was even in the dictionary。 That old scout would go out night or day and break everything but his contract。 I was twelve when I first knew him and he had me doing twisters in no time。 I caught on to the other stuff pretty good。 I wasn't afraid察either察I'll say that for myself。 First I was afraid to show him I was afraid察but pretty soon I wasn't afraid at all。

;We pulled off a lot of stuff for different people。 And of course I got to be a big girl and three years ago when I was eighteen Bert wanted us to be married and I thought I might as well。 He was the only one I hadn't been afraid of。 So we got engaged。 I was still kind of afraid to marry any one察but being engaged was all right。 I know we'd got along together察too察but then he got his with a motorcycle。

;Kind of funny。 He'd do anything on that machine。 He'd jump clean over an auto and he'd leap a thirty´foot ditch and he was all set to pull a new one for Jeff Baird when it happened。 Jeff was going to have him ride his motorcycle through a plate´glass window。 The set was built and everything ready and then the merry old sun don't shine for three days。 Every morning Bert would go over to the lot and wait around in the fog。 And this third day察when it got too late in the afternoon to shoot even if the sun did show察he says to me察'c'mon察hop up and let's take a ride down to the beach。' So I hop to the back seat and off we start and on a ninety´foot paved boulevard what does Bert do but get caught in a jam拭It was an ice wagon that finally bumped us over。 I was shook up and scraped here and there。 But Bert was finished。 That's the funny part。 He'd got it on this boulevard察but back on the lot he'd have rode through that plate´ glass window probably without a scratch。 And just because the sun didn't shine that day察I wasn't engaged any more。 Bert was kind of like some old sea´captain that comes back to shore after risking his life on the ocean in all kinds of storms察and falls into a duck´pond and gets drowned。;

She sat a long time staring out over the landscape察still holding his hand。 Inside the fence before the farmhouse three of the New York villains were again engaged in athletic sports察but she seemed oblivious of these。 At last she turned to him again with an illumining smile。

;But I was dead in love once before that察and that's how I know just how you feel about Baxter。 He was the preacher where we used to go to church。 He was a good one。 Pa copied a lot of his stuff that he uses to this day if he happens to get a preacher part。 He was the loveliest thing。 Not so young察but dark察with wonderful eyes and black hair察and his voice would go all through you。 I had an awful case on him。 I was twelve察and all week I used to think how I'd see him the next Sunday。 Say察when I'd get there and he'd be working doing pulpit stuffhe'd have me in kind of a trance。

;Sometimes after the pulpit scene he'd come down right into the audience and shake hands with people。 I'd almost keel over if he'd notice me。 I'd be afraid if he would and afraid if he wouldn't。 If he said 'And how is the little lady this morning' I wouldn't have a speck of voice to answer him。 I'd just tremble all over。 I used to dream I'd get a job workin' for him as extra察blacking his shoes or fetching his breakfast and things。

;It was the real thing察all right。 I used to try to pray the way he didasking the Lord to let me do a character bit or something with him。 He had me going all right。 You must 'a' been that way about Baxter。 Sure you were。 When you found she was married and used a double and everything察it was like I'd found this preacher shooting hop or using a double in his pulpit stuff。

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