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merton of the movies-及52准

弌傍 merton of the movies 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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He was tired that night察but the actual contusions he had suffered in his falls where forgotten in the fear that he might fail to master the hidalgos。 Baird himself seemed confident that his pupil would yet excite the jealousy of Buck Benson in this hazardous detail of the screen art。 He seemed察indeed察to be curiously satisfied with his afternoon's work。 He said that he would study the film carefully and try to discover just how the spurs could be mastered。

;You'll show 'em yet how to take a joke察─he declared when the puzzling implements were at last doffed。 The young actor felt repaid for his earnest efforts。 No one could put on a pair of genuine hidalgos for the first time and expect to handle them correctly。

There were many days in the hills。 Until this time the simple drama had been fairly coherent in Merton Gill's mind。 So consecutively were the scenes shot that the story had not been hard to follow。 But now came rather a jumble of scenes察not only at times bewildering in themselves察but apparently unrelated。

First it appeared that the Montague girl察as Miss Rebecca Hoffmeyer察had tired of being a mere New York society butterfly察had come out into the big open spaces to do something real察something worth while。 The ruin of her father察still unexplained察had seemed to call out unsuspected reserves in the girl。 She was stern and businesslike in such scenes as Merton was permitted to observe。 And she had not only brought her ruined father out to the open spaces but the dissipated brother察who was still seen to play at dice whenever opportunity offered。 He played with the jolly cowboys and invariably won。

Off in the hills there were many scenes which Merton did not overlook。 ;I want you to have just your own part in mind察─Baird told him。 And察although he was puzzled later察he knew that Baird was somehow making it right in the drama when he became again the successful actor of that first scene察which he had almost forgotten。 He was no longer the Buck Benson of the open spaces察but the foremost idol of the shadowed stage察and in Harold Parmalee's best manner he informed the aspiring Montague girl that he could not accept her as leading lady in his next picture because she lacked experience。 The wager of a kiss was laughingly made as she promised that within ten days she would convince him of her talent。

Later she herself察in an effective scene察became the grimfaced Buck Benson and held the actor up at the point of her two guns。 Then察when she had convinced him that she was Benson察she appeared after an interval as her own father察the fiery beard察the derby hat with its dents察the chaps察the bicycle察and golf bag。 In this scene she seemed to demand the actor's intentions toward the daughter察and again overwhelmed him with confusion察as Parmalee had been overwhelmed when she revealed her true self under the baffling disguise。 The wager of a kiss was prettily paid。 This much of the drama he knew。 And there was an affecting final scene on a hillside。

The actor察arrayed in chaps察spurs察and boots below the waist was察above this察in faultless evening dress。 ;You see察it's a masquerade party at the ranche察─Baird explained察 and you've thought up this costume to sort of puzzle the little lady。;

The girl herself was in the short察fringed buckskin skirt察with knife and revolvers in her belt。 Off in the hills day after day she had worn this costume in those active scenes he had not witnessed。 Now she was merely coy。 He followed her out on the hillside with only a little trouble from the spursindeed he fell but once as he approached herand the little drama of the lovers察at last united察was touchingly shown。

In the background察as they stood entwined察the poor demented old mother was seen。 With mop and bucket she was cleansing the side of a cliff察but there was a happier look on the worn old face。

;Glance around and see her察─railed Baird。 ;Then explain to the girl that you will always protect your mother察no matter what happens。 That's it。 Now the clenchkiss herslow That's it。 Cut 

Merton's part in the drama was ended。 He knew that the company worked in the hills another week and there were more close´ups to take in the dance´hall察but he was not needed in these。 Baird congratulated him warmly。

;Fine work察my boy You've done your first picture察and with Miss Montague as your leading lady I feel that you're going to land ace´ high with your public。 Now all you got to do for a couple of weeks is to take it easy while we finish up some rough ends of this piece。 Then we'll be ready to start on the new one。 It's pretty well doped out察and there's a big part in it for youbig things to be done in a big way察see what I mean。;

;Well察I'm glad I suited you察─Merton replied。 ;I tried to give the best that was in me to a sincere interpretation of that fine part。 And it was a great surprise to me。 I never thought I'd be working for you察Mr。 Baird察and of course I wouldn't have been if you had kept on doing those comedies。 I never would have wanted to work in one of them。; ;Of course not察─agreed Baird cordially。 ;I realized that you were a serious artist察and you came in the nick of time察just when I was wanting to be serious myself察to get away from that slap´stick stuff into something better and finer。 You came when I needed you。 And察look here察Merton察I signed you on at forty a week;

;Yes察sir此I was glad to get it。;

;Well察I'm going to give you more。 From the beginning of the new picture you're on the payroll at seventy´five a week。 No察no察not a word; as Merton would have thanked him。 ;You're earning the money。 And for the picture after thatwell察if you keep on giving the best that's in you察it will be a whole lot more。 Now take a good rest till we're ready for you。;

At last he had won。 Suffering and sacrifice had told。 And Baird had spoken of the Montague girl as his leading ladyquite as if he were a star。 And seventy´five dollars a week A sum Gashwiler had made him work five weeks for。 Now he had something big to write to his old friend察Tessie Kearns。 She might spread the news in Simsbury察he thought。 He contrived a close´up of Gashwiler hearing it察of Mrs。 Gashwiler hearing it察of Metta Judson hearing it。

They would all be incredulous until a certain picture was shown at the Bijou Palace察a gripping drama of mother´love察of a clean´limbed young American type wrongfully accused of a crime and taking the burden of it upon his own shoulders for the sake of the girl he had come to love察of the tense play of elemental forces in the great West察the regeneration of a shallow society girl when brought to adversity by the ruin of her old father察of the lovers reunited in that West they both loved。

And somehowthis was still a puzzlethe very effective weaving in and out of the drama of the world's most popular screen idol察played so expertly by Clifford Armytage who looked enough like him to be his twin brother。

Fresh from joyous moments in the projection room察the Montague girl gazed at Baird across the latter's desk察Baird spoke。

;Sis察he's a wonder。;

;Jeff察you're a wonder。 How'd you ever keep him from getting wise拭

Baird shrugged。 ;Easy We caught him fresh。;

;How'd you ever win him to do all those falls on the trick spurs察and get the close´ups of them拭Didn't he know you were shooting拭

;Oh ─Baird shrugged again。 ;A little talk made that all jake。 But what bothers mehow's he going to act when he's seen the picture拭

The girl became grave。 ;I'm scared stiff every time I think of it。 Maybe he'll murder you察Jeff。;

;Maybe he'll murder both of us。 You got him into it。;

She did not smile察but considered gravely察absently。

;There's something else might happen察─she said at last。 ;That boy's got at least a couple of sides to him。 I'd rather he'd be crazy mad than be what I'm thinking of now察and that's that all this stuff might just fairly break his heart。 Think of itto see his fine honest acting turned into good old Buckeye slap´stick Can't you get that拭How'd you like to think you were playing Romeo察and act your heart out at it察and then find out they'd slipped in a cross´eyed Juliet in a comedy make´up on you拭Well察you can laugh察but maybe it won't be funny to him。 Honest察Jeff察that kid gets me under the ribs kind of。 I hope he takes it standing up察and goes good and crazy mad。;

;I'll know what to say to him if he does that。 If he takes it the other way察lying down察I'll be too ashamed ever to look him in the eye again。 Say察it'll be like going up to a friendly baby and soaking it with a potato masher or something。;

;Don't worry about it察Kid。 Anyway察it won't be your fault so much as mine。 And you think there's only two ways for him to take it察mad or heart broken拭Well察let me tell you something about that ladhe might fool you both ways。 I don't know just how察but I tell you he's an actor察a born one。 What he did is going to get over big。 And I never yet saw a born actor that would take applause lying down察even if it does come for what he didn't know he was doing。 Maybe he'll be madthat's natural enough。 But maybe he'll fool us both。 So cheerio察old Pippin and let's fly into the new piece。 I'll play safe by shooting the most of that before the other one is r

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